- Series
- 1947-1970
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Alphabetical correspondence files
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of typed or mimeographed manuscripts that, for the most part, have no annotations. They are arranged in order of volume and chapters.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of out-going letters, memoranda, telexes and telegrammes signed by the Director-General. They are roughly in chronological order with some later files also being organized by Sector or Department.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of files on departments and sectors of UNESCO as created during the tenure of Directors-General Maheu and Matsuura. Files primarily contain memoranda exchanged between the Director-General and the Assistant Director-General or Dir...
Direction générale meeting files
Part of Secretariat Records
Director/ADG CAB chronological files
Part of Secretariat Records
Files consists of outgoing letters, notes and memoranda signed by the Director or Assistant-Director General of the Office of the Director-General.
Director/ADG CAB subject files
Part of Secretariat Records
Division for Freedom of Expression, Democracy and Peace
Part of Secretariat Records
The Sub-fonds includes the records of the Division of Freedom of Expression, Democracy and Peace and its antecessors, part of the Information and Communication Sector of UNESCO, of all projects and programmes of CI/FED and of the numerous committe...
Division for Human Settlements and the Socio-Cultural Environment files
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of files transferred directly from the Division for Human Settlements and the Socio-Cultural Environment (SHS/ENV) and its successor the Division of Population and Human Settlements (SHS/POP). Files cover programme activities on r...
UNESCO. Division for Human Settlements and the Socio-Cultural Environment
Division of Human Rights and Peace Files
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of the files of the SHS Division of Human Rights and Peace (HRS) as well as some files from its successor unit. The files date from the creation of HRS to the mid-1990s. The files cover programme activities such as the production...
UNESCO. Division of Human Rights and Peace
Donations, bequests and legacies
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of legal instruments or other documents generated when UNESCO received a donation of property. It does not include instruments related to gifts of art (with the exception of photograph C/9) or smaller regular donations of books, o...
Executive Board Committee on Conventions and Recommendations files
Part of Secretariat Records
Executive Board private meeting files
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of files of the ODG generated from the Private Meetings of the Executive Board. Senior posts are discussed at such meetings, including matters such as nominations, appointments, extensions of contracts, salaries, and the structure...
Executive Board private meeting summary records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of fellowship files created by the Division of Training Abroad. It is arranged roughly in chronological order. Files contain applications to the programme and administrative correspondence. They are often very slight (3-5 docume...
Part of Secretariat Records
281.32 linear metres of textual records
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of ODG files on the Hammarskjold Commission - an independent body commissioned to advise the Director-General on ways and means of improving staff efficiency and management in the UNESCO Secretariat. The files are in original order.
Implementation of the scheme files
Part of Secretariat Records
Information Society Division Files
Part of Secretariat Records
The series includes the records of the Information Society Division (CI/INF). Files include records on the Division's projects and programmes, and on the work of numerous related committees, boards, and commissions.
Instruments signed with Member States
Part of Secretariat Records
Series primarily consists of legal instruments signed between UNESCO and member states, including state agencies and corporations. Instruments include co-operation agreements, host-country agreements, funds-in-trust agreements and plans of operat...
Instruments signed with organizations, companies and private individuals
Part of Secretariat Records
The series consists of legal instruments signed between UNESCO and non-governmental organizations, universities, foundations, private companies, or individuals. The series includes state universities and academies, but not research institutes wit...
Part of Secretariat Records
Journal of World History maps and illustrations and consultants files
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Notes personnelles du Secrétaire général, Mr. G.S. Métraux
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of subject files of the Director-General on diverse matters. The first transfer dates from the tenure of René Maheu, however, records in some files date from before this time. Each transfer is arranged in rough alphabetical order...
Personnel, budget, statutes, contracts files
Part of Secretariat Records
Photos and copies of documents
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of files from the Population Division (SHS/POP) and the Division of Population and Human Settlements (SHS/POP). The files mostly pertain to programme activities in the fields of urbanization, architecture, family planning and popu...
UNESCO. Population Division
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General Adnan Badran
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General C.L. Sharma
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General Eduardo Portella
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General F. Mayor
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General Gerard Bolla
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General Jean Knapp
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General John E. Fobes
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General M.S. Adiseshiah
Part of Secretariat Records
The series contain mostly copies of letters, memos, cables, mission reports signed by Adiseshiah or his Executive Assistants, as well as speeches and addresses delivered by him. Most items are of official character, however some are semi-official...
Adiseshiah, Malcolm S.
Records of Deputy Director-General Michel de Bonnecorse
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General Sylvain Lourie
Part of Secretariat Records
Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of files on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) with whom UNESCO maintains or maintained official relations. It reflects the process of admission to categories of official relations as well as the ongoing activities undertaken i...
UNESCO. Section for Non-Governmental Organizations
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of files related to the 1995 and 1996 UNESCO Peace Games. Documents date from the early conception and development of the games, and include research related to youth and the theme of peace; correspondence related to potential spon...
UNESCO Peace Games