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# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions
1 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.53 Standard inventories of basic scientific equipment - Parts II-III None
2 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.322 3rd part - Inventories of engineering science None
3 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.326 Inventories - chemistry None
4 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.325 Inventories - physics None
5 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.324 Inventories - biology None
6 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.323 3rd part - Inventories - medical sciences None
7 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.323 2nd part - Inventories - medical sciences None
8 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.323 1st part - Inventories - medical sciences None
9 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.322 2nd part - Inventories of engineering science None
10 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.328 Inventories - agriculture and veterinary science None
11 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.322 1st part - Inventories of engineering science None
12 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.321 Synopsis of CAME standard inventories of scientific equipment None
13 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.32 2nd part - CAME standard inventories of scientific equipment None
14 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.32 1st part - CAME standard inventories of scientific equipment None
15 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.315 2nd part - Safeguarding of key industries in Allied countries None
16 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.315 1st part - Safeguarding of key industries in Allied countries None
17 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.327 Inventories - geology and mining None
18 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.329 Inventories - other sciences, geography None
19 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.313 Estimates of first instalments of equipment None
20 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.4/Po Poland None
21 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.53 Standard inventories of basic scientific equipment - Part I None
22 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.546 Exhibition of scientific textbooks and apparatus None
23 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.4/Yu Yugoslavia None
24 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.4/USSR USSR None
25 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.4/USA United States of America None
26 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.4/UK United Kingdom None
27 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.4/No Norway None
28 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.4 General - Countries - Miscellaneous statistics None
29 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.4/Lu Luxembourg None
30 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.4/In India and Burma None
31 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.4/Ho Holland None
32 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.4/Fr France None
33 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.4/Cz Czechoslovakia None
34 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.4/Be Belgium None
35 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.314 Assessments of minimum essential needs None
36 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.312 Formulation of demands by countries None
37 FR PUNES AG 2-12-600 International Labour Office - Draft Minutes of the Governing Body, 91st, 94th and 95th sessions None
38 FR PUNES AG 2-1-3 CAME and the origins of UNESCO None
39 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.111 1st part - Science Commission correspondence None
40 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.11 Science Commission - minutes and papers None
41 FR PUNES AG 2-1-4(MC)1 Visual Aids Commission - aids for science teaching None
42 FR PUNES AG 2-1-4(ED)3 Educational problems of liberated countries - Commission on Belgian memorandum on denazification of youth and children None
43 FR PUNES AG 2-1-302 Executive Bureau, minutes and papers None
44 FR PUNES AG 2-1-301 Science Commission None
45 FR PUNES AG 2-12-623 Commission of Films and Visual Aids None
46 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.12 Science Commission, Technical Sub-Committee - draft minutes and papers None
47 FR PUNES AG 2-12-620 Pamphlet on CAME to be published by U.N.I.O. (United Nations Information Organization) None
48 FR PUNES AG 2-12-619 Commission on Basic Scholastic Equipment None
49 FR PUNES AG 2-12-618 Committee on the Restitution and Distribution of Cultural Material - The Vaucher Committee None
50 FR PUNES AG 2-12-614 2nd part - Open meetings to discuss proposals for United Nations Educational organizations None
51 FR PUNES AG 2-12-614 1st part - General meeting to discuss proposals for United Nations Educational organizations None
52 FR PUNES AG 2-12-603 Films and Visual Aids Commission, School Broadcasting Sub-Committee None
53 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.111 2nd part - Papers regarding teaching of sciences in the schools of European occupied countries None
54 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.121 Science Commission, Technical Sub-Committee - correspondence None
55 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.311 Schedules of needs in science and laboratory equipment - layout and policy None
56 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.16 Books Commission - correspondence None
57 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.31 Schedules of needs in science and laboratory equipment - general None
58 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.24 CAME and Ministry of Supply None
59 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.23 CAME and Inter-Allied Committee on Post-War Requirements None
60 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.22 CAME and Armistice Commission - recovery of looted scientific equipment None
61 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.21 CAME and UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) None
62 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.17 Science Commission - miscellaneous correspondence None
63 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.15 Minimum Essential Needs Sub-Committee Papers None
64 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.13 Basic School Equipment Commission - minutes and papers None
65 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.141 Supply Sub-Committee - correspondence None
66 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.14 Supply Sub-Committee - correspondence None
67 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.131 3rd part - Correspondence None
68 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.131 2nd part - Expenses None
69 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.131 1st part - Basic School Equipment Commission - correspondence None
70 FR PUNES AG 2-1-6.131 1st part - Basic School Equipment Commission - correspondence None
71 FR PUNES AG 2-12-597 Commission of Enquiry on Special Educational Problems 1945-01 - 1946-04 None