Documents of the 29th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Eduardo PORTELLA (Brazil).
Documents of the 2nd General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as extraordinary session. President of the Conference: Dr. S. RADHAKRISHNAN (India).
Documents of the 2nd General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Mexico city as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Manuel GUAL VIDAL (Mexico).
Documents of the 30th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Ms. Jaroslava MOSEROVA (Czech Republic).
Documents of the 31st General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Mr Ahmad JALALI (Islamic Republic of Iran).
Documents of the 32nd General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Mr Michael Abiola OMOLEWA (Nigeria).
Documents of the 33rd General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Musa Bin Jaafar BIN HASSAN (Oman).
Documents of the 34th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Georges N. ANASTASSOPOULOS (Greece).
Documents of the 35th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Davidson L. HEPBURN (Bahamas).
File contains documents from the 3rd Extraordinary Session of the IBI Executive Council held in Rome, from 3-4 June 1986. The file also contains correspondence concerning the meeting dating from 17 April to 16 July 1986.
File contains the documents of the 3rd Extraordinary Session of the General Assembly, held in Rome 22-24 April 1985. File also contains correspondence relating to the session.
Documents of the 3rd General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as extraordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Toru HAGUIWARA (Japan).
Documents of the 3rd General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Beirut city as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Hamid Bey FRANGIE (Lebanon).