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archival descriptions
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Central Registry Collection

The collection consists of UNESCO records that were routed to and organized by a centralized Registry Section. The principal and system of classification used by the Registry was Universal Decimal Classification. The collection is further organiz...

UNESCO. Registry Section

Collection of research on UNESCO

Collection consists of relevant research on the Organization (dissertations, papers, articles etc.), mostly done by scholars who used the archives for their research work. Researchers are asked to send a copy of their work back to the Archives wh...

Electronic records

In 2004 UNESCO launched an electronic records management initiative in order to archive the growing number of e-mails and electronic documents. The collection is arranged based on the Secretariat's classification system for electronic records.

Film archives

The film archives of UNESCO are divided into three parts:The archives of film productions, containing about 7500 film cans of material produced by UNESCO itself.The archives of reference films, containing about 1100 works which not have been produ...

Legal Instruments

In the course of its activities, UNESCO enters into legal agreements with member states, international and regional organizations, non-governmental organizations, universities, foundations, private companies and individuals. UNESCO’s General Confe...

Photo archives

The photo archives cover the period from the foundation of UNESCO until today and contain photographic material of all big events, conferences, meetings which include the participation of the Director General, visits of the important persons and m...

Publications of UNESCO Staff associations

Periodicals of the UNESCO Staff Associations until 1980:Published by the STA/STUMercury, from 1946-1948UNESCO Staff Association Bulletin, from 1949-1955Opinion, from 1955-1980 (at UNESCO Archives), copies of all exemplars until today kept by the S...

UNESCO Publications

Works published by UNESCO itself under its own imprint (complete until December 1971, afterwards some publications might be missing or only be available in the UNESCO library)

UNESCO Web archives

Since 2004, the UNESCO Archives and Records Management Unit crawled the UNESCO portal and archived approximately three snapshots of the UNESCO Internet and Intranet per year with some snapshots of field office websites as well. From 2010 onwards,...