Participation Programme - Iraq
- Subseries
- 1956-0964
Part of Secretariat Records
25 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Participation Programme - Iraq
Part of Secretariat Records
International Act concerning Intellectual Co-operation. Final Act. Paris, 3 December 1938
Part of Secretariat Records
International Act concerning Intellectual Co-operation
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Implementation of the scheme files
Part of Secretariat Records
International Commission for a History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind
Part of Secretariat Records
Subfonds contains official and unofficial files, papers, letters, memoranda, manuscripts, maps, illustrations, photographs, etc. of the International Commission for a History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind as maintained by i...
International Commission for a History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind
Planning of the work before the meeting of the Committee of Experts
Part of Secretariat Records
Individual persons in Member States: Switzerland, U.K., Uruguay, USA, Yugoslavia
Part of Secretariat Records
Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Part of Secretariat Records
Subseries consists of copies and translations of the Constitution and its Final Act. It also contains original correspondence from the United Kingdom Foreign Office notifying UNESCO when a country has signed the Constitution or deposited its Inst...
Part of Secretariat Records
Instruments signed with Member States
Part of Secretariat Records
Series primarily consists of legal instruments signed between UNESCO and member states, including state agencies and corporations. Instruments include co-operation agreements, host-country agreements, funds-in-trust agreements and plans of operat...
Programme & Budget & Organisation UNESCO - Part I (A)
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument establishing a Preparatory Educational, Scientific and Cultural Commission
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains one signed copy in English and one signed copy in French of the instrument establishing a Preparatory Educational, Scientific and Cultural Commission.
Elections de Directeurs généraux de l'UNESCO
Part of Secretariat Records
Subseries consists of verbatim records, draft documents, telegrammes, letters and one recording of the private meetings of the General Conference during the vote for General-Director.
Part of Secretariat Records
281.32 linear metres of textual records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains signed original agreements and copies of letters exchanged between UNESCO and the United Nations. There is also the 'Livre d'or' or visitors book of the IIIC.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Office of the Director-General records
Part of Secretariat Records
Sous-fonds consists of files generated by the Director-General, the Deputy Director-General, and the Executive Office of the Director-General.
UNESCO. Office of the Director-General
Conseil consultatif d'organisations juives
Part of Secretariat Records
Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of files on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) with whom UNESCO maintains or maintained official relations. It reflects the process of admission to categories of official relations as well as the ongoing activities undertaken i...
UNESCO. Section for Non-Governmental Organizations
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
UNRRA - Accord entre l'Unesco et l'UNRRA
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
In the course of its activities, UNESCO enters into legal agreements with member states, international and regional organizations, non-governmental organizations, universities, foundations, private companies and individuals. UNESCO’s General Confe...
Agreement between the United Nations and UNESCO
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
The collection consists of UNESCO records that were routed to and organized by a centralized Registry Section. The principal and system of classification used by the Registry was Universal Decimal Classification. The collection is further organiz...
UNESCO. Registry Section
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Accord entre l'UNRRA et la Commission préparatoire (projet)
Part of Secretariat Records
Accord entre l'UNRRA et la Commission préparatoire de l'Unesco
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNRRA and the Preparatory Commission of Unesco
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Draft Agreement between the United Nations and UNESCO
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains one draft in French signed A. Ramaswami Mudaliar, one draft in French signed Dr. A. Stampar and R. Seydoux, and one draft in English signed A. Ramaswami Mudaliar and R. Seydoux.
Relations with the Union of South Africa - Official
Part of Secretariat Records
Note from High Commissioner for Canada regarding instrument of acceptance of Canada
Part of Secretariat Records
Note indicates that Instrument of Acceptance was deposited with the Government of the United Kingdom 5 September 1946.
Part of Secretariat Records
The note also informs that twenty signatory Governments have now deposited their instruments of acceptance and thus the Constitution came into force on 4th November 1946.
Note from Foreign Office, London, regarding decrees by Venezuela and Belgium
Part of Secretariat Records
Item indicates that Venezuelan Government in a note dated 12 November 1946 had informed the Foreign Office that a decree ratifying the Constitution had been issued and that the Instrument of Acceptance would be forwarded by air. Item also indicat...
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between the United Nations and UNESCO
Part of Secretariat Records
Protocol concerning the entry into force of the Agreement between United Nations and UNESCO
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains one unsigned copy of the Protocol in English and French in one volume.
Agreement between UNESCO and the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Correspondence on proposed Supplementary Agreement between the United Nations and UNESCO
Part of Secretariat Records
The file contains letters and a memorandum exchanged between Director-General Torres Bodet and Acting Secretary-General Byron Price concerning the revision of the Agreement between the United Nations and UNESCO.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Comité sur les Principes Philosophiques des Droits de l’Homme - Part I
Part of Secretariat Records
UN Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO Name and use of UNESCO Name
Part of Secretariat Records
Relations with Countries of the World - Delegations - General - Part I
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Association littéraire et artistique internationale
Part of Secretariat Records
Association mondiale pour l'étude de l'opinion publique
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Comité sur les Principes Philosophiques des Droits de l’Homme - Part II
Part of Secretariat Records
[UNESCO Preparatory Commission, Paris - Report and Accounts at December 31, 1946]
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO - National Commissions - General Part I
Part of Secretariat Records
Fédération Internationale de la Presse Périodique
Part of Secretariat Records
Conférence permanente des hautes études internationales
Part of Secretariat Records
Originals of Presidents' reports to the UNESCO General Conferences
Part of Secretariat Records
Direction générale meeting files
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Association scientifique du pacifique
Part of Secretariat Records
Instruments signed with organizations, companies and private individuals
Part of Secretariat Records
The series consists of legal instruments signed between UNESCO and non-governmental organizations, universities, foundations, private companies, or individuals. The series includes state universities and academies, but not research institutes wit...
Bureau international d'éducation
Part of Secretariat Records