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Alcohol and drug abuse is a global challenge, which has detrimental effects on the health, wealth and security of nations. Its impact is being felt in schools in South Africa and is compromising the quality of teaching and learning and the safety of learning spaces. This strategy was developed to provide comprehensive guidance to the basic education sector in South Africa with regards to the prevention and management of alcohol and drugs in schools. …
This guide provides introductory information for schools on alcohol and other drug education (AoD) programmes.This guide focuses mainly on two contexts for AoD education programmes for young people: school-wide health promotion activities; and curriculum teaching and learning programmes in the health and physical education (HPE) learning area. Other contexts for AoD education programmes are early intervention for a student to reduce use or reduce harm, and multi-dimensional approaches involving both school and community. …
Crianças e adolescentes frequentemente são vítimas da violência estrutural que caracteriza países como o Brasil – marcado por grande desigualdade – e passíveis de sofrer violação de seus direitos humanos mais elementares: à vida, à saúde, à alimentação, à educação, à segurança, ao lazer, entre outros. Apesar de vulneráveis, esses jovens são vistos por parte da população como ameaça. …
Choosing the best approach to drug education is a key task for all stakeholders in the field of prevention. This proposal aims to reduce repetition and minimize class disruptions whilst ensuring that effective drug prevention programmes are in place. The proposal also aims to give clear guidelines on how the different stakeholders can complement each other’s interventions within a school setting. Prevention programmes provide practical tools to educate children and young persons about substance abuse. …
Cette rencontre « Promouvoir l’éducation pour la santé, la santé sexuelle et reproductive et la prévention du VIH et des conduites addictives auprès des jeunes au Maghreb : Enjeux et perspectives » a réuni les partenaires concernés, ministères, associations, jeunes et experts afin de proposer une réflexion approfondie autour des enjeux de l’éducation pour la santé dans les sociétés du Maghreb. …
In 2010/2011 the Provincial Government of the Western Cape (PGWC) in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Southern Africa tasked the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Unit at the South African Medical Research Council with conducting a survey in order to determine the regional prevalence of drug and alcohol use, risk behaviours and mental health problems among school learners in grades 8-10. More specifically, the objectives of the study were: 1. …
This review of the education sector response to HIV, drugs and sexual and reproductive health in Timor- Leste aimed to examine the present policy and programmatic response in the sector, to identify gaps and to propose recommendations to support the response. The review was carried out mainly through the use of desk research and interviews with stakeholders. The education sector response to HIV, drugs, sexual and reproductive health education has been very limited to date. In summary, while there is low HIV prevalence, there is no room for complacency. …
This review aims to describe and analyse the situation regarding the status and scope of the education sector response to HIV, drugs and sexual health. The information collected and reported is intended to provide an overall picture of the education section response to these issues in Malaysia and inform how this can be further strengthened. The results of the study will support strengthened coordination, implementation and scaling-up of education programmes. …
This study gives an overview of HIV, drug and sexual health education (HDSHE) in the Philippines and analyzes the education sector’s response in six areas: organizational structure; policy, planning and leadership; partnerships, coordination and mainstreaming; program response; monitoring and evaluation; and resource mobilization. …
The Roundtable Discussion on the Philippine Situation and Response Analysis on HIV, Drugs and Sexuality aimed to present and validate the research findings of the Draft Report on the Philippine Education Sector’s Response to HIV, Drugs and Sexuality prepared by the University of the East and commissioned by UNESCO Jakarta. The results of the study will support the strengthening of coordination, implementation and scale-up of a comprehensive education sector response to HIV and be used as a background document for the development of a strategic plan involving all the stakeholders. …
The main purpose of this study is to conduct a situation-response analysis of the education sector’s response to HIV, drugs and sexual health. The objectives of this review are to: - describe and analyse the situation of HIV and AIDS, drugs and sexual health in Brunei Darussalam; - evaluate the status and scope of the education sector’s response to HIV and AIDS, drugs and sexual health; - identify the scope for improvement and prepare a set of recommendations to strengthen the existing response. In Brunei Darussalam statistical data revealed low number of HIV cases over the past 26 years. …
This review is a synthesis of situation-response analyses (SRA) on the education sector response to HIV, drugs and sexual health undertaken in five countries: Brunei Darussalam (2012), Indonesia (2010), Malaysia (2012), the Philippines (2012) and Timor-Leste (2012). The five SRAs were developed and supported by UNESCO Jakarta (Regional Office for Science and Cluster office for Education) in close consultation with the Ministry of Education (MoE) of each country and in most cases have received official statements of endorsement from each respective ministry. …
El programa de educación no formal de la UNESCO para la reducción del impacto por el uso de drogas y el VIH / SIDA busca mitigar la vulnerabilidad de grupos de personas que se encuentran en situación de pobreza. …
This document contains the presentations from the Workshop on "Education Sector Response to HIV, Drugs and Sexuality, Jakarta, Indonesia, 3-4 December 2009.
The aim of this report was to identify teachers' views on knowledge, skills and curriculum content needs; attitudes; self-efficacy; and beliefs regarding teaching reproductive health and drug education in their junior high schools, in order to identify whether such programs should be implemented. From February through April 2009, 133 teachers completed a survey documenting socio demographics, behavioral intention, perceived behavior control, content knowledge, school climate, reproductive health (RH) knowledge and school drug education (DE). …