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The report draws on data from four Kenya Demographic and Health Surveys (KDHS) (1993, 1998, 2003 and 2008/09), the Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey (KAIS) (2007), the Kenya Service Provision Assessment (KSPA) (2004 and 2010) and the Kenya National Survey for Persons with Disabilities (KNSPWD) (2008). Levels of key family planning and reproductive health indicators are set out, as well as fertility-and abortion indicators in Kenya. An equity lens was used, which differentiates these indicators by age, marital status, region, education and wealth. …
The goal of this strategy is to reduce new HIV infections among adolescents and young people in Nigeria.The target populations for the strategy are divided into three major groups: in-school youth, out-of-school youth, and key populations at higher risk.
MSM and transgender people requires addressing self-issues and the linkages with HIV vulnerability and risk behavior. Yet to date, many HIV-related programs in Asia have failed to address self-stigma. To better understand how self-stigma relates to HIV, YVC undertook an in-person consultation in October 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand, and commissioned in-country research in 10 countries: Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. …
This report documents a GLSEN and UNESCO sponsored meeting p to strategize about how to coordinate our collective resources and knowledge to reduce homophobic and transphobic prejudice and violence in schools globally.
The goal of this toolkit is to enable staff of mainstream youth-serving organizations to create a safe and welcoming environment for GLBTQ youth by directly addressing homophobia and transphobia among staff and youth. …
Desde el Programa Nacional de Educación y Prevención sobre las Adicciones y el Consumo Indebido de Drogas (Ley nacional N° 26586), trabajamos con el objetivo de promover valores y actitudes que fortalezcan las capacidades de las personas y su entorno para prevenir las adicciones y el uso indebido de drogas. “Hablemos del tema” es el eslogan que guía las acciones del programa a partir del convencimiento de que la escuela es un espacio privilegiado para abordar esta cuestión sin temores ni prejuicios. …
A presente edição foi especialmente preparada para atender as escolas brasileiras. Trata-se da versão resumida do livro Drogas nas Escolas, de Mary Castro e Miriam Abramovay lançado em 2002 com grande repercussão na imprensa. A pesquisa que deu origem a esse livro procurou privilegiar a visão de mundo dos alunos, do corpo técnico-pedagógico das escolas e dos pais, sobre o consumo de drogas e temas correlatos. O estudo envolveu crianças e jovens do ensino fundamental e médio de 14 capitais brasileiras. …
Pathfinder International developed this compendium to identify and facilitate access to useful resources that will help field teams around the world improve service provision for YPLHIV. Each resource is accompanied by a brief synopsis and recommendations for utilization, so that field teams can assess quickly and easily whether the resource is valuable or relevant to their programs.
The Technical Consultation meeting brought together experts from national ministries, national and international civil society organizations, inter-governmental organizations and UN agencies to review the progress made in providing adolescents and youth in the region with access to healthy lifestyle education, including comprehensive education on life-skills and sexual and reproductive health, and identify gaps and opportunities to better assist countries in delivering healthy-lifestyle education at a national scale and ensuring its quality and effectiveness. …
A recent report from NatCen found that schools lack confidence in dealing with homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying, are unsure how to address it and feel under-resourced. Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) and Education Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH) are working closely together with schools in urban and rural areas across the West of England: building their capacity to challenge and prevent homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying. …
The Global Initiative on Primary Prevention of Substance Abuse (Global Initiative) is jointly executed by the United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Implementation began in June 1997. The Global Initiative aims to prevent the use and abuse of all licit and illicit psychoactive substances by young people. The project is implemented in selected communities in eight countries in three regions of the world where rapid/dramatic social change is in progress. …
This comprehensive training manual is suitable for teachers and trainers to support the implementation of a skills-based drug education programme in schools. It is based on evidence-based principles of drug education in schools. It was developed through a consultation process involving school education authorities and drug implementation agencies of participating countries to ensure its relevance to the target group. The focus of the manual is on the training of teachers and trainers on the skills for drug education, utilizing experimental learning approaches. …
Today, more than half of the world population is under the age of 25 years and one in four is under age 18. The urgency of expanding access to Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) notably for children and young people in Africa and Asia is greater than ever before. However, many challenges to the implementation and delivery of CSE in resource poor settings have been identified in the literature. CSE’s effectiveness could be strongly improved if these challenges were better met. …
This guide is the result of a series of workshops conducted in 2009 and 2010 by young people in Romania, India, Mexico and Canada. During these workshops, the authors identified gaps in the information young people have regarding sexual health and drug use. They also identified the best ways to talk about drug use and sexual health among young peers. This guide provides information, practical activities, and resources to facilitate youth-led peer trainings. …
Adopté le 19 septembre 2013 lors d’un comité interministériel présidé par le Premier ministre en présence de l’ensemble des ministres concernés, le plan gouvernemental de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives définit la stratégie de la France pour les années 2013-2017. Elaboré sur le modèle du plan de l’Union Européenne en la matière, ce plan stratégique sera décliné en deux plans d’actions successifs, programmés sur une durée de deux ans chacun. Ce document présente le premier plan d’actions, préparé pour la période 2013-2015. …