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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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Revised Standard Agreement

Print copy of Revised Standard Agreement (TAB/R.251/Add.47) signed between the Government of the Somali Republic and the Acting Resident Representative of the UN Technical Assistance Board in Somali Republic on behalf of the participating organiza...

Troisième avenant au plan-cadre des opérations pour un programme de valorisation des travaux pratiques et des connaissances usuelles dans l'enseignement primaire en Tunisie - E/ICEF/P.L.997 - UNICEF/NAAO

The Basic Agreement was signed between Unicef and Tunisia in 1964, the First Addendum signed in March 1967 and the Second Addendum signed in October 1967. Both UNESCO and FAO were included in this Third Addendum. The document is a signed original.

Assistance technique - Caméroun

The legal instruments in this subseries follow upon the Basic agreement between the UNO, ILO, FAO, UNESCO, ICAO, WHO, TAB and the Government of the United Kingdom (A/125/1) signed 25 June 1951.

Organisations internationales

File has the following sub-titles: OTASE, IDA, Johnson Bill, TAB Resident Representatives, ECA, Fifth Commission, ACC, FAO, Comité des Cinq, 14th UN General Assembly, N.U., Rapports périodiques sur les droits de l'homme, ECOSOC, UNICEF, UNRWA...