- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-372-1-1
- Item
- 1971-06-05
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement with Sweden as FIT donor country.
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement with Sweden as FIT donor country.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Signed original agreement on project "Réprographie des modules transversaux et formation des personnels de l'enseignement."
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains copies of the agreement in French and in Portuguese as well as an instrument of pleins pouvoirs in portuguese.
Accord entre l' UNESCO et le Gouvernement de la République fédérale islamique des Comores
Part of Secretariat Records
Accord entre l'Unesco et le Gouvernement du Royaume du Maroc
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Achat et transport d'équipements pédagogiques
Part of Secretariat Records
Acuerdo concerniente la Administración de la Educación
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains agreement and letter of transmission.
Acuerdo entre la Unesco y el Gobierno de Cuba - Instituto técnico de Rancho Boyeros
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement with Cuba as recipient country.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Two signed originals in English.
Addendum to the Plan of Operations concerning the establishment of Community Centres in the Ukraine
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Two original signed copies in English (Original No. 1 and No.3).
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and Garyounis University (The Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement with Sweden as FIT donor country for project "Promoting an Enabling Environment for Freedom of Expression: Global Action with Special Focus on the Arab Region." Project Document attached.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the Council for Scientific Research, Republic of Iraq
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of operations with project description in annex. Transfer memorandum.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the State of Bahrain
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the State of Qatar
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the State of Qatar
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the State of Qatar
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the Sultanate of Oman
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the Independent Commission on Population and Quality of Human Life
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the Independent Commission on Population and Quality of Human Life
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the King Faisal Foundation
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains four copies of the agreement, two in Arabic and two in English. There are variations in the typography and in the wording of the English language versions. All copies are signed and have the same date.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains signed original agreements in English and Arabic.
Agreement between UNESCO and the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCOand the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Part of Secretariat Records
Funds-in-Trust Agreement signed by Saudi Arabia as a donor country.
Agreement between Unesco and the Government of Iraq
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between Unesco and the Government of Norway
Part of Secretariat Records
Item is a photocopy of an unsigned, undated copy of the agreement.
Agreement between Unesco and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between Unesco and the Government of the Republic of Iraq
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between Unesco and the State of Bahrain
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and Unesco
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement, Project document, budget.
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement, Project document, Annex 1, Budget.
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement; Annexe I: Project document.
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement on the Strengthening of Flood Warning and Management Capacity of Pakistan
Part of Secretariat Records
The subseries contains the Funds-in-Trust Plan of Operations signed by UNESCO and Pakistan and the Grant Agreements signed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency and UNESCO for phases I and II of the project "Strengthening of Flood War...
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement with the Government of Costa Rica for a Self-Benefiting Funds-in-Trust Project
Part of Secretariat Records
Aid to Educational Development - Plan of Operation
Part of Secretariat Records
Aid to Educational Development - Plan of operation
Part of Secretariat Records
Aid to the Curriculum Development Centre, financed by the Federal Republic of Germany
Part of Secretariat Records
Alphabétisation des femmes - Plan d'opérations
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement between UNESCO and the Government of Libya
Part of Secretariat Records
Amendment to the Plan of Operation for the National Institute of Education Project 504-BHU-10
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Signed, but not dated.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of operations with six annexes.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Undated signed arrangement.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Bahrain - Funds-in-Trust Agreements
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
1/ Original Instrument; 2/Plan of Operations.
Bhutan - National Institute of Education, Samchi - Plan of Operation
Part of Secretariat Records
CORDIPLAN's letter I995 about funds-in-trust transfer
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Copy of signed letter with project document attached: Proyecto de Cooperación Técnica Apoyo para el Fortalecimiento de la Géstion de Políticas Sociales de la República Argentina - Período Octubre del 2004 a Septiembre del 2005.
Centre d'éducation polyvalente des adultes au Sénégal - Plan d'opération
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Centre pédagogique supérieur - Plan d'opération
Part of Secretariat Records
Centre pédagogique supérieur - Plan d'opération
Part of Secretariat Records
Community Media for Rural Development
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Copy of unsigned agreement with an internal memorandum.
Part of Secretariat Records
Coopération Fonds-en-dépôt UNESCO/Belgique (CODEART) : Projet Ateliers-Ecole de Camp Perrin
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan d'Opération, Accord/UNESCO-Gouvernemet D'Haiti, Description projet.
Covering letter from Abdul-Majled M. Hussain, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Education, Kuwait
Part of Secretariat Records
Covering letter of Mr. Eboli, Resident Representative in Venezuela
Part of Secretariat Records
Création d'une presse rurale en Guinée et au Mali - projet Funds-in-Trust Allemagne
Part of Secretariat Records
DANIDA Project on Non-Formal Basic Distance Education in Mongolia
Part of Secretariat Records
annexes: project description, workplan, budget
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of Operations.
Development of Curriculum of Junior Secondary Schools
Part of Secretariat Records
Development of Curriculum of Junior Secondary Schools
Part of Secretariat Records
Development of Integrated Rural Education Centres
Part of Secretariat Records
Development of Radio Services, Phase II
Part of Secretariat Records
Development of Technical Education, financing by the Government of Norway
Part of Secretariat Records
Development of a community radio project in the Mahaweli region - financed by Denmark
Part of Secretariat Records