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UNESCO Publications
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Representative Works

UNESCO Collection of Representative Works (or UNESCO Catalogue of Representative Works) was a UNESCO translation project that was active for about 57 years, from 1948 to about 2005. The projects purpose was to translate masterpieces of world liter...

UNESCO Publications

  • Archive Group

The Archive Group consists of publications produced or funded by the UNESCO Secretariat from the foundation of UNESCO in 1946 until now. The Archival Group is arranged into three collections:Works published directly by UNESCO under its own imprint...


Non-governmental Organization publications

Series consists of works compiled and published by non-governmental organizations which were either in receipt of specific funding from UNESCO, as well as those publications from NGOs which had official relations with UNESCO and were exchanging in...

UNESCO Courier

The original UNESCO Courier was a monthly printed magazine published between 1947 to 2001. It was published in more than thirty languages including braille. The magazine is written journalistically and each issue looks into a single subject from d...

UNESCO Publications

Works published by UNESCO itself under its own imprint (complete until December 1971, afterwards some publications might be missing or only be available in the UNESCO library)