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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. HIV and social protection assessment tool: generating evidence for policy and action on HIV and social protection

    The HIV and social protection assessment tool is used for a quick scan of existing social protection programmes and their sensitivity (or lack of) to the HIV response in a given country and location. Additional follow-up and research that engages the different critical actors, including HIV programme managers, social protection administrators, beneficiaries and civil society representatives, may be necessary in some contexts. The assessment provides countries and communities with tailored analysis on HIV and social protection. …

  2. Searching for the second R in sexual and reproductive health and … rights

    Sexual and reproductive health and rights have gained prominence in the HIV response. The role of sexual and reproductive health in underpinning a successful approach to HIV prevention, treatment, care, and services has increasingly been recognized. However, the “second R,” referring to sexual and reproductive rights, is often neglected. This leads to policies and programs which both fail to uphold and fulfill these rights and which fail to meet the needs of those most affected by HIV by neglecting to take account of the human right-based barriers and challenges they face. …

  3. Young key populations and young people living with HIV and AIDS in Vietnam

    The aim of the program is to create enabling and empowering environment in the selected countries to enhance the engagement of young key populations in the Global Fund processes at country level, with following specific objectives: (i) To synthesize and generate strategic information in relation to HIV and young people to inform the National Strategic Plan review and Investment Cases; (ii) Ensure youth partners have the skills and knowledge to influence the country dialogue for adequately resourced HIV responses for young people; and (iii) Ensure programmes funded through the NFM targeting you …

  4. National HIV and AIDS strategic plan 2015/2016-2019/2020

    The vision of this NSP is “A Healthy and Productive Population free of HIV and AIDS and its effects” while the goal is “Towards Zero new infections, Zero HIV and AIDS-related mortality and morbidity and Zero discrimination”. To attain the goal of this NSP, it will be implemented under four thematic areas, namely, (i) Prevention, (ii) Care and Treatment, (iii) Social Support and Protection, and (iv) Systems Strengthening. The thematic area of Systems Strengthening includes governance, infrastructure, human resource, financing/resource mobilization, monitoring, evaluation and research.

  5. Towards ending AIDS in Sri Lanka: a road map

    The road map towards ending AIDS by 2025 consists of strategic directions to be followed in order to achieve the 90-90-90 target set by UNAIDS, namely, that 90% of all people living with HIV know their HIV status, 90% of people with diagnosed HIV infection receive sustainable antiretroviral therapy and 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy achieve viral suppression. These new targets aim to fast-track the national response in the next five years to end AIDS by 2025. …

  6. The national policy for the prevention and control of HIV and AIDS and STIs: Republic of Seychelles

    The main goal of the Seychelles National Policy on HIV and AIDS and Other STIs is to prevent and control the spread of HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections, and to care for those infected and affected by them. This goal will be achieved through programmes and services that respect for human rights, that are fully integrated and mainstreamed and that use knowledge and experience acquired on what works and what does not work to develop and deliver services.

  7. Situation analysis of legal and regulatory aspects of HIV and AIDS in Seychelles: final report

    This analysis of legal and regulatory aspects in the context of HIV and AIDS seeks to clarify how existing laws, policies and practices and their implementation and enforcement either support or undermine an effective HIV response in the country. This is important to ensure an effective HIV response that protects and promotes the human rights of people living with HIV and of most at risk and vulnerable populations. …

  8. Pakistan AIDS Strategy III 2015-2020

    The purpose of the PAS III is to guide Pakistan’s overall national response for HIV and AIDS through 2020, through focused interventions with set targets, costs, roles and responsibilities. The successful implementation of PAS III involves multiple stakeholders to achieve priority outcomes outlined in the Strategy. The Strategy focuses on allocating limited resources to scale up high-impact, high-value interventions such as HTC and treatment to reduce AIDS related deaths and new HIV infections. …

  9. An assessment of the legal and policy environment in response to HIV in Nepal

    This report follows on the recommendation of the Global Commission on HIV and Law in undertaking national reviews and multi-stakeholder consultations by 2015, relating to the legal and policy barriers towards the elimination of HIV-related stigma, discrimination, and violence. …

  10. National strategic plan for HIV and AIDS 2015-2020

    This 2015-2020 National Strategic Plan (NSP) for HIV will focus on meeting the 90-90-90 targets through identifying critical program and system gaps and ensuring those gaps are closed within the next five years. The NSP cuts across multiple sectors including health, and creates a common understanding for all HIV and AIDS stakeholders: government, civil society, the private sector, and development partners to work together towards achieving the expected results. …

  11. National HIV prevention strategy 2015-2020

    The current National HIV Prevention Strategy (2015-2020) has adopted a results-based management approach with clear activities leading to outputs and outcomes. Eventually, these directly lead to the desired impacts as outlined in the revised 2015-2020 National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS (NSP). The primary objective of the current NSP is the achievement of the 90-90-90 targets by 2020. This National Prevention Strategy embraces a combination prevention approach for primary and secondary HIV prevention. …

  12. Malawi national HIV and AIDS monitoring and evaluation framework 2015-2020

    Following the adoption of the NSP (2015-2020), the Government of Malawi through the National AIDS Commission commissioned the revision of the M&E; Plan to accompany the revised NSP. The new M&E; Plan will primarily guide and enable the generation and availability of strategic information for effective management of the national response; the tracking and assessment of both the HIV epidemic as well as the performance towards the attainment of the ambitious 90-90-90 targets, the intermediate strategic outcomes as well as outputs. …

  13. National HIV and AIDS strategic plan 2016-2020

    This National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2016-2020 is intended to sustain the progress made in the national HIV response thus far and guide the implementation of the national HIV response over the next five years. It has been developed to guide the country's efforts towards the achievement of the HIV-related Sustainable Development Goals. …

  14. Actualización del plan estratégico multisectorial de la respuesta nacional al VIH/SIDA 2007-2015 - Planes operativos multisectoriales 2011-2013

    El Ministerio de Salud Pública del Ecuador y el Programa Nacional de Prevención y Control del VIH-sida, en un proceso consensuado entre el sector público y sus asociados, elaboró en el año 2007 el Plan Estratégico de la Respuesta Nacional al VIH 2007-2015 (PEM). …

  15. Plan estratégico nacional multisectorial de ITS, VIH y Sida 2009-2014

    Este documento concentra el esfuerzo de los actores claves que, en Panamá, están involucrados con la respuesta nacional a la epidemia de VIH ; ha sido elaborado con la metodología de ASAP y es parte de la herramientas técnicas que, bajo un concepto totalmente estratégico, estamos presentando para fortalecer la toma de decisiones, fundamentadas en la planeación estratégica basada en evidencias y orientada a resultados. [...] El documento consta de tres componentes : Análisis del entorno, análisis de situación y análisis de la respuesta. …


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