Abuja: National Agency for the Control of AIDS, 2016. 24 p.
Nigeria. National Agency for the Control of AIDS, NACA
In 2015, the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) with the support of UNWomen, UNAIDS and UNDP implemented a project titled 'Institutional Strengthening for Enhanced Gender Responsive HIV Response in Nigeria'. The goal of this initiative was to strengthen institutional mechanisms for strategic integration of gender mainstreaming in the national, state level (5 states) and institutional response to HIV and AIDS in Nigeria. The project also empowered social movements of women living with or affected by HIV and men groups to effectively advocate for inclusion of their priorities in HIV plans, strategies and budgets. This second phase of the project is poised to expand gains of the 2015 project in order to ensure women and girls especially vulnerable ones have access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support Programmes. The aim is to ensure that NACA and SACAs have institutional capacity to develop gender responsive HIV plans and budgets by undertaking a gender analysis of national plans and budgets on HIV, develop road maps for gender budgeting and capacity building of various stakeholders on the implementation of the road map among other activities.
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