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Administrative circulars

Instructions of a temporary nature, or which are subject to frequent change, are conveyed to the Secretariat by Administrative Circulars.Depending on the area regulated and the issuing authority, there are two types of Administrative Circular:1. A...

Biographical files

Biographical files of staff members, experts, consultants, delegates etc. These biographical information do not claim to be complete in any way. They are more an arbitrary collection, updated on an irregular basis, which might be useful as additio...

CIHDSCH 2 Manuscripts

Series consists of typed or mimeographed manuscripts that, for the most part, have no annotations. They are arranged in order of volume and chapters.

Circular Letters

Circular letters (CL) signed by the Director-General are addressed to the Governments of Member States or National Commissions for UNESCO in the course of official business. For example, they are used to inform the Governments, to solicit informat...

Correspondence files

Series consists of correspondence files from the CAME Secretariat which was based at the British Council. The series is arranged into two subseries: CAME Secretariat files (with a British Council filing scheme) and CAME Science Commission files (...

DG chronological files

Series consists of out-going letters, memoranda, telexes and telegrammes signed by the Director-General. They are roughly in chronological order with some later files also being organized by Sector or Department.

Department/Sectors files

Series consists of files on departments and sectors of UNESCO as created during the tenure of Directors-General Maheu and Matsuura. Files primarily contain memoranda exchanged between the Director-General and the Assistant Director-General or Dir...

Division for Freedom of Expression, Democracy and Peace

The Sub-fonds includes the records of the Division of Freedom of Expression, Democracy and Peace and its antecessors, part of the Information and Communication Sector of UNESCO, of all projects and programmes of CI/FED and of the numerous committe...

Division for Human Settlements and the Socio-Cultural Environment files

Series consists of files transferred directly from the Division for Human Settlements and the Socio-Cultural Environment (SHS/ENV) and its successor the Division of Population and Human Settlements (SHS/POP). Files cover programme activities on r...

UNESCO. Division for Human Settlements and the Socio-Cultural Environment

Division of Human Rights and Peace Files

Series consists of the files of the SHS Division of Human Rights and Peace (HRS) as well as some files from its successor unit. The files date from the creation of HRS to the mid-1990s. The files cover programme activities such as the production...

UNESCO. Division of Human Rights and Peace


Series consists of documentation files with newspaper clippings, typed speeches and other printed or published material gathered by the Comité to document a subject. The series does however extend to 1939, after the Comité was officially dissolve...

Donations, bequests and legacies

Series consists of legal instruments or other documents generated when UNESCO received a donation of property. It does not include instruments related to gifts of art (with the exception of photograph C/9) or smaller regular donations of books, o...

Executive Board private meeting files

Series consists of files of the ODG generated from the Private Meetings of the Executive Board. Senior posts are discussed at such meetings, including matters such as nominations, appointments, extensions of contracts, salaries, and the structure...

Fellowship files

Series consists of fellowship files created by the Division of Training Abroad. It is arranged roughly in chronological order. Files contain applications to the programme and administrative correspondence. They are often very slight (3-5 docume...

Hammarskjold Commission files

Series consists of ODG files on the Hammarskjold Commission - an independent body commissioned to advise the Director-General on ways and means of improving staff efficiency and management in the UNESCO Secretariat. The files are in original order.

IICI Documents

Series consists of official documents of the IICI, the International Museums Office and the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation. The original order has been maintained; documents are organized roughly in alpha-numeric order or in ...

Information Society Division Files

The series includes the records of the Information Society Division (CI/INF). Files include records on the Division's projects and programmes, and on the work of numerous related committees, boards, and commissions.

Instruments signed with Member States

Series primarily consists of legal instruments signed between UNESCO and member states, including state agencies and corporations. Instruments include co-operation agreements, host-country agreements, funds-in-trust agreements and plans of operat...

Main series documents

The rules on what is to be considered as a Main documents have changed throughout UNESCO’s existence. According to the definition giving in the UNESCO Manual, Secretariat handbook on administrative methods and precedures, main documents are:Main s...

Non-governmental Organization publications

Series consists of works compiled and published by non-governmental organizations which were either in receipt of specific funding from UNESCO, as well as those publications from NGOs which had official relations with UNESCO and were exchanging in...

ODG Subject Files

Series consists of subject files of the Director-General on diverse matters. The first transfer dates from the tenure of René Maheu, however, records in some files date from before this time. Each transfer is arranged in rough alphabetical order...

Population Division Files

Series consists of files from the Population Division (SHS/POP) and the Division of Population and Human Settlements (SHS/POP). The files mostly pertain to programme activities in the fields of urbanization, architecture, family planning and popu...

UNESCO. Population Division

Results 1 to 100 of 149