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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. AIDS in the family and community: The impact on child health in Malawi

    Pediatric HIV infections jeopardize children’s health and survival. Much less is known about how the experiences of being orphaned, living with chronically ill parents, or living in a severely affected community impact child health. Our study responds by examining which HIV/AIDS-related experiences place children at greatest risk for poor health. …

  2. Staff and students' perception of an HIV/AIDS' strategy: A case study of a South African rural-based university

    Background: South African communities have high rates of people living with HIV and AIDS. Universities, particularly those in rural regions are examples of communities noted to be high risk areas of these infections. HIV/AIDS strategies were developed and implemented by higher education institutions to address this concern. Despite this, the prevalence and incidence of HIV and AIDS remain high in academic settings. Yet studies in this area in South Africa are rare. …

  3. Know Your HIV/AIDS epidemic from a gender perspective: Rwanda Report

    Decades of research from around the world has demonstrated that gender inequality negatively affects a range of health outcomes for adults, and gender inequality has been recognized as a key driver of the worldwide HIV epidemic. Managers at the national and subnational levels need information on the intersection of gender and HIV to address gender in the planning and implementing of HIV programs. Policy makers need information on interventions that are effective in accounting for gender inequities for decision making on national and global levels. …

  4. HIV and adolescents: Guidance for HIV testing and counselling and care for adolescents living with HIV

    Adolescents (10–19 years) and young people (20–24 years) continue to be vulnerable, both socially and economically, to HIV infection despite efforts to date. This is particularly true for adolescents — especially girls — who live in settings with a generalized HIV epidemic or who are members of key populations at higher risk for HIV acquisition or transmission through sexual transmission and injecting drug use. In 2012, there were approximately 2.1 million adolescents living with HIV. About one-seventh of all new HIV infections occur during adolescence. …

  5. Very young children affected and infected by HIV/AIDS: How are they living? A case study from Namibia

    This paper describes a recent study conducted jointly by the authors in the Khomas Region of Namibia. The study developed and trialled research and documentation methods regarding very young children who had been infected or affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Because of the stigma attached to the disease, effective methods for assessing ‘real’ needs of the target population have been elusive in Namibia and elsewhere. …

  6. Global perspectives on peer sex education for college students

    According to the World Health Organization, sexually transmitted diseases and infections continue to be a public health problem across the globe, with most infected persons being between the ages of 15 and 49. A large percentage of those affected by AIDS are 15-24 year olds, an age group which includes college students. Peer sex education is being espoused by non-governmental organizations and administrators as a viable solution to this problem. Peer education strategies and approaches to evaluation differ across programs. …

  7. Employment policies for the young people infected with HIV/AIDS

    The purpose of this article is to analyse the topic of the young people infected with HIV/AIDS (the social group most affected by this virus both in Romania, and worldwide), stressing on the forms of including these people on the labour market. The first part of the article is a brief introduction into the matter of HIV/AIDS and it provides several statistics and estimates on the infection with HIV/AIDS worldwide and in Romania. …

  8. Code of good practice on key aspects of HIV/AIDS and employment. Department of Labour, Employment Equity Act, Act No. 55 of 1998

    The Code’s primary objective is to set out guidelines for employers and trade unions to implement so as to ensure individuals with HIV infection are not unfairly discriminated against in the workplace. This includes provisions regarding: creating a non-discriminatory work environment; dealing with HIV testing, confidentiality and disclosure; providing equitable employee benefits; dealing with dismissals; and managing grievance procedures.

  9. Children’s representations of school support for HIV-affected peers in rural Zimbabwe

    Background: HIV has left many African children caring for sick relatives, orphaned or themselves HIV-positive, often facing immense challenges in the absence of significant support from adults. With reductions in development funding, public sector budgetary constraints, and a growing emphasis on the importance of indigenous resources in the HIV response, international policy allocates schools a key role in ‘substituting for families’ (Ansell, 2008) in supporting child health and well-being. …

  10. Judging the epidemic. A judicial handbook on HIV, human rights and the law

    Judging the epidemic has been prepared as a resource to help judges, magistrates, arbitrators and other judicial officers throughout the world adjudicate cases involving HIV-related issues. This handbook may also be used by judicial trainers and ministries of justice to deliver educational programmes to judges and magistrates on legal issues related to HIV and human rights. …

  11. A brief report on the World AIDS Day in Afghanistan 2nd Dec, 2012

    The World AIDS Day (WAD) has been observed each year since 1988 worldwide. Every year, on the first of December, World AIDS Day comes as an opportunity to look back at our commitments, achievements and shortfalls in HIV prevention, treatment and care. It is an opportunity for awareness-raising and advocacy to gain the commitment of the leadership and policy- makers in response to HIV and AIDS and to draw the attention of the general population and the key affected populations and vulnerable groups to adhere to safety precautions and prevent HIV and AIDS. …

  12. HIV in the United Kingdom: 2013 Report

    This report presents key findings and statistics on the number of people living with HIV, new HIV diagnosis, recent infection and incidence, testing, HIV and STI co-infections, HIV and TB co-infections, quality of HIV care, and HIV and health inequality.

  13. Rapport d’activités de la réponse nationale contre le VIH et le SIDA en 2013. Rapport CNLS 2013

    Le présent rapport, résultant des rapports des structures issues de différents secteurs impliqués dans la riposte au VIH au Togo, expose les principaux services offerts aux populations cibles ainsi que les résultats obtenus au Togo au cours de l’année 2013. Il relate aussi les progrès réalisés par rapport aux objectifs fixés de 2012 à 2013.

  14. Plan opérationnel de lutte contre le Sida et les IST au Togo 2014-2015

    L’élaboration du plan opérationnel 2014 - 2015 rentre dans le cadre du processus de mise en œuvre du plan stratégique national de lutte contre le VIH et le Sida 2012 - 2015 (PSN 2012 - 2015). Le plan opérationnel 2014 - 2015 a mis un accent particulier sur les interventions à haut impact dans le domaine de prévention sur les cibles prioritaires que sont les populations clés, les jeunes et les femmes (notamment les activités pour l’élimination de la transmission de la mère à l’enfant. …

  15. Pressbook. Lancement et validation du plan stratégique multisectoriel de lutte contre le Sida - 3-ème génération (2014-2017)

    Revue de presse du CNLS regroupant des articles sur les thèmes du "Lancement et validation du Plan stratégique multisectoriel de lutte contre le Sida - 3-ème Génération (2014-2017)" et du "Lancement campagne nationale de lutte contre le sida".


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