Bangkok: APCOM, 2013. 16 p.
Asia Pacific Coalition on male Sexual Health, APCOM
At the 2010 Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM) Board meeting, a working group on Faith, Men who have Sex with Men, Transgender People and HIV was formed to look into the impacts of faith and cultural values on the risks and vulnerability of marginalised populations such as Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) and transgender people. At the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP), Busan, South Korea held in August 2011, the Working Group brought together faith-based MSM in Asia and the Pacific, with a range of key experts, to discuss faith, sexual diversity, impact on stigma and discrimination, and access to health, and to formulate strategies. In particular, the discussion raised how religious beliefs, values and practices impact on the constructions of sexualities and masculinities and the resulting frameworks of male-to-male sex. It also highlighted how these constructs have impacts on sexual health, such as access to services including care and support for such marginalised and socially excluded populations. To date, there has not been much literature on this. This discussion paper is a direct outcome of the session, investigating Islam, one of the four key faiths (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam) in the region.
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