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The analysis presented here is from a study commissioned by UNESCO Bangkok and Plan International Thailand, and conducted by Mahidol University. There has been research on school bullying in Thailand, but only anecdotal evidence on bullying specifically targetting students who are, or are perceived to be, LGBT, or mechanisms to counter it in Thai schools. This study aimed to fill this gap in evidence, and to identify policy and programme implications. It is the first systematic study on the issue in Thailand.
To better understand how countries are tackling the HIV epidemic among young key populations, a number of agencies agreed to partner to investigate how these groups were being addressed in national AIDS strategic plans in the Asia-Pacific region. This report is the outcome of this effort, and aims to inform country-based reviews and progress reports of current NSPs, and the development of future plans with greater attention to these populations. …
This review set out to examine three sets of key questions. 1. What is the extent and impact of homophobic bullying on pupils? 2. How is homophobia and sexual orientation addressed both within classrooms (issues relating to curriculum) and as part of whole school approaches? 3. To what extent and in what ways are issues of equity and diversity in relation to sexual orientation being addressed within the school workforce and what implications does this have for recruitment, retention and promotion?
In Botswana, homosexuality is criminalized, stigmatized, and considered by some to be “un-African.” Unsurprisingly in this context there has been scant research on lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) issues. This paper reviews what research has been done in the areas of HIV risk, substance abuse, and mental health; explores the issues facing LGBs in Botswana; and offers recommendations for policy and future research. …
There is an increasing number of “rainbow families”: families where one or both parents or/and co-care takers are lesbian, homosexual, bisexual or transgender. Although the upbringing of children in such rainbow families does not differ from heterosexual families, rainbow families often have to deal with specific challenges. They often get negative or prejudiced comments and questions about their family composition. Parents, their children, but also their environment have to learn how to deal with such events. This makes rainbow families different to some extent. …
La presente investigación busca analizar cómo se conforma la pobreza y vulnerabilidad en las comunidades TLGBI a partir de los procesos de exclusión y discriminación, construidos desde la heteronormatividad, dentro de la elaboración e implementación de las políticas públicas de salud en Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. Para ello, la primera interrogante gira en torno a cómo los sistemas de salud pública en los países estudiados han implementado el componente de orientación sexual y/o identidad de género en su normativa y ejecución desde el año 2000 hasta la actualidad.
The Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN) Community Leadership and Advocacy Framework is intended for use as a template for subregional and national advocacy to improve HIV prevention and care among MSM and transgender people. It sets out five Key Domains for Advocacy, provides suggestions for partnerships that would make advocacy more successful and outlines some indicative advocacy strategies. …
For many lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth, intolerance and prejudice make school a hostile and dangerous place. This study examined simultaneously the effects of a negative school climate on achievement and the role that school-based supports—safe school policies, supportive school personnel, and gay–straight alliance (GSA) clubs—may have in offsetting these effects. Data were drawn from a survey of a diverse sample of 5,730 LGBT youths who had attended secondary schools in the United States. …
El Mejunje es, ante todo, un Proyecto de Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario con una profunda vocación humanista, donde cualquier capa, grupo, sector social o persona, se puede sentir identificado, acogido y respetado: obreros, intelectuales, jóvenes, niños y adultos mayores, heterosexuales, homosexuales, bisexuales, travestís y lesbianas, roqueros, ex-presidiarios, personas con VIH, profesionales y aficionados, amas de casa y trabajadores, políticos, legos y especialistas campesinos, citadinos u otros.
This population size estimation (PSE) was undertaken in order to inform HIV prevention programming for key populations in the fight against HIV in Sierra Leone. This PSE focused on female sex workers (FSWs), men who have sex with men (MSM) and people who inject drugs (PWID) because these groups are typically the first and hardest affected by HIV, and addressing their needs to prevent HIV can prevent or diminish the effect of HIV/AIDS on the general population. …
The investment plan for Nepal 2014-2016 emphasises the importance of focusing on Key Affected Populations (KAP), then goes one step further to disaggregate relevant KAP into sub-populations, guided by infection risk dynamics and context. The first priorities identified for prevention are: female sex workers who inject drugs on a regular basis (FSW WID); other people who inject drugs; street-based female sex workers ( FSW); transgender sex workers (TG SW) and male sex workers (MSW). …
Diversidad sexual: Conceptos para pensar y trabajar en salud es un material elaborado como apoyo bibliográfico a las capacitaciones sobre sexualidad a cargo de Ricardo Duranti en el marco del proyecto para mejorar la accesibilidad a la prevención, diagnóstico y atención del VIH e ITS de población homosexual, bisexual y trans. El proyecto es coordinado por la Dirección de Sida y Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual y cuenta con el apoyo técnico-financiero de ONUSIDA, PNUD, UNFPA y OPS.
Every student has a right to learn in a safe environment. Yet for students who face bullying and harassment, schools and other educational settings can be fundamentally unsafe places. Bullying can take multiple forms, including: teasing, name-calling and labelling, physical abuse, sexual assault and social exclusion. Bullying not only threatens a child’s right to education, but it undermines other fundamental rights to health, safety, dignity and freedom from discrimination. Bullying occurs at all levels of education, including in primary schools. …
The objectives of the study were as follows: To gather evidence on the nature, scale and impact of bullying targeting students who are or are perceived to be same-sex attracted or transgender, attending general secondary schools in 5 provinces of Thailand; To study various aspects of the lifestyles of secondary school students that might be linked to bullying behaviours; To document the availability of existing prevention and support interventions on bullying targeting students who are or are perceived to be same-sex attracted or transgender, including accountability measures for those perpetr …
In the Asia-Pacific Region, young people bear a large proportion of new HIV infections, and there is a need to consult them about how best to tailor prevention initiatives to meet their needs. In 2010, Youth LEAD, an organization representing young HIV advocates from across the Asia-Pacific region highlighted the need to engage young people more effectively in advocacy and programming initiatives. …