"Plan de operaciones para el programa de formacion y mejoramiento docent...
"Plan de operaciones para el programa de formacion y mejoramiento docente en Bolivia" Unesco/Unicef
"Umbrella" agreement
"Umbrella" agreement
10th Bureau Meeting and 2nd Meeting of Author-editors 7-12 May 1956
10th Bureau Meeting and 2nd Meeting of Author-editors 7-12 May 1956
10th Conference of the National Commissions for UNESCO of the Balkan Countrie...
10th Conference of the National Commissions for UNESCO of the Balkan Countries - Greece, 1982 - Part. Prog. 1981/83
10th General Conference
10th General Conference
10th Regional Conference of National Commissions for UNESCO in the Arab State...
10th Regional Conference of National Commissions for UNESCO in the Arab States - Libya, 1977
11th Bureau Meeting, 4-7 November 1957
11th Bureau Meeting, 4-7 November 1957
11th Conference of the UNESCO National Commissions of the Balkan Countries - ...
11th Conference of the UNESCO National Commissions of the Balkan Countries - Romania, 1984 - 1984/85 P.P.
11th General Conference
11th General Conference
12th Bureau Meeting and 3rd Meeting of Author-editors 25-28 Aug. 1958
12th Bureau Meeting and 3rd Meeting of Author-editors 25-28 Aug. 1958
12th General Conference
12th General Conference
13th Bureau Meeting, 22-24 April 1959
13th Bureau Meeting, 22-24 April 1959
13th General Conference
13th General Conference
14th Bureau Meeting, 9-10 May 1960
14th Bureau Meeting, 9-10 May 1960
14th General Conference
14th General Conference
15th Bureau Meeting, 27-28 Feb. 1961
15th Bureau Meeting, 27-28 Feb. 1961
15th General Conference
15th General Conference
16th Bureau Meeting, 10-12 Jan. 1962
16th Bureau Meeting, 10-12 Jan. 1962
17th Bureau Meeting, 2-4 June 1964
17th Bureau Meeting, 2-4 June 1964
18th Bureau Meeting, 20-21 May 1965
18th Bureau Meeting, 20-21 May 1965
1956 - Egypte
1956 - Egypte
1956 - Pakistan
1956 - Pakistan
1958 United Nations Pledging Conference on the Expanded Programme of Technica...
1958 United Nations Pledging Conference on the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance and the Special Fund. Final Act
1958-60 PP - Courses at CREFAL and ASFEC
1958-60 PP - Courses at CREFAL and ASFEC
1959 - International Atomic Energy Agency
1959 - International Atomic Energy Agency
1959 TA Programme for KOREA
1959 TA Programme for KOREA
1959 United Nations Pledging Conference on the Expanded Programme of Technica...
1959 United Nations Pledging Conference on the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance and the Special Fund. Final Act
1959/60 - Participation Programme - General
1959/60 - Participation Programme - General
1960 Conference of Asian National Commissions Part I
1960 Conference of Asian National Commissions Part I
1960 Conference of Asian National Commissions Part II
1960 Conference of Asian National Commissions Part II
1960 Conference of Asian National Commissions Part III
1960 Conference of Asian National Commissions Part III
1960 TA Programme in KOREA
1960 TA Programme in KOREA
1961/62 - Participation Programme of UNESCO
1961/62 - Participation Programme of UNESCO
1961/62 TA Programme - KOREA
1961/62 TA Programme - KOREA
1962 PP - 10th Course at CREFAL - March-November 1962
1962 PP - 10th Course at CREFAL - March-November 1962
1963 Corée INHA
1963 Corée INHA
1963/64 - Participation Programme - General
1963/64 - Participation Programme - General
1965/66 - Participation Programme - General
1965/66 - Participation Programme - General
1967 Joint Meeting of Scandinavian & Balkan National Commissions - Turkey
1967 Joint Meeting of Scandinavian & Balkan National Commissions - Turkey
1967/68 - Participation Programme - General
1967/68 - Participation Programme - General
1968 Conference of West African National Commissions for UNESCO - Abidjan
1968 Conference of West African National Commissions for UNESCO - Abidjan
1968 Meeting of Asian National Commissions (Tokyo)
1968 Meeting of Asian National Commissions (Tokyo)
1968 Meeting of English-Speaking National Commissions in the Western Hemisphe...
1968 Meeting of English-Speaking National Commissions in the Western Hemisphere - Jamaica
1969 Conference of African National Commissions for UNESCO - Kinshasa (Cancel...
1969 Conference of African National Commissions for UNESCO - Kinshasa (Cancelled)
1970 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (By Country)
1970 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (By Country)
1970 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Document...
1970 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Documents) Part I
1970 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Document...
1970 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Documents) Part II
1970 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Document...
1970 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Documents) Part III
1970 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Document...
1970 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Documents) Part IV
1970 Conference of African National Commissions for UNESCO - Libreville (Canc...
1970 Conference of African National Commissions for UNESCO - Libreville (Cancelled)
1971 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (By Count...
1971 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (By Country A - I)
1971 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (By Count...
1971 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (By Country K - Z)
1971 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Document...
