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Le but de ce guide est d'aider les organisations de services liés au SIDA, les réseaux de personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA et autres militants contre le SIDA à avoir accès aux organismes de défense des droits humains des Nations Unies et à jouer un rôle critique pour que le VIH/SIDA en tant que problème de droits humains demeure à l'ordre du jour de ces organismes. En effet, ceux-ci jouent un rôle essentiel pour la protection des droits humains liés au VIH parce qu'ils arrivent à comprendre les questions liées au VIH d'un point de vue des droits humains; à développer et à formuler des standards de droits humains liés au VIH; à contrôler les violations des droits humains liées au VIH et à militer pour le respect de ces normes par l'Etat dans le cadre des conventions appropriées.
This volume is derived from a consultation on ethics, law and HIV/AIDS that was convened in Dakar, Senegal, in 1994. It is divided into 4 parts. The first part deals with ethical and legal issues relating to the HIV/AIDS epidemic drawing upon experiences in the different countries. The second part consists of thematic papers prepared by experts which serve as an introduction to the discussions on a number of key issues including: ethical principles and practice in response to the HIV epidemic; HIV/AIDS, public health and individual rights and confidentiality; HIV/AIDS and law. In the third part, three subjects are treated: 1)the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Rwanda tragedy, 2)religious values in the context of the epidemic; and 3)community response to the epidemic. The last section reports on working groups findings pertaining to strategies for the establishment of an African Network on Ethics, Law and HIV.
This bibliography includes a review of the literature on education for the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS. A range of topics are covered including: general information about HIV/AIDS; HIV/AIDS preventive education in schools; training educators in HIV/AIDS prevention and education; care and management of those living with HIV/AIDS; HIV/AIDS information for vulnerable groups; ethical, moral and legal aspects of HIV/AIDS. It also includes WHO guidelines for HIV/AIDS prevention and control.
Mitigating HIV/AIDS Impact on Education Systems: A Multi-Sectoral Approach
Internationally, there has been a recent resurgence of interest in HIV and AIDS-related stigma and discrimination, triggered at least in part by growing recognition that negative social responses to the epidemic remain pervasive even in seriously affected communities. Yet, rarely are existing notions of stigma and discrimination interrogated for their conceptual adequacy and their usefulness in leading to the design of effective programmes and interventions. …
This is a document highlighting international guidelines set at the Second International Consultation on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights which was organized by United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The guidelines offered, provide concrete measures that could be taken to protect human rights and health were HIV/AIDS is concerned. …
The consultation was organized to explore the specific needs of ethnic minority communities in European countries for culturally and linguistically appropriate HIV/AIDS and sexual health services. Further, it aimed to develop a context for collaborative and integrated approaches towards improving and enhancing such services. …
This is a report which contains background information on HIV/AIDS and Education issues in South Africa. Contained in this report are copies of media statements on HIV/AIDS and schools, an extract from a working paper which discusses issues on HIV/AIDS and schools and preliminary recommendations, an extract from a committee paper, the South African Schools Act, 1996 and the National Education Policy Act of 1996.
This paper discusses UNICEF's policy on Children Affected by HIV/AIDS globally. It contains statistics of the situation of these vulnerbale children and offers strategies on how to mitigate the impact of the epidemic on them.
This report clearly illustrates the powerful and negative effects of stigma on those affected by HIV/AIDS. The stories from children are particularly powerful and impacting. This report aims to put across the message that combating HIV/AIDS requires a strong and coordinated reponse from all sectors of society.
This paper discusses the rights of children particularly in a world with HIV/AIDS. It explores how the way children affects the lives that they live. The thrust is on how to ensure that a child's rights are actually accessible to him/her through particular policies.
This document aims to accelerate a process to build consensus on guiding principles for an expanded response to children and adolescents affected by HIV/AIDS. This effort is grounded in and driven by the firm conviction that children living in AIDS-affected communities have the right to protect themselves from becoming infected with HIV, and must not be forced into situations where they face risks of infection with HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases. …
This document provides an over view of international attention attaining Education for All. Education is the key to decrease in poverty and increase in health. With a focus on the girl child, there are long term implications as their increased health directory impacts on their children's increased health. These result in a depressed demand for education. Girls are a particular risk due to gender bias in the home and in the school that favours boys. Case Studies: Bangladesh: Groundbreaking work in rural education, development of relevant curricula, flexible hours and cost effectiveness. …
This paper summarises major findings from a Human Rights Watch report that documents the scope of sexual violence in South African schools. It identifies the lack of accountability among school officials, police and prosecutors which leaves perpetrators unpunished. It encourages governments to create and enforce guidelines for appropriate responses to sexual violence in schools.