- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-75-2
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Fait partie de Secretariat Records
47 résultats avec documents numérisés Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
Fait partie de Publications, documents and records on UNESCO
Press cuttings.
Fait partie de Publications, documents and records on UNESCO
Press cuttings on UNESCO and press freedom.
Fait partie de Publications, documents and records on UNESCO
Press cuttings on the "New World Information and Communication Order".
"Plan de operaciones para el programa de formacion y mejoramiento docente en Bolivia" Unesco/Unicef
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
"Situation de l'UNESCO au temps présent"
Fait partie de Publications, documents and records on UNESCO
STA REPORT: "Pour une authentique réforme de l'UNESCO".
"The Reorganisation of Education in China". Letter dated March 15, 1933, addressed by Y.C. James Yen
Fait partie de International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
Agreement with Sweden as FIT donor country.
100th Executive Board session, Paris/Nairobi
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 100th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris (First part), then in Nairobi (Second part).President of the session: Mr. Hector WYNTER (Jamaica).
101st Executive Board session, Nairobi
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 101st Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Nairobi.President of the session: Mr. Leonard C.J. MARTIN (United Kingdom).
102nd Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 102nd Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Leonard C.J. MARTIN (United Kingdom).
103rd Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 103rd Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Leonard C.J. MARTIN (United Kingdom).
104th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 104th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Leonard C.J. MARTIN (United Kingdom).
105th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 105th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Leonard C.J. MARTIN (United Kingdom).
106th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 106th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Chams Eldine EL-WAKIL (Egypt).
107th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 107th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Chams Eldine EL-WAKIL (Egypt).
108th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 108th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Chams Eldine EL-WAKIL (Egypt).
109th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 109th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Chams Eldine EL-WAKIL (Egypt).
10th Bureau Meeting and 2nd Meeting of Author-editors 7-12 May 1956
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
10th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 10th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Mexico. President of the session: Sir Ronald W.WALKER (Australia).
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
10th General conference, Paris
Fait partie de General Conference Documents
Documents of the 10th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Jean BERTHOIN (France).
10th Regional Conference of National Commissions for UNESCO in the Arab States - Libya, 1977
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
10th Session, General Assembly
Fait partie de Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
File contains the documents of the 10th Session of the General Assembly, held in Rome 11-14 October 1980.
10th Session, General Assembly
Fait partie de Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
110th Executive Board session, Paris/Belgrade
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 110th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris (First part), then in Belgrade (Second part).President of the session: Mr. Chams Eldine EL-WAKIL (Egypt).
111th Executive Board session, Belgrade
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 111th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Belgrade.President of the session: Mr. Victor MASSUH (Argentina).
112th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 112th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Victor MASSUH (Argentina).
113th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 113th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Victor MASSUH (Argentina).
114th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 114th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Victor MASSUH (Argentina).
115th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 115th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Victor MASSUH (Argentina).
116th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 116th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Victor MASSUH (Argentina).
117th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 117th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Victor MASSUH (Argentina).
118th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 118th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Patrick K. SEDDOH (Ghana).
119th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 119th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Patrick K. SEDDOH (Ghana).
11th Bureau Meeting, 4-7 November 1957
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
11th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 10th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris. President of the session: Sir Ronald W.WALKER (Australia).
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
11th General conference, Paris
Fait partie de General Conference Documents
Documents of the 11th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Akale-Work ABTE-WOLD (Ethiopia).
11th Session, Executive Council
Fait partie de Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
11th Session, General Assembly
Fait partie de Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
File contains the documents of the 11th Session of the General Assembly, held in Rome 21-24 June 1982. File also contains correspondence regarding the Session.
11th Session, General Assembly
Fait partie de Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
120th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 120th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Patrick K. SEDDOH (Ghana).
121st Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 121st Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Patrick K. SEDDOH (Ghana).
122nd Executive Board session, Paris/Sofia
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 122nd Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris (First part), then in Sofia (Second part).President of the session: Mr. Patrick K. SEDDOH (Ghana).
123rd Executive Board session, Sofia
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 123rd Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Sofia.President of the session: Dr. Ivo MARGAN (Yugoslavia).
124th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 124th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Dr. Ivo MARGAN (Yugoslavia).
125th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 125th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Dr. Ivo MARGAN (Yugoslavia).
