Korea R
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Hierarchical terms
Korea R
Korea R
Equivalent terms
Korea R
Associated terms
Korea R
81 Results for Korea R
81 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1215
- Subseries
- 2015-12-01
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1018-1
- File
- 2009-10-23
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1018-3
- File
- 2010-06-25
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1018
- Subseries
- 2009-2010
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-236-2
- Item
- 1959-12-17
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Korea and UNESCO on Associate Experts
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-465-7
- File
- 1992-12-17
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-842-1
- File
- 2000-08-25
Part of Secretariat Records
- Subseries
- 2000, 2011
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1132-1
- File
- 2013-06-10
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains original signed Agreement with project description in annex. There is also a memorandum on the transfer from BSP/CFS of the Agreement to the Archives.
Agreement between the Mun-Hwa Broadcasting Corporation, Republic of Korea, and UNESCO
- Subseries
- 1990-06-29
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-842-3-1
- Item
- 2011-08-23
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-236-1
- Item
- 1957-04-16
Part of Secretariat Records
- Subseries
- 1957-1960
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1172-36-2
- Item
- 2011-10-17
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreements between IOC and Republic of Korea
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1172-36
- File
- 2001, 2011-2015
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreements between the Korean International Cooperation Agency and UNESCO
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1132
- Subseries
- 2013-2014
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1132-2
- File
- 2014-12-26
Part of Secretariat Records
- Subseries
- 1958-1977
Part of Secretariat Records
Convention Universelle sur le Droit d'auteur révisée - Instrument d'Adhésion - Corée
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-52-B-94
- File
- 1987-06-30
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument original d'Adhésion, lettre d'envoi du 1.7.87, Notification, lettre d'envoi du 2.11.87.
Déclaration formelle d'adhésion - Corée
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-235-43
- Item
- 1968-07-04
Part of Secretariat Records
Déclaration formelle d'adhésion.
First Addendum - [Plan of Operations for a Science Education Project in the Republic of Korea]
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-227-3
- Item
- 1970-12-03
Part of Secretariat Records
Fonds spécial pour le développement économique (Nations Unies) - Corée
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-293-47
- Subsubseries
- 1966-1971
Part of Secretariat Records
Fourth addendum to the Plan of operations for a Science Education Project
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-227-6
- Item
- 1977-02-07
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1052
- Subseries
- 2011-06-22
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1018-2
- File
- 2010-06-14
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-842-2
- File
- 2000-08-21
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-477-6
- Item
- 1983-12-07
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1118
- Subseries
- 2012-10-13
Part of Secretariat Records
Signed original with BSP/CSF/BLT memorandum transferring the agreement to the Archives attached.
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1065
- Subseries
- 2011-09-19
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-396-107
- File
- 1988-08-21
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains acceptance instrument and transmission letter dated 12.09.1988.
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-344-53-2
- Item
- 1983-03-06
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-396-146
- File
- 1998-07-06
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-633-2
- File
- 1996-02-24
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument, traduction, lettre de la délégation permanente de la République de Corée au DG de l'UNESCO (12/03/1996).
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-477-45-1
- Item
- 1989-08-14
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument with English translation attached.
Instrument of acceptance by the Republic of Korea
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-344-53-1
- Item
- 1983-02-14
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument of acceptance and Procès-verbal.
- FR PUNES AG 8-REG-1-X07.21 (519)
- Subsubseries
- 1965-1966
Part of Secretariat Records
Korea - Plan of operations for a Pre-Primary Education Project
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-445-1
- Item
- 1978-06-26
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-445-2
- Item
- 1978-06-26
Part of Secretariat Records
- Subseries
- 1978-06-26
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-398-149
- File
- 1997-02-18
Part of Secretariat Records
Original instrument in Korean translated in english receivedon 16/06/03
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-842-3-4
- Item
- 2011-08-23
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1062-2
- Item
- 2016-06-01
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1224
- Subseries
- 2016-02-05
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-344-53-3
- Item
- 1983-03-07
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1062
- Subseries
- 2011-07-13
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1172-36-1
- Item
- 2001-08-22
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1172-36-4
- Item
- 2016-09-19
Part of Secretariat Records
- Subseries
- 2003-10-09
Part of Secretariat Records
Signed original agreement on the secondment of experts.
Memorandum of Understanding between UNESCO and the Korea Education and Research Information Service
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1027
- Subseries
- 2010-12-03
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1062-1
- File
- 2011-10-04
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1216
- Subseries
- 2015-12-01
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1172-36-3
- Item
- 2015-06-09
Part of Secretariat Records
New standard technical assistance agreement - Annex
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-227-1
- Item
- 1958-06-19
Part of Secretariat Records
Participation Programme - Korea
- Subseries
- 1960-1964
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of Operation - Fine Instruments Centre, Seoul (KOR.15)
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-293-47-1
- File
- 1966-1971
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of Operation - Fine Instruments Centre, Seoul (KOR.15)
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-293-47-1-1
- Item
- 1966-04-13
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of Operations for a Science Education Project in the Republic of Korea
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-227-2
- Item
- 1968-10-25
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-477-45-2
- Item
- 1989-08-29
Part of Secretariat Records
Production machinery for a Science Education Development Centre
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-227-5
- Item
- 1973-12-23
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-114-B-80
- Item
- 1999-03-12
Part of Secretariat Records
Full Powers.
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-896-11
- File
- 2005-02-01
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-896-107
- File
- 2008-03-11
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument of Accession.
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-914-106
- File
- 2010-03-23
Part of Secretariat Records
Republic of Korea - Instrument of Ratification - International Convention against Doping in Sport
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-915-45
- File
- 2007-02-01
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-477-45
- File
- 1989
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-344-53
- File
- 1983
Part of Secretariat Records
Second Addendum - [Plan of Operations for a Science Education Project in the Republic of Korea]
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-227-4
- Item
- 1971-11-3
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 8-REG-1-X07.21 (519-13)
- Subsubseries
- 1948-1985
Part of Secretariat Records
Third addendum to the Plan of operations for a Science Education Project
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-227-7
- Item
- 1977-09-26
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO-Republic of Korea Agreement on "Ocean Carbon Sources and Sinks"
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1084
- Subseries
- 2012-2014
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO-Republic of Korea Agreement on "Ocean Carbon Sources and Sinks"
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1084-1
- File
- 2012-07-01
Part of Secretariat Records
The file contains the Letter of Agreement and the memorandum from BSP/CFS/BLT on the transfer of the instrument to the Archives.
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1084-2
- File
- 2014-06-01
Part of Secretariat Records
The file contains the Letter of Agreement and the memorandum from BSP/CFS/BLT on the transfer of the instrument to the Archives.
- Subseries
- 1996-10-18
Part of Secretariat Records
[Plan of Operation - Fine Instruments Centre, Seoul (KOR.15)] - Adjustment Advice No. 1
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-293-47-1-2
- Item
- 1967-05-15
Part of Secretariat Records
[Plan of Operation - Fine Instruments Centre, Seoul (KOR.15)] - Amendment no. 1
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-293-47-1-3
- Item
- 1971-03-29
Part of Secretariat Records
- FR PUNES AG 15-IBI-6-2-3-C.129
- File
- 1983-1987
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
- File
- 1939
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation