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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Beyond barriers: Recommendations for adolescent sexual and reproductive health policies and programs in Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras

    Beyond Barriers explores the adolescent sexual and reproductive health context in three Central American countries: Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. The publication provides case studies of our work in each country, synthesizes the latest research regarding the barriers to providing young people with sexual and reproductive health information and services, and makes recommendations for addressing the barriers. …

  2. Lineamientos educativos y orientaciones pedagógicas para la educacíon sexual integral : Manual para profesores y tutores de la educacíon básica regular

    La educación que reciben las y los estudiantes en el sistema educativo, debe contribuir a su formación integral, la misma que incluye los aspectos: físico, psicológico, social, emocional, intelectual, ético, moral y sexual, y para lo cual se requiere de acciones de orientación, acompañamiento y guía de parte del personal docente, así como de un entorno escolar promotor del desarrollo saludable. …

  3. Documento de orientaciones de política para la promoción de derechos y la prevención, detección y atención de las violencias en la escuela: violencia basada en el género y violencia contra la mujer

    1. Perspectiva de garantía de derechos 2. Marco normativo 3. ¿Qué es violencia basada en el género y violencia contra la mujer? 4. ¿Qué tipos existen? 5. ¿Qué efectos tiene? 6. ¿Cómo promover el ejercicio de derechos? 7. ¿Cómo prevenir la violencia basada en el género y violencia contra la mujer? 8. ¿Cómo detectar una situación de…? 9. ¿Qué hacer ante una situación de violencia contra la mujer? 10. Sugerencias utiles para el manual de convivencia 11. Glosario

  4. Documento de orientaciones de política para la promoción de derechos y la prevención, detección y atención de las violencias en la escuela: violencia sexual

    1. Perspectiva de garantía de derechos; 2. Marco normativo; 3. ¿Qué es violencia sexual? 4. ¿Qué tipos existen? 5. ¿Qué efectos tiene?6. ¿Cómo promover el ejercicio de derechos? 7. ¿Cómo prevenir la violencia sexual? 8. ¿Cómo detectar una situación de violencia sexual? 9. ¿Qué hacer ante una situación de violencia sexual? 10. Sugerencias utiles para el manual de convivencia. 11. Glosario

  5. Guía de promoción de derechos humanos sexuales y reproductivos y prevención, identificación y atención acoso escolar

    1. Perspectiva de garantia de derechos 2. Marco normativo 3. ¿Que es acoso escolar? 4. ¿Que tipos de acoso escolar existen? 5. ¿Qué efectos tiene el acoso escolar? 6. ¿Quienes intervienen en el acoso escolar? 7. ¿Como promover el ejercicio de derechos? 8. ¿Cómo prevenir el acoso escolar? 9. ¿Como detectar una situacion de acoso escolar? 10. ¿Que hacer ante una situacion de acoso escolar? 11. Sugerencias utiles para el manual de convivencia 12. Glosario Anexo 1 Implicaciones legales del acoso escolar

  6. Systematic review of the role of external contributors in school substance use education

    Purpose: A literature review was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of external contributors (anyone other than a teacher at the school) in delivering school‐based drug, alcohol and tobacco education (substance use education) programmes. Design/methodology/approach: The review focused upon literature published from 1990 onwards in English. Published reports were identified via electronic searches, supplemented by hand searching of relevant journals. Relevant organisations and individuals were contacted to identify low circulation, difficult to acquire (grey) literature. …

  7. Evidence-based practice in school substance use prevention: fidelity of implementation under real-world conditions

    Fidelity of program implementation under real-world conditions is a critical issue in the dissemination of evidence-based school substance use prevention curricula. Program effects are diminished when programs are implemented with poor fidelity. The authors assessed five domains of fidelity—adherence, exposure (dosage), quality of delivery, participant responsiveness and program differentiation (lack of contamination from other programs)—in a subset of respondents (N = 342) from a national random sample of public schools with middle school grades (N = 1721). …

  8. Short-term effects of a rights-based sexuality education curriculum for high-school students: a cluster-randomized trial

    An emerging model for sexuality education is the rights-based approach, which unifies discussions of sexuality, gender norms, and sexual rights to promote the healthy sexual development of adolescents. A rigorous evaluation of a rights-based intervention for a broad population of adolescents in the U.S. has not previously been published. This paper evaluates the immediate effects of the Sexuality Education Initiative (SEI) on hypothesized psychosocial determinants of sexual behavior.

