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Anchor for stability in West Africa
Democracy is fairly well established in Ghana and the country is an important anchor for stability in West Africa. For many decades now Ghana has been successfully pursuing a good neighbours policy and pushing for more regional integration. The priority areas of development cooperation between Germany and Ghana are decentralisation, promoting agriculture and sustainable economic development. Germany is also supporting proper, environmentally sound recycling of electronic waste. more
Development policy in 2032
We are operating in a world characterised by growing complexity. An increasingly multipolar world order brings forth new actors and new technologies, which present challenges and opportunities at the same time. Unforeseen events, such as the Arab Spring, Brexit or the Trump Presidency left political and economic decision-makers unprepared. From this, we have learned that strategic foresight is a critical component of policy and strategy development. Development Policy in 2032 (PDF 458 KB) looks at how can we prepare for unexpected events. How do we recognise impending crises?
Web portal: Healthy DEvelopments

The web portal Healthy DEvelopments is online at This microsite showcases Germany's commitment to health and social protection in partner countries world-wide. It covers news from German-supported programmes and relevant conferences as well as innovative methods and tools, good practices and topics for discussion by health and social protection exports. Since the portal aims to reach interested development practitioners worldwide it reports in English rather than in German. And for each of its news items, tools and videos, it invites visitors to comment, thus providing a platform for lively debate on current challenges and promising practices for partner countries' health and social protection systems.
Curious? Check it out at Healthy DEvelopments
Our issues page
Poverty, education, democracy, displacement, health, climate protection, social standards, the economy – German development policy covers a wide range of topics.
To give you a comprehensive overview of the diverse challenges and fields of work of development cooperation, we have compiled a keyword register for you. You can reach it via the navigation point "Issues", above in the grey navigation bar or find the overview page here.
20.08.2012 - Anti-corruption and integrity in German development policy
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More information
The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is led by
- Dr Gerd Müller Federal Minister
The Federal Minister is supported by
- Dr Maria Flachsbarth Parliamentary State Secretary
- Norbert Barthle Parliamentary State Secretary
- Martin Jäger State Secretary
The 2030 Agenda
On 25 September 2015, the UN Summit in New York adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Agenda's 17 goals are designed to help all people around the world live in dignity.
The current crises impressively demonstrate just how important this is. For all people to be able to live in peace and without poverty, all states must work together to improve the situation of people and the environment.
Detailed information on Agenda 2030 and its implementation can be found here and on the website
Marshall Plan in action
The BMZ is in the process of rethinking its cooperation with the countries of Africa. From the Marshall Plan with Africa a new partnership between Africa and Europe can now emerge, which goes far beyond the traditional, project-based development cooperation.
The aim of the BMZ is to strengthen the development capacity of African states. Because many of the global challenges facing all of us can only be tackled with a strong Africa that generates jobs and wealth through sustainable economic growth. Here you can see some examples of how the Marshall Plan with Africa is being implemented.