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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Bringing it out in the open: monitoring school violence based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression in national and international surveys

    This technical brief has been developed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to strengthen the routine monitoring of school violence that is based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression (SOGIE).

  2. South Sudan reproductive health strategic plan 2013-16

    Policy Goal: To reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and improve the reproductive health status of the people of South Sudan through the provision of a universally accessible, quality, integrated, equitable and sustainable comprehensive reproductive health care package. Policy Objectives: 1. To build the capacity at all levels of MOH and partners, in order to deliver quality comprehensive reproductive health services. 2. To establish an equitable resource allocation framework for the RH subsector at all levels. 3. …

  3. National reproductive health policy: Present and future prosperity through safe motherhood and healthy childhood

    The Ministry of Health has developed this National Reproductive Health Policy to provide the appropriate framework and guidance for the promotion and implementation of reproductive health programmes and interventions in the country. The ultimate aim of this policy is to provide an effective national platform for strengthening reproductive health interventions in South Sudan and facilitating the achievement of relevant global, regional and national goals in the interest of improved health, well-being and overall quality of lives of all peoples in the country. …

  4. Reproductive health national strategy and action plan 2010-2015

    The strategy presented in this document is intended for a broad audience of governmental actors, professional associations, institutions, non-governmental organizations, donors and other stakeholders within reproductive health. As a strategy it has been designed to be as clear and brief as possible. It does not provide an exhaustive list of reproductive health issues faced by the Somali people, but seeks to identify key priority areas (i.e. …

  5. Plan estratégico nacional multisectorial de VIH e ITS 2016-2020

    La planeación estratégica nacional para el VIH/Sida e ITS en El Salvador se realiza de forma quinquenal, es así como el país, luego de haber evaluado alcances y limitantes del período 2011-2011, diseñó las nuevas líneas estratégicas que darán la pauta para el desarrollo de acciones tendientes a contribuir en la eliminación del VIH, todo a la luz de las tendencias mundiales, las estrategias innovadoras y los enormes desafíos de cara a la sostenibilidad de la respuesta. …

  6. Respuesta al VIH, sida e infecciones de transmisión sexual: Plan Estratégico Nacional 2018-2021

    La Dirección de Sida, ETS, Hepatitis y TBC (DSETSHyT), conjuntamente con ONUSIDA, OPS y UNICEF, conformaron un equipo de trabajo y seguimiento del proceso que incluyó la selección y contratación de dos consultores. Se decidió desarrollar tres planes estratégicos, cada uno con su marco de monitoreo y evaluación: el plan de VIH e ITS; el de hepatitis y el de tuberculosis. El periodo de dichos planes es de cuatro años, entre 2018 y 2021.

  7. Plan national de suivi et evaluation pour la riposte multisectorielle aux IST, VIH et SIDA 2018-2022

    Le présent plan de Suivi et Evaluation de la riposte multisectorielle 2018-2022 de Madagascar se fonde sur ce cadre structurel. Il se présente tel un instrument de mesure, d’évaluation et de vérification accompagnant la mise en œuvre du Plan Stratégique National (PSN). En effet, ce plan joue un rôle de boussole et de tableau de bord pour suivre régulièrement l’état d’avancement des interventions de lutte contre le sida dans le pays, conformément aux stratégies et objectifs convenus. …

  8. National HIV/AIDS stigma reduction strategy: Stigma and discrimination reduction in the national HIV/AIDS response

    The Nigerian HIV prevalence rate is declining however, stigma indices does not show corresponding decline. Drivers of the HIV epidemic include the structural, contextual and social factors, such as poverty, gender inequality, inequity and poor access to health care, as well as stigma and discrimination and other human rights violations. However, several positive actions have been taken to address stigma and discrimination issues in the country. …

  9. Liberia national HIV prevention strategy 2017-2020

    The overall objective of this strategy is to stop new HIV infections − in key populations as well as in the general population of Liberia − and keep PLHIV in Liberia alive and healthy. …

  10. A whole school approach to prevent school-related gender-based violence: Minimum standards and monitoring framework

    The purpose of this guide is to present a set of minimum standards for a whole school approach to prevent and respond to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) and a monitoring framework to measure the effectiveness of the approach. A whole school approach is a strategy that takes into account the interconnectedness of schools, communities, and families in order to improve the school environment for students, staff, and community members. This guide is divided into three sections. …

  11. Plan d’action national VIH 2018-2022

    Le plan d’action national VIH 2018-2022 est l’outil principal de pilotage, de monitoring et d’évaluation pour les acteurs publics et de la société civile engagés dans la riposte au VIH. Le plan couvre la période de 5 ans de 2018 à 2022. Il s’aligne aux objectifs internationaux et repose sur une démarche participative associant les différents acteurs qui prend en compte trois facteurs importants : - les enjeux épidémiologiques au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, - les réalisations sur le terrain, - les besoins identifiés et les défis rencontrés.

  12. Plan estratégico de la coordinadora estatal de VIH y sida - CESIDA 2017-2019

    La Coordinadora Estatal de VIH y sida, en adelante CESIDA, es la Coordinadora estatal de entidades que trabajan en VIH que nace en el año 2002 con el objetivo de ser una plataforma de asociaciones del Estado español que trabajan en el ámbito del VIH y el sida, de carácter no lucrativo y no gubernamental y promueve la presencia y la participación ciudadana en el diseño y desarrollo de políticas y estrategias integrales relacionadas con la infección por el VIH y el sida. …

  13. National monitoring and evaluation plan of the national strategic plan 2016-2020

    The strategic information framework presented in this monitoring and evaluation (M&E;) plan guides and allows stakeholders in the national response to provide oversight and routine performance monitoring of the national response, defined in the National Strategic Plan. It constitutes the national monitoring tool for the generation and use of strategic information to support timely, evidence-informed decision-making processes for successful policy development, program planning and implementation. …

  14. Global school health initiatives: achieving health and education outcomes

    The WHO School Health Technical Meeting was held in Bangkok on 23–25 November 2015 to consolidate what had been learned from regions and countries since the last WHO Technical Meeting on School Health in 2007 and to renew commitments and scale-up of the institutional capacity of the health and education sectors to achieve health and educational outcomes especially low-resource settings. More than 60 experts from a wide variety of geographical and professional backgrounds participated in the meeting. …

  15. Health Promoting Schools: A monitoring tool

    This booklet contains a series of tables to help you assess your school’s policies and programmes in its journey towards becoming a health promoting school. Feel free to use this tool to identify gaps and to track your actions. It is recommended that progress be reviewed every six months.


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