- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1207
- Subseries
- 2015-07-16
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains Plan of Operations with a project document attached.
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains Plan of Operations with a project proposal attached.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Signed original with BSP/CSF/BLT memorandum transferring the agreement to the Archives attached.
Part of Secretariat Records
Signed original with Project Proposal attached. The BSP/CSF/BLT memorandum transferring the agreement to the Archives is also attached.
Funds-in-Trust Project Agreement between UNESCO and the Shaoxing Municipal Government
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement with Annex Project Document.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Project agreement for the funds-in-trust cooperation project financed by UNESCO-Belgium on Strengthening the capacities of the Democratic Republic of Congo to monitor and address natural resources conflicts in World Heritage sites.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
The file contains the signed agreement as well as the memorandum from BSP/CFS on the transfer of the agreement to the Archives.
Part of Secretariat Records
The file contains the Plan of operation and the memorandum from BSP/CFS/BLT on the transfer of the instrument to the Archives.
Part of Secretariat Records
The file contains the Letter of Agreement and the memorandum from BSP/CFS/BLT on the transfer of the instrument to the Archives.
UNESCO-Republic of Korea Agreement on "Ocean Carbon Sources and Sinks"
Part of Secretariat Records
The file contains the Letter of Agreement and the memorandum from BSP/CFS/BLT on the transfer of the instrument to the Archives.
UNESCO-Republic of Korea Agreement on "Ocean Carbon Sources and Sinks"
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
The file contains the Funds-in-Trust Agreement and the memorandum from BSP/CFS/BLT on the transfer of the instrument to the Archives.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement on the Strengthening of Flood Warning and Management Capacity of Pakistan
Part of Secretariat Records
The subseries contains the Funds-in-Trust Plan of Operations signed by UNESCO and Pakistan and the Grant Agreements signed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency and UNESCO for phases I and II of the project "Strengthening of Flood War...
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of operations with project description in annex. Transfer memorandum.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement part of a regional project funded through the Trust Fund for Promotion of Literacy in Asia and the Pacific (APPEAL).
Part of Secretariat Records
Funds-in-Trust agreement as part of the Trust Fund for Promotion of Literacy in Asia and the Pacific (APPEAL) regional project.
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO-Switzerland Funds-in-Trust co-operation: project on MOST (Kyrgyz Republic)(501-KIR-55)
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Item is a Funds-in-Trust agreement for the project "Support to the Rwandan national policies for science, engineering, technology and innovation (SETI) through the establishment of an Observatory on SETI policy instruments (GO→SPIN)".
Agreement between UNESCOand the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Part of Secretariat Records
Funds-in-Trust Agreement signed by Saudi Arabia as a donor country.
Accord entre l' UNESCO et le Gouvernement de la République fédérale islamique des Comores
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the State of Bahrain
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between Unesco and the State of Bahrain
Part of Secretariat Records
Bahrain - Funds-in-Trust Agreements
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between Unesco and the Government of Iraq
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the Council for Scientific Research, Republic of Iraq
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between Unesco and the Government of the Republic of Iraq
Part of Secretariat Records
Iraq - Funds-in-Trust Agreements
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the Sultanate of Oman
Part of Secretariat Records
Accord entre l'Unesco et le Gouvernement du Royaume du Maroc
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the State of Qatar
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the State of Qatar
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the State of Qatar
Part of Secretariat Records
Funds-in-Trust Agreements between Unesco and the Government of the State of Qatar
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Copy of signed letter with project document attached: Proyecto de Cooperación Técnica Apoyo para el Fortalecimiento de la Géstion de Políticas Sociales de la República Argentina - Período Octubre del 2004 a Septiembre del 2005.
Part of Secretariat Records
Copy of unsigned agreement with an internal memorandum.
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of operation; final version of the project document.
Part of Secretariat Records
Document officiel reçu le 25.06.03
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument officiel; Plan d’opération d'un Projet financé par des fonds-en-dépôt.
Part of Secretariat Records
Document officiel du plan d’opération d'un projet financé par des fonds-en-dépôt.
Part of Secretariat Records
1/ Plan of operation for a Funds-in-Trust project received on 13/11/02.
Part of Secretariat Records
Docment officiel - Lettre d'accompagnement - Plan of Operations
Part of Secretariat Records
Original instrument; Project document; budget.
Part of Secretariat Records
1/ Plan of operations; 2/ Apendice.
UNESCO/Italy Funds-in-Trust Cooperation: project on "Restoration of Pre Rup temple - Phase III"
Part of Secretariat Records
Document officiel received on 4/03/2003; Plan of operation for a fund-in-trust project.
Part of Secretariat Records
1/ Plan of operation for A Funds-in-Trust project; 2/ Project description: expanding access to information in Rural areas of Tanzania, Sengerema Community Multimedia Centre.
Part of Secretariat Records
Unsigned, undated copies of Spanish and English versions of the agreements.
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of operation for a Funds-in-Trust Project between UNESCO and the Government of Mozambique.
Part of Secretariat Records
1/ Original Instrument; 2/Plan of operation for a Funds-in-Trust Project + Work Plan
Part of Secretariat Records
1/ Original Instrument; 2/Plan of Operations.
Part of Secretariat Records
1/ Original Instrument; 2/Plan of operations.
Part of Secretariat Records
Subseries contains an original and copy of a 2002 Plan of Operation signed between UNESCO and the Palestinian Authority for the project "Enhancing Palestinian Human Resources: Assistance to Palestinian Students" financed by the Japanese ...
Part of Secretariat Records
Original Instrument/Contribution Arrangement between the Government of New Zealand and UNESCO.
Part of Secretariat Records
Subseries contains original Cooperation Agreements signed between UNESCO and Indonesia, as well as the original Instrument/Contribution Arrangement between the Government of New Zealand and UNESCO.
Part of Secretariat Records
Original instrument; Plan of operations; Annex II: Project Description.
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of operation for a Funds-in-trust project:agreement between UNESCOand the Government of Zambia.
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of operation for funds-in-trust projet; agreement between UNESCO and the Government of Swaziland.
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of operation for Funds in trust project: agreement beween UNESCO and the Govrnment of Mozambique.
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan d'Operation; Accord entre UNESCO et le Gouvernement Bosnie-Hergozevine.
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of Operation: Agreement between UNESCO and the Government of Malawi.
Part of Secretariat Records
Signed original copy of the Plan without project document attached.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Phase II Project outline; Plan of operation.
Part of Secretariat Records
Original instrument signed by Johnny A. McClain(UNESCO NAM) and A. Burity Da Silva Neto (Angola); received on 18/10/01.
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of operations
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of operation.
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of operation, Annex I rev., Annex II Budget.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Project document, budget.
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement; Annexe I: Project document.
Part of Secretariat Records
Instrument Original. TEPCO (The Tokio Electric Power Co. Inc).
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of Operations.
Coopération Fonds-en-dépôt UNESCO/Belgique (CODEART) : Projet Ateliers-Ecole de Camp Perrin
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan d'Opération, Accord/UNESCO-Gouvernemet D'Haiti, Description projet.
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO-DANIDA Funds-in-Trust Co-operation: Promotion of Human Rights in Bolivia
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of operation, description project.
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of Operations.
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of Operations with project description in annex. Transfer memorandum.
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of Operations with project document and budget in annex. Transfer memorandum.
Part of Secretariat Records
Plan of operations with project description and detailed workplan in annex. Transfer memorandum.
Part of Secretariat Records