  9. Implementing evidence-based substance use prevention curricula with fidelity: the role of teacher training

    It is widely recognized that teacher training affects the fidelity with which evidence-based substance use prevention curricula are implemented. This article presents the results of a 2005 survey of teachers from a nationally representative sample of 1721 public middle schools in the US (78.1% response rate).It measured fidelity along two dimensions (adherence and dose) and also assessed the number of hours, recency, and perceived effectiveness of teachers’ training, as well as the degree to which adherence was emphasized during training. …

  10. Integrating gender and rights into sexuality education: field reports on using It's All One

    International policy agreements, along with emerging evidence about factors influencing programme effectiveness, have led to calls for a shift in sexuality education toward an approach that places gender norms and human rights at its heart. Little documentation exists, however, about the degree to which this shift is actually taking place on the ground or what it entails. Field experiences in using new curriculum tools, such as It's All One, offer one lens onto these questions. To gain a sense of practitioners' experience with this tool, a two-part exercise was conducted. …

  11. Health and family life education grade 1 [-9] curriculum guide

    Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) was introduced into the curriculum of Primary Schools in 1998. The programme in schools was guided by the Health and Family Life Education Scope and Sequence for Grades 1-6, published in June, 1998. The programme achieved important successes. However, it has been argued that, given the challenges that children face in their daily lives, a more definitive “life skills” focus is required to help students manage the situations they encounter. In fact, advocates argue that a “life skills” approach should be adopted in the teaching of HFLE. …

  12. Evaluación de la implementación de la declaración ministerial “Prevenir con educacion” 2012. Del acuerdo a la accion; avances en Latinoamerica y el Caribe

    Este documento es el resultado de un esfuerzo conjunto de la sociedad civil para dar seguimiento a la Declaración Ministerial, “Prevenir con Educación” (DM), aprobada por representantes de los Ministerios de Salud y Educación de América Latina y el Caribe en el marco de la XVII Conferencia Internacional sobre el Sida llevada a cabo en la Ciudad de México en agosto de 2008. …

  13. What do young people think about their school-based sex and relationship education? A qualitative synthesis of young people’s views and experiences

    Objectives: Although sex and relationship education (SRE) represents a key strand in policies to safeguard young people and improve their sexual health, it currently lacks statutory status, government guidance is outdated and a third of UK schools has poor-quality SRE. We aimed to investigate whether current provision meets young people's needs. Design: Synthesis of qualitative studies of young people's views of their school-based SRE. Setting: Eligible studies originated from the UK, Ireland, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Iran, Brazil and Sweden. …

  14. Smart school meals. Nutrition-sensitive national programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean: a review of 16 countries

    School meals programmes have an important role to play in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. When appropriately designed, they have the potential to improve the diets and nutrition knowledge and practices of millions of schoolchildren and their communities. This publications sheds light on country practices and experience that can serve to inform nutrition-sensitive school meals programmes in other countries. …

  15. The impact of teachers’ modifications of an evidenced-based HIV prevention intervention on program outcomes

    The degree to which evidence-based program outcomes are affected by modifications is a significant concern in the implementation of interventions. The ongoing national implementation of an evidence-based HIV prevention program targeting grade six students in The Bahamas [Focus on Youth in The Caribbean (FOYC)] offers an opportunity to explore factors associated with teachers’ modification of FOYC lessons and to examine the impact of types and degrees of modifications on student outcomes. Data were collected in 2012 from 155 teachers and 3646 students in 77 government elementary schools. …


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