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The Link Up project, launched by a consortium of global and national partners in early 2013, is an ambitious three-year initiative that seeks to advance the SRHR of more than one million young people in five countries. Link Up distinctively works with young people most affected by HIV aged 10 to 24 years old, with a specific focus on young men who have sex with men, young people who do sex work, young people who use drugs, young transgender people, and young women and men living with HIV. …
There are many resources today for trainers and individuals on HIV responses. What then makes this toolkit different and why is the audience both leaders within faith communities and broader society as they engage together in responses to HIV? In answer to the first question, most materials on HIV prevention ignore or underplay the impact of stigma, shame, denial, discrimination, inaction and misaction (SSDDIM). There is an assumption that if people are given the appropriate scientific knowledge, these issues will diminish. …
Objective: To compare national human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) policies influencing access to HIV testing and treatment services in six sub-Saharan African countries. Methods: We reviewed HIV policies as part of a multi-country study on adult mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. A policy extraction tool was developed and used to review national HIV policy documents and guidelines published in Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania and Zimbabwe between 2003 and 2013. Key informant interviews helped to fill gaps in findings. …
This publication is a collection of stories about young people living with HIV written by citizen journalists from the Key Correspondents network. The authors hope that they bring the experiences, thoughts and reflections of young people to the growing global debates on adolescent health and HIV. Key Correspondents is a network of citizen journalists around the world writing on HIV, health and human rights, helping get the voices of those most affected into global debates.
Households experience HIV and AIDS in a complex and changing set of environments. These include health and welfare treatment and support services, HIV-related stigma and discrimination, and individual and household social and economic circumstances. This paper documents the experiences of 12 households directly affected by HIV and AIDS in rural KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, between 2002 and 2004. The households were observed during repeated visits over a period of more than a year by ethnographically trained researchers. …
This Handbook is both your guide to using the Young Champions Support Pack and a key information resource on HIV prevention and treatment literacy issues for young people. The Handbook is primarily intended for use in a school setting. However, it provides a bridging point for others supporting young people at community level (especially those working with young people living with HIV). The purpose of the Handbook is to provide those involved in the Young Champions initiative with a critical reference point for the key subject areas to be covered. …
This edition covers Adult and Paediatric HIV and AIDS management; Nutrition; Management of Opportunistic Infections; Home Based Care and the Continuum of Care; and Counselling for HIV Testing as well as ART adherence. Other areas covered include: health facility certification, standard precautions in care settings and laboratory services, post exposure prophylaxis, as well as ARV logistics and dosages.
This edition covers key areas of Adult and Paediatric HIV and AIDS management; Nutrition; Management of Opportunistic Infections; Home Based Care and the Continuum of Care; Counselling for HIV Testing, as well as, ART adherence. Other areas covered include, standard precautions in care settings and laboratory services, post exposure prophylaxis, as well as, ARV logistics and dosages. There is also an emphasis on Positive Health, Prevention and Dignity, a strategy that is meant to support PLHIV, so as to have a holistic care approach. …
This Guide has been developed for all teachers, and supporters of learners and children in-school, who may either be infected with, or affected by, HIV. It can also be used by older children who are working with younger children in school settings, supporting them to cope with the effects of HIV, either in school, in their homes or in their communities. Learners ranging from age 7 – 17 years of age will benefit from My Big Story Book and therefore this Guide is relevant for anyone teaching or working with learners in this age group in schools. …
Educators/teachers can use these sheets as they incorporate HIV into their lesson plans. They can adapt them to suit the needs of their learners. They can also refer to other pieces in the Toolkit, including the Workbooks, during their lesson plans and when using these sheets.
HIV affects everyone, even young people. The activities they will do in this book will help them to: Know more about HIV as a young person; Increase your knowledge about all the different aspects related to being a young person living with HIV, such as testing, disclosing, living positively and treatment; Think about their hopes and goals in life; Think about what makes it hard to achieve these hopes and goals.
HIV affects all young people. The activities in this book will help them to: Know more about HIV as a young person; Increase their knowledge about all the different aspects related to being a young person living with HIV (YPLHIV) such as testing, disclosing, living positively and treatment; Think about their hopes and goals in life; Think about what kind of obstacles are getting in the way of these hopes and goals; Think about how they can give and get more love and support in their lives.
HIV affects everyone, even young people. The activities they will do in this book will help them to: Know more about HIV as a young person; Increase their knowledge about all the different aspects related to being a young person living with HIV, such as testing, disclosing, living positively and treatment; Think about their hopes and goals in life; Think about what makes it hard to achieve these hopes and goals.
Dans l'objectif de poursuivre la lutte contre le VIH et le SIDA dont les effets bénéfiques ont été déjà constatés dans tout le pays, le présent Guide a été élaboré sur l'initiative du Secrétariat Exécutif du Comité National de Lutte contre le Sida pour permettre à chaque citoyen de connaître ses droits concernant la prévention, le dépistage, les soins concernant le VIH et le SIDA ainsi que la protection des droits des personnes vivant avec le VIH et le SIDA.
La présente loi a pour objet : de lutter contre la propagation de l’affection causée par le Virus de l’Immunodéficience Humaine (VIH) entraînant la diminution et la perte de défenses immunitaires de l’organisme, se traduisant par le Syndrome d’Immuno-Déficience Acquise (SIDA) ; de protéger les personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA contre toutes formes de discrimination ou de stigmatisation ; de réaffirmer leurs droits et libertés fondamentaux conformément aux instruments internationaux relatifs aux droits de l’homme. Elle indique également les mesures de protection des droits du ou des partenaire …