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100th Executive Board session, Paris/Nairobi

Documents of the 100th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris (First part), then in Nairobi (Second part).President of the session: Mr. Hector WYNTER (Jamaica).

10th General conference, Paris

Documents of the 10th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Jean BERTHOIN (France).

110th Executive Board session, Paris/Belgrade

Documents of the 110th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris (First part), then in Belgrade (Second part).President of the session: Mr. Chams Eldine EL-WAKIL (Egypt).

11th General conference, Paris

Documents of the 11th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Akale-Work ABTE-WOLD (Ethiopia).

122nd Executive Board session, Paris/Sofia

Documents of the 122nd Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris (First part), then in Sofia (Second part).President of the session: Mr. Patrick K. SEDDOH (Ghana).

12th Executive Board session, Istanbul/Beirut

Documents of the 12th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Istanbul (First part), then in Beirut (Second part). President of the session: Sir Ronald W.WALKER (Australia).

12th General conference, Paris

Documents of the 12th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Paulo E. de Berrêdo CARNEIRO (Brazil).

13th Executive Board session, Beirut/Cairo

Documents of the 13th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Beirut (First part), then in Cairo (Second part). President of the session: Sir Ronald W.WALKER (Australia).

13th General conference, Paris

Documents of the 13th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Noraïr M. SISSAKIAN (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

146th Executive Board session, Paris/Fez

Documents of the 146th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris (First part), then in Fez (Second part).President of the session: Ms Attiya INAYATULLAH (Pakistan).

14th General conference, Paris

Documents of the 14th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Bedrettin TUNCEL (Turkey).

Résultats 1 à 100 sur 14550