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UNESCO Youth Institute

Subfonds consists of publications and documents of the UNESCO Youth Institute (Institut de Jeunesse de l'UNESCO) in Munich-Gautingen, Germany, until the year 1960. No detailed information about content available.

Records of the Comité Français de l'Institut international du cinéma éducatif

Subfonds consists of records of the Comité Français de l'Institut international du cinéma éducatif that were transferred to the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation. The subfonds is arranged into two series: A) Correspondence ...

Comité Français de l’Institut international du cinéma éducatif

International Commission for a History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind

  • Subfonds
  • 1944-1974, predominant 1947-1969
  • Part of Secretariat Records

Subfonds contains official and unofficial files, papers, letters, memoranda, manuscripts, maps, illustrations, photographs, etc. of the International Commission for a History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind as maintained by i...

International Commission for a History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind

Legal Advisor records

Subfonds contains agreements between the IBI and state members, as well as files related to certain legal quesions. The subfonds appears to be incomplete. It has been arranged into three series:IBI/7/1 Cooperation agreementsIBI/7/2 Legal affairs...

Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics. Legal Advisor

General Assembly records

The General Assembly subfonds consists of four series:series IBI/1/1 contains the official documents of the General Assembly sessionsseries IBI/1/2 contains the official documents of the Management Committeeseries IBI/1/3 contains the transcriptio...

Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics. General Assembly

Liquidation Committee

The sousfonds contains financial and legal documents related to the liquidation of the IBI. It also contains working documents, meeting reports, correspondence as well as the documents, decisions and audio-recordings of the 6th Extraordinary Sess...

Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics. Liquidation Commitee

1st Extraordinary session, Paris

Documents of the 1st General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as extraordinary session.President of the Conference: Dr. Francisco del RIO Y CANEDO (Mexico).

Office of the Director-General records

Sous-fonds consists of files generated by the Director-General, the Deputy Director-General, and the Executive Office of the Director-General.

UNESCO. Office of the Director-General

Management Committee records

The Management Committee met five times in the scope of its duties:16-18 March 198727-29 April 198716-18 June 198723-24 July 198716 November 1987Beyond official documents issued from these meetings, the subfonds contains working documents (drafts,...

Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics. Management Comittee

Secretariat of the Director-General records

The subfonds contains copies of outgoing mail as well as the IBI’s incoming and outgoing correspondence (letters and telexes). There are gaps in each of the series in the subfonds: IBI/5/1/1 Originals, IBI/5/1/2 Outgoing, and IBI/5/1/3 Telexes an...

Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics. Secretariat of the Director-General

Executive Council records

The Executive Council subfonds is arranged into the following series:IBI/2/1: Executive Council sessionsIBI/2/2: Executive Council session transcriptionsIBI/2/3: Reflection CommitteeIBI/2/4: Consultative Programme and Budget CommitteeIBI/2/5: Cons...

Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics. Executive Council

34th General Conference, Paris

Documents of the 34th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Georges N. ANASTASSOPOULOS (Greece).

32nd General Conference, Paris

Documents of the 32nd General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Mr Michael Abiola OMOLEWA (Nigeria).

33st General Conference, Paris

Documents of the 33rd General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Musa Bin Jaafar BIN HASSAN (Oman).

30th General Conference, Paris

Documents of the 30th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Ms. Jaroslava MOSEROVA (Czech Republic).

31st General Conference, Paris

Documents of the 31st General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Mr Ahmad JALALI (Islamic Republic of Iran).

27th General Conference, Paris

Documents of the 27th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Ahmed Saleh SAYYAD (Yemen).

29th General Conference, Paris

Documents of the 29th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Eduardo PORTELLA (Brazil).

26th General Conference, Paris

Documents of the 26th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Mr Bethwell Allan OGOT (Kenya).

24th General conference, Paris

Documents of the 24th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Guillermo PUTZEYS ALVAREZ (Guatemala).

16th General conference, Paris

Documents of the 16th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Atilio DELL'ORO MAINI (Argentina).

15th General conference, Paris

Documents of the 15th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. William A. ETEKI-MBOUMOUA (Cameroon).

12th General conference, Paris

Documents of the 12th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Paulo E. de Berrêdo CARNEIRO (Brazil).

13th General conference, Paris

Documents of the 13th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Noraïr M. SISSAKIAN (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

11th General conference, Paris

Documents of the 11th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Akale-Work ABTE-WOLD (Ethiopia).

7th General conference, Paris

Documents of the 7th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Sarvepalli RADHAKRISHNAN (India).

6th General conference, Paris

Documents of the 6th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session. President of the Conference: Mr. Howland SARGEANT (United States of America).

3rd General Conference, Beirut

Documents of the 3rd General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Beirut city as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Mr. Hamid Bey FRANGIE (Lebanon).

4th General conference, Paris

Documents of the 4th General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris as ordinary session.President of the Conference: Sir Ronald E. WALKER (Australia).

Results 1 to 100 of 260