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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Ensuring youth’s right to participation and promotion of youth leadership in the development of sexual and reproductive health policies and programs

    The purpose of this article was to reflect on the concepts of adolescence and youth, summarize models and frameworks developed to conceptualize youth participation, and assess research that has attempted to evaluate the implementation and impact of youth participation in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).The authors searched and critically reviewed relevant published reports and “gray literature” from the period 2000–2013. …

  2. A systematic review of the role of school-based healthcare in adolescent sexual, reproductive, and mental health

    Background: Accessible sexual, reproductive, and mental healthcare services are crucial for adolescent health and wellbeing. It has been reported that school-based healthcare (SBHC) has the potential to improve the availability of services particularly for young people who are normally underserved. Locating health services in schools has the potential to reduce transport costs, increase accessibility and provide links between schools and communities. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was undertaken. …

  3. From evidence to action: results from the 2013 baseline survey for the BALIKA project

    The objective of the “BALIKA: Bangladeshi Association for Life Skills, Income, and Knowledge for Adolescents” project is to generate programmatic evidence to delay marriage in Bangladesh. This report documents baseline data from a survey conducted in 96 villages in the districts of Khulna, Narail, and Satkhira on a range of related indicators on education, livelihoods, sexual and reproductive health, and social life. …

  4. Early marriage and sexual and reproductive health vulnerabilities of young women: a synthesis of recent evidence from developing countries

    Purpose of review: To review current evidence on the links between early marriage and health-related outcomes for young women and their children. Recent findings: Every third young woman in the developing countries excluding China continues to marry as a child, that is before age 18. Recent studies reiterate the adverse health consequences of early marriage among young women and their children even after a host of confounding factors are controlled. …

  5. Youth participation in HIV and sexual and reproductive health decision-making, policies, programmes: perspectives from the field

    The purpose of this article was to present the current state of evidence and experience of youth participation approaches in HIV and sexual and reproductive health decision-making, policies and programmes. By combining a literature review of evaluation evidence with in-depth interviews and a global survey targeting young people with the experience of participation, this study opens a new window into the support needs for meaningful youth participation globally. …

  6. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health programme to address equity, social determinants, gender and human rights in Nepal. Report of the pilot project

    In 2015, World Health Organization worked with the Nepal Ministry of Health to redesign the country’s Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, through a pilot study utilizing the Innov8 Approach – an 8-step review process geared towards helping health programmes better address gender, equity, human rights and social determinants of health. The aim was to identify the adolescent subpopulations being missed, increase coverages, identify inequities and take a holistic approach to adolescent health and development. …

  7. Teoría del cambio de las iniciativas de educacion integral de la sexualidad

    En la actualidad, niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes enfrentan múltiples desafíos para lograr definir y realizar proyectos de vida significativos y disfrutar de bienestar. En América Latina y El Caribe, muchos de los retos que se enfrentan en la niñez y adolescencia tienen que ver, por una parte, con la sexualidad, un aspecto de la identidad que experimenta múltiples cambios en este período, por otra, con las desventajas que generan las normas sociales de género inequitativas a las que están expuestas las personas a lo largo de la vida. …

  8. The Sexual and reproductive health needs of very young adolescents aged 10–14 in developing countries: what does the evidence show?

    This report draws on analyses of national survey data and literature review results to provide an overview of the evidence on key aspects of sexual and reproductive health among very young adolescents aged 10–14 living in developing regions.

  9. Increasing investments in the sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing of adolescents and young people in Ghana

    Young people in every society constitute both the current and potential human capital of a nation’s development. In order to ensure that young people have a fulfilling sexual and reproductive life, appropriate investments must be made in their health and socio-economic well-being.

  10. Les déterminants socioculturels et communautaires des grossesses non désirées et des avortements. Rapport final

    C’est dans le cadre de son intervention en faveur de la promotion des DSSR des jeunes en République Démocratique du Congo que MdM a commandité cette étude dont l’objectif global est d’analyser les barrières à l’utilisation des contraceptifs chez les jeunes de 15-24 ans et les déterminants des grossesses non désirés et des avortements clandestins particulièrement chez ces jeunes filles et en général chez les femmes en âge de procréer.

  11. Mainstreaming youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services in the public sector in Mozambique and Tanzania

    Young people have the right to live healthy sexual and reproductive lives. Yet, adolescents and youth (those between the ages of 10 and 24) often face social, cultural, economic, and structural barriers to accessing sexual and reproductive health information and services at a time when they need these services the most, making them vulnerable to poor health outcomes. Emerging global guidance suggests that, to reach youth in a sustainable and scalable way, youth-friendly services must be mainstreamed in the community and health systems. …

  12. Learners’ perspectives on the provision of condoms in South African public schools

    A stubborn health challenge for learners in South African public schools concerns sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). In 2015, the Department of Basic Education (DBE) proposed the provision of condoms and SRHR-services to learners in schools. This study aimed to contribute to the finalisation and implementation of DBE’s policy by exploring learners’ perspectives on the provision of condoms and SRHR-services in schools. …

  13. Assessing process, content, and politics in developing the global health sector strategy on sexually transmitted infections 2016–2021: implementation opportunities for policymakers

    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) present significant health and economic challenges in all countries and yet are rarely prioritised for coordinated strategic attention. The 2016 World Health Assembly adopted a global health sector strategy on STIs for 2016–2021, including ambitious 2020 and 2030 goals aligned with broader sustainable development goals and targets of ending disease epidemics as public health concerns by 2030. The strategy requires actions at the country level, guided and led by governments, supported by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other partners. …

  14. Global accelerated action for the health of adolescents (AA-HA!). Guidance to support country implementation

    For years, the unique health issues associated with adolescence have been little understood or, in some cases, ignored. But that has now changed. Adolescent health and development was made an integral part of the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016–2030) (The Global Strategy) because, in the words of the United Nations Secretary-General, “[adolescents are] central to everything we want to achieve, and to the overall success of the 2030 Agenda”. Why “central”? …

  15. Curriculum sur la santé de la reproduction des adolescents/adolescentes (SRA) : le devenir accompagné

    Le présent curriculum est le produit d'un regard croisé de spécialistes de disciplines ayant partie liée à la santé de la reproduction. Il est structuré en quatre parties : 1. Référentiels et intentions pédagogiques. 2. Modules de formation opérationnalisés. 3. Stratégies d'enseignement - apprentissage et évaluation. 4. Note d’orientation scientifique des modules de formation (contenus).


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