1971 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Documents) Part I
1971 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Document...
1971 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Documents) Part II
1971 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Document...
1971 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Documents) Part III
1971 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Document...
1971 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Documents) Part IV
1971 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Document...
1971 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Documents) Part V
1971 Conference of African National Commissions for UNESCO - Lagos Part I
1971 Conference of African National Commissions for UNESCO - Lagos Part I
1971 Conference of African National Commissions for UNESCO - Lagos Part II
1971 Conference of African National Commissions for UNESCO - Lagos Part II
1971 Conference of African National Commissions for UNESCO - Lagos Part III
1971 Conference of African National Commissions for UNESCO - Lagos Part III
1971 Conference of African National Commissions for UNESCO - Lagos Part IV
1971 Conference of African National Commissions for UNESCO - Lagos Part IV
1971 Conference of European National Commission for UNESCO - Brussels
1971 Conference of European National Commission for UNESCO - Brussels
1972 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (By Country)
1972 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (By Country)
1972 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Document...
1972 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Documents) Part I
1972 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Document...
1972 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Documents) Part II
1972 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Document...
1972 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Documents) Part III
1972 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Document...
1972 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Documents) Part IV
1972 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Document...
1972 Collective Consultation of Secretaries of National Commissions (Documents) Part V
1972 Conference of Asian National Commissions for UNESCO - Tokyo
1972 Conference of Asian National Commissions for UNESCO - Tokyo
1972 Conference of Balkan National Commissions for UNESCO - Athens
1972 Conference of Balkan National Commissions for UNESCO - Athens
1979/1980 Participation Programme
1979/1980 Participation Programme
1981/1983 Participation Programme
1981/1983 Participation Programme
1981/1983 UNESCO Programme in the Field of Communication - Consultation with ...
1981/1983 UNESCO Programme in the Field of Communication - Consultation with NGO's
1982 Course for Documentation officers of N.C. in Asia & Pacific - Thailand
1982 Course for Documentation officers of N.C. in Asia & Pacific - Thailand
1984/1985 Participation Programme
1984/1985 Participation Programme
1985 Course for Documentalists of English-Speaking African National Commissio...
1985 Course for Documentalists of English-Speaking African National Commissions - Kenya
1985 Course for Documentalists of English-Speaking African National Commissio...
1985 Course for Documentalists of English-Speaking African National Commissions - Kenya
1986/87 (23 C/5) UNESCO Programme
1986/87 (23 C/5) UNESCO Programme
1988/89 (24 C/5) UNESCO Programme SC/HYD cooperation Part I
1988/89 (24 C/5) UNESCO Programme SC/HYD cooperation Part I
1988/89 (24 C/5) UNESCO Programme SC/HYD cooperation Part II
1988/89 (24 C/5) UNESCO Programme SC/HYD cooperation Part II
1992/93 (26C/5) UNESCO Programme - SC/HYD co-operation Part I
1992/93 (26C/5) UNESCO Programme - SC/HYD co-operation Part I
1992/93 (26C/5) UNESCO Programme - SC/HYD co-operation Part II
1992/93 (26C/5) UNESCO Programme - SC/HYD co-operation Part II
1994/95 (27 C/5) UNESCO Programme - SC/HYD collaboration Part I
1994/95 (27 C/5) UNESCO Programme - SC/HYD collaboration Part I
19th Bureau Meeting, 28-29 April 1966
19th Bureau Meeting, 28-29 April 1966
1st Sub-Regional Meeting of National Commissions for UNESCO in the Caribbean ...
1st Sub-Regional Meeting of National Commissions for UNESCO in the Caribbean - Dominican Republic, 1978
1st Sub-regional Meeting of Arab National Commissions for UNESCO in the Gulf ...
1st Sub-regional Meeting of Arab National Commissions for UNESCO in the Gulf States - Kuwait, 1979 - Part. Prog. 1981/83
1st-5th Bureau Meetings
1st-5th Bureau Meetings
2011 Certified copy of the Constitution with uncertified copies of South Suda...
2011 Certified copy of the Constitution with uncertified copies of South Sudan, Palestine signatures
20th Bureau Meeting, 3-4 March 1967
20th Bureau Meeting, 3-4 March 1967
21st Bureau Meeting, 10-11 April 1969
21st Bureau Meeting, 10-11 April 1969
25th Anniversary of UNESCO Part IA
25th Anniversary of UNESCO Part IA
25th Anniversary of UNESCO Part IB
25th Anniversary of UNESCO Part IB
25th Anniversary of UNESCO Part IIA
25th Anniversary of UNESCO Part IIA
25th Anniversary of UNESCO Part IIB
25th Anniversary of UNESCO Part IIB
25th Anniversary of UNESCO Part III
25th Anniversary of UNESCO Part III
2nd Addendum to the Plan of Operations FEP-521; E/ICEF/P/L.1160
2nd Addendum to the Plan of Operations FEP-521; E/ICEF/P/L.1160
2nd Extraordinary General Conference
2nd Extraordinary General Conference
2nd Regional Consultation of Secretaries of European National Commissions for...
2nd Regional Consultation of Secretaries of European National Commissions for UNESCO - Nice 1974