2nd Addendum to the Plan of Operations FEP-521; E/ICEF/P/L.1160
- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-68-5
- File
- 1970-02-25
Part of Secretariat Records
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2nd Addendum to the Plan of Operations FEP-521; E/ICEF/P/L.1160
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
7th Addendum to the Master Plan of Operations for an education project in Burma
Part of Secretariat Records
A mission of investigation into broadcasting proposals for Papua New Guinea
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Acceptation concernant le protocole - United Kingdom for the following territories
Part of Secretariat Records
Acceptation de l'Irak avec traduction
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument of Acceptance - Unofficial Translation.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains acceptance instrument, translation, reservations and letter of transmission dated 11-8-1975.
Part of Secretariat Records
Translation in English.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Acceptation par l'Iran - Convention against Discrimination in Education
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument original.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument of Acceptance. Lettre de tranmission du 3.3.1975.
Part of Secretariat Records
Accession by Australia - Convention against Discrimination in Education
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument of Accession, letter of 26 January 1967 from H.E. Sir Ronald Walker.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains instrument of accession and letter from the acting Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Accession of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Certified copy.
Part of Secretariat Records
Accord d'Assistance Technique entre l'UNESCO et le Gouvernement de la Turquie
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains the basic agreement, and a printed copy of supplementary agreements 1 and 2.
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains an unsigned printed copy of the Agreement and a note of transmission from the UN Secretariat, 13-04-1954.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Financing agreement number PLE/B74200/IB/99/0214.
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains several copies of the Agreement and its annexes. An Accord Cadre also signed 25 January 1995 is in the annexes, but the original is not in the Archives.
Part of Secretariat Records
Accord entre l' UNESCO et le Gouvernement de la République fédérale islamique des Comores
Part of Secretariat Records
Accord entre l'UNESCO et l'Administration conjointe de la culture et des arts turcs (TÜRKSOY)
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Certified copy.
Part of Secretariat Records
Accord entre le Gouvernement de la République libanaise et l'UNESCO
Part of Secretariat Records
Copy of the signed agreement.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Accord et ratification (Liban)
Part of Secretariat Records
Accord par échange de lettre entre le Gouvernement du Liban et l'Unesco
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument original
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains signed original agreements in Arabic and French.
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains Agreement with annexes: Statut organique du Centre, Contribution du Gouvernement libanais.
Part of Secretariat Records
Accord relatif à la mise en oeuvre du projet "Educational Equipment Development Board"
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Subseries consists of certified copies of bilateral agreements signed between the Government of Cambodia and the Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient. It is unclear if these agreements were sent for informational purposes or if they were sent as...
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Addendum to Annex I to the Basic Agreement signed between UNESCO and the Government of Thailand
Part of Secretariat Records
Original Instrument.
Addendum to Annex III to Agreement on Technical Assistance between Unesco and the Government of Iraq
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Original Instrument.
Part of Secretariat Records
Adhésion Turquie - Convention pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé
Part of Secretariat Records
Adhésion au Centre international de Calcul (I.C.C) International Computation - Iran
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument of Accession with letter of transmission.
Part of Secretariat Records
Adhesion by India.
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument of accession and a letter of transmission from M. Anwer Kutb, Directorof United Nations Affairs, dated 2 February 1970.
Part of Secretariat Records
Adhésion par le Cambodge.
Adhésion par le Koweit - Convention pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains an English and an Arabic version of the instrument of accession dated 11 May 1959, as well as a letter from the Permanent Delegate of Kuwait to UNESCO dated 4 February 1970.
Adjustment advice No. 1 - Arts et Métiers (Beirut)
Part of Secretariat Records
Adjustment advice No. 2 - [Ecole des Arts et Métiers (Beirut)]
Part of Secretariat Records
Adjustment advice No. 3 LEB-3 - [Ecole des Arts et Métiers (Beirut)]
Part of Secretariat Records
Advanced Training Programme for Educational Planning and Administration, IIEP (IND/78/037/A/01/13)
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument of acceptance.
Afghanistan - UNESCO/Unicef - Improvement of primary education
Part of Secretariat Records