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Secretariat Records
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Secretariat Records

  • Archive Group

Secretariat records, as separate from Secretariat Documents issued with official document codes, include programme files, project files, division files, registry files, administrative files, and working files. The Archival Group is comprised of t...


Division for Human Settlements and the Socio-Cultural Environment files

Series consists of files transferred directly from the Division for Human Settlements and the Socio-Cultural Environment (SHS/ENV) and its successor the Division of Population and Human Settlements (SHS/POP). Files cover programme activities on r...

UNESCO. Division for Human Settlements and the Socio-Cultural Environment

Convention de coopération scientifique et de formation en archéologie préventive concernant le diagnostic archéologique « Station Place des Martyrs » à Alger

Original agreement signed between UNESCO, the Ministère de la Culture de la République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire, the Office National de Gestion et d'Exploitation des Biens Culturels Protégés, et l'Institut National de Recherc...

Agreement between UNESCO and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia regarding the establishment of the International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology - IZIIS, as a category 2 institute under the auspices of UNESCO focused on Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation

File consists of Agreement and subsequent letters exchanged between UNESCO and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The Agreement and the letter from UNESCO are undated.

Results 1 to 100 of 14091