- FR PUNES AG 8-LEG-A-1172-66
- File
- 2006-11-16
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains memoranda exchanged on the draft agreement.
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains memoranda exchanged on the draft agreement.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Letter of Agreement between Mariene Informatie Service, MARIS BV, and UNESCO
Part of Secretariat Records
549GLO2004. For the project Caspian Environment and Industrial Data and Information Service (CASPINFO).
Development of an Architectural Heritage Preservation Institute
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549RAB4000, MED/2006/131-689.
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO budget code 549RAF5000.
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement appears to be a duplicate original with one different date of signature.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Contribution Agreement, UNESCO budget code 549GHA4001, but with UNESCO signature missing.
Part of Secretariat Records
Contribution Agreement Contract, UNESCO budget code 549GHA4000.
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO Budget Code 549PAL4000.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains Contribution Agreement and Amendment signed between UNESCO and the European Commission for project 9ACPRPR50/2007/363 Fleuve Niger (Mali): renforcer la gouvernance de l'eau à travers la mise en réseau des collectivités locales r...
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains Contribution Agreements and Addendums signed between UNESCO and the European Commission or European Union for projects: IPA/2008/160-385 Alignment to European Standards in the Media Sector of South East European Countries; and, CRIS/...
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains contribution agreement and addendum signed between UNESCO and the European Commission for the project DCI-HUM/2009/200-538 Heritage Recovery and Cultural Development in Havana: Segundo Cabo Palace, UNESCO budget code 549CUB4000.
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains contribution agreement signed between UNESCO and the European Commission for the project ReCoMaP/07/01/452 "Empowering NSAs in Tanzania to Plan for Sustainable Coastal Livelihood using decision support tools", » UNESCO budg...
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO budget code 549INT4000 II.
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO budget code 549INT4000 II.
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO budget code 549INT4000.
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains contribution agreement and amendments signed between UNESCO and the European Commission or European Union for the project ENPI 2008/150-682 « Contribution à la mise en oeuvre de la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine immatéri...
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
File contains contribution agreement signed between UNESCO and the European Commission as well as amendments for the project DCI-ENV/2008/149-722 « Initiative pour le patrimoine mondial forestier d'Afrique Centrale - CAWHFI, » UNESCO budget c...
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO budget code 549GLO3000.
Amendment - Number 2003-013/001-003 EDU-ELEARN to Grant Agreement 2003-013/001-001
Part of Secretariat Records
Amendment No. 2003-0013/001-002 EDU-ELEARN to Grant Agreement 2003-013/001-001
Part of Secretariat Records
European Commission Grant Agreement for Project Number 2003-013/001-002 EDU-ELEARN
Part of Secretariat Records
File consists of amendements to the EDU-ELEARN grant agreement signed between UNESCO and the European Commission. The project no. is 2003-0013/001-002.
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO budget code 549HAI2001.
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO budget code 549HAI2000.
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO budget code 549HAI2000.
Part of Secretariat Records
Contribution agreements and amendments signed between UNESCO and the European Commission, representing the European Union, for the projects: ECHO/HTI/BUD/2011/91008 "Strengthening Haitian capacities for tsunami early warning and preparedness...
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO Budget code 549RLA1000.
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO budget code 549RLA2002.
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO budget code 549RLA2002.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Contribution agreements and amendments signed between UNESCO and the European Commission (representing the European Union) for projects: ECHO/DIP/BUD/2011/91010 Strengthening national and regional systems of tsunami early warning and preparedness,...
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Grant agreement and amendments between UNESCO and the European Commission, representing the European Union, for the project no. 070401/2010/579078/SUB/C4 "Tsunami Information Centre for the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean (NEAMTIC)," UNESC...
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Contribution agreement and amendments to contribution agreement between UNESCO and the UNESCO Commission, representing the European Union, for the project ECHO/DIP/BUD/2010/03022 "Strengthening Early Warning Systems in Central America from a ...
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Contribution agreement and addendums to contribution agreement between UNESCO and the UNESCO Commission, representing the European Union, for the project DCI-EDUC/2009/200-536 "Providing, Keeping and Rewarding Good Teachers," UNESCO budg...
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Contribution agreement, amendments and addendum to project DRG/2006/126-930 "Harm Reduction in Developing Countries: Global Partnerships for Sustainable Development," UNESCO budget code 549GLO1000.
Part of Secretariat Records
Amendment No. 2 to Contract DRG/2005/110-433 [Reducing Harm from Drug Use]
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Part of Secretariat Records
Contribution agreement and amendments to project DRG/2005/110-433 "Reducing Harm from Drug Use," UNESCO budget code 549RAB4000.
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Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement signed between UNESCO and Gabon within the framework of the financing agreement B7-62/01/0427/TF. UNESCO's budget code 549RAF2001.
Part of Secretariat Records
Agreement signed between UNESCO and Gabon within the framework of the financing agreement B7-62/01/0427/TF.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Financing Agreement for the project/programme registered as No. 432-UNO-ED04-03
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Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Financing Agreement for Project 8 ACP HA 039 - Programme d'Appui au Renforcement de la Qualité de l'Education en Haïti (PARQE), UNESCO budget code 539HAI1000. "Cadre et modalités d'assistance" in annex.
Addendum No. 2 Contrat No. B7-4100/2000/2165-084 P510 [pour le projet Avicenna Virtual Campus]
Part of Secretariat Records
Addendum No. 1 Contrat No. B7-4100/2000/2165-084 P510 [pour le projet Avicenna Virtual Campus]
Part of Secretariat Records
Accord de financement pour le projet Avicenna Virtual Campus No. B7-4100/2000/2165-084 P510
Part of Secretariat Records
Accord de financement pour le projet Avicenna Virtual Campus No. B7-4100/2000/2165-084 P510
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO budget code 539INT1000.
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO budget code 539INT1000.
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
UNESCO budget code 539INT1000.
Standard Funding Agreement for the project/programme registered as 354-UNO-CS2-01
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Part of Secretariat Records
Financing agreement number PLE/B74200/IB/99/0214.