126th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 126th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Dr. Ivo MARGAN (Yugoslavia).
127th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 127th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Dr. Ivo MARGAN (Yugoslavia).
128th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 128th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. José Israel VARGAS (Brazil).
129th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 129th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. José Israel VARGAS (Brazil).
12th Bureau Meeting and 3rd Meeting of Author-editors 25-28 Aug. 1958
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
12th Executive Board session, Istanbul/Beirut
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 12th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Istanbul (First part), then in Beirut (Second part). President of the session: Sir Ronald W.WALKER (Australia).
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
12th General conference, Paris
Fait partie de General Conference Documents
Documents of the 12th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Paulo E. de Berrêdo CARNEIRO (Brazil).
12th Session, General Assembly
Fait partie de Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
File contains the documents of the 12th Session of the General Assembly, held in Rome 3-6 December 1984. File also contains correspondence relating to the session.
130th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 130th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. José Israel VARGAS (Brazil).
131st Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 131st Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. José Israel VARGAS (Brazil).
132nd Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 132nd Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. José Israel VARGAS (Brazil).
133rd Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 133rd Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Yahya ALIYU (Nigeria).
134th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 134th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Yahya ALIYU (Nigeria).
135th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 135th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Yahya ALIYU (Nigeria).
136th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 136th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Yahya ALIYU (Nigeria).
137th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 137th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Yahya ALIYU (Nigeria).
138th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 138th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Ms Marie BERNARD-MEUNIER (Canada).
139th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 139th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Ms Marie BERNARD-MEUNIER (Canada).
13th Bureau Meeting, 22-24 April 1959
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
13th Executive Board session, Beirut/Cairo
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 13th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Beirut (First part), then in Cairo (Second part). President of the session: Sir Ronald W.WALKER (Australia).
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
13th General conference, Paris
Fait partie de General Conference Documents
Documents of the 13th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Noraïr M. SISSAKIAN (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).
13th Session, General Assembly
Fait partie de Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
File contains the documents of the 13th Session of the General Assembly, held in Rome 23-27 September 1986. File also contains correspondence relating to the session.
140th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 140th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Ms Marie BERNARD-MEUNIER (Canada).
141st Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 141st Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Ms Marie BERNARD-MEUNIER (Canada).
142nd Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 142nd Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Ms Marie BERNARD-MEUNIER (Canada).
143rd Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 143rd Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Ms Attiya INAYATULLAH (Pakistan).
144th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 144th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Ms Attiya INAYATULLAH (Pakistan).
145th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 145th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Ms Attiya INAYATULLAH (Pakistan).
146th Executive Board session, Paris/Fez
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 146th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris (First part), then in Fez (Second part).President of the session: Ms Attiya INAYATULLAH (Pakistan).
147th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 147th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Ms Attiya INAYATULLAH (Pakistan).
148th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 148th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Nouréini TIDJANI-SERPOS (Benin).
149th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 149th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Nouréini TIDJANI-SERPOS (Benin).
14th Bureau Meeting, 9-10 May 1960
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
14th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 14th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Sarvepalli RADHAKRISHAN (India).
Fait partie de Secretariat Records
14th General conference, Paris
Fait partie de General Conference Documents
Documents of the 14th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Bedrettin TUNCEL (Turkey).
150th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 150th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Nouréini TIDJANI-SERPOS (Benin).
151st Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 151st Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Nouréini TIDJANI-SERPOS (Benin).
152nd Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 152nd Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Nouréini TIDJANI-SERPOS (Benin).
153rd Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 153rd Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Pál PATAKI (Hungary).
154th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 154th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Pál PATAKI (Hungary).
155th Executive Board session, Paris/Tashkent
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 155th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris (First part), then in Tashkent (Second part).President of the session: Mr. Pál PATAKI (Hungary).
156th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 156th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Pál PATAKI (Hungary).
157th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 157th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Mr. Christopher J. CHETSANGA (Zimbabwe).
158th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 158th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Ms Sonia MENDIETA DE BADAROUX (Honduras).
159th Executive Board session, Paris
Fait partie de Executive Board Documents
Documents of the 159th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Ms Sonia MENDIETA DE BADAROUX (Honduras).
15th Bureau Meeting, 27-28 Feb. 1961
Fait partie de Secretariat Records