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Guided by stakeholder consultation and the review of available research literature, the National Research Agenda provides a guide for Papua New Guinea over the next 5 years. Priority areas for research are under 3 subtheme areas of: i) Increasing knowledge of the drivers of the epidemic and understanding the lives of those directly infected and affected by HIV and AIDS; ii) Evaluating the effectiveness and appropriateness of the National Response to HIV; and iii) Measuring the impact and intersection of the epidemic on sectors and civil society.
The National Strategy for Female Sex Work in Pakistan is an elaboration of one of the identified priority areas of the National HIV & AIDS Strategic Framework 2007-2012. The objectives of the strategy are: 1. To improve the conduct of a) The mapping of the female sex trade in terms of location, categories of sex workers, estimation of numbers in each category, volume of sex work, and gatekeepers and b) Baseline assessments. 2. …
The investment plan for Nepal 2014-2016 emphasises the importance of focusing on Key Affected Populations (KAP), then goes one step further to disaggregate relevant KAP into sub-populations, guided by infection risk dynamics and context. The first priorities identified for prevention are: female sex workers who inject drugs on a regular basis (FSW WID); other people who inject drugs; street-based female sex workers ( FSW); transgender sex workers (TG SW) and male sex workers (MSW). …
El informe 2014 presenta un panorama general de los avances en la respuesta de México a la epidemia del VIH, conforme a los compromisos internacionales adoptados por el país en la Declaración Política sobre el VIH y el sida 2011; intensificando nuestros esfuerzos para eliminar la epidemia del VIH y el sida, aprobada en Reunión de Alto Nivel de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas y por los países miembros el 10 de junio de 2011, documento basado en la Declaración de Compromiso sobre el VIH y el sida (2001) y en la Declaración Política sobre el VIH y el sida (2006).
The overall goal of the strategy is to mobilise and provide leadership towards ZERO new HIV infections and reduce the number of deaths among women and children in Kenya. This framework will provide guidance for the strategic engagement of the First Lady of the Republic of Kenya to catalyze action and accelerate the attainment of national and international commitments to HIV, maternal and child health targets. To catalyse and sustain on-going efforts in HIV, maternal and child health, the Office of the First Lady will focus on: 1. Accelerate Programs. …
La presente guía de manejo y seguimiento de la mujer embarazada VIH positiva o con SIDA tiene como objetivo estandarizar el manejo durante el embarazo, parto, puerperio y recién nacido/a de madre VIH positiva, con el fin de disminuir la transmisión madre/hijo/a y a preservar la vida de la madre.
Objectivos general: Garantizar la salud sexual y reproductiva en las diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida, a toda la población salvadoreña, que fortalezca sostenidamente el acceso a la promoción, prevención, atención y rehabilitación de la salud sexual y reproductiva, con base a la Atención Primaria de Salud Integral, con un enfoque de inclusión, género y derechos, en un ambiente sano, seguro, equitativo con calidad, calidez y corresponsabilidad. Objectivos específicos: 1. …
Para el Ministerio de Salud es de gran relevancia presentar y poner a disposición de la Red Asistencial Pública, este Protocolo de Atención Integral en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva para Mujeres Viviendo con VIH, como una contribución hacia el mejoramiento de su calidad de vida, bajo los principios del enfoque de ética, derechos, equidad y no discriminación. …
Unintended pregnancy is common in Uganda, leading to high levels of unplanned births, unsafe abortions, and maternal injury and death. Because most pregnancies that end in abortion are unwanted, nearly all ill health and mortality resulting from unsafe abortion is preventable. This report summarizes evidence on the context and consequences of unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion in Uganda, points out gaps in knowledge, and highlights steps that can be taken to reduce levels of unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion, and, in turn, the high level of maternal mortality.
The intended purpose of this compendium is to provide program managers, organizations, and policy makers with a menu of indicators to better “know their HIV epidemic/know their response” from a gender perspective in order to: strengthen national and subnational stakeholders’ understanding of their HIV epidemic and response from a gender equality perspective; monitor progress towards eliminating gender-based inequities in HIV responses, and monitor and evaluate programs that address specific types of gender equality interventions in the context of HIV.
Despite the multiple linkages between HIV/AIDS spread and the high prevalence rates of GBV through the world there have been very few programmatic efforts at the policy level to address these issues conjointly. For this reason, UNESCO has organized a workshop in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania to be held in July 2013. The workshop intended to address the linkages between GBV and HIV/AIDS in the Great Lakes region (including attention to situations of conflict and post-conflict), and to provide concrete policy recommendations for integrating national responses to both pandemics. …
Considering that male involvement in reproductive health is critical to the success of the RH programs, with a positive impact on the health and well-being of women and children, and in line with the country's commitment to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, it is deemed imperative to systematically respond to this issue as well as address their specific reproductive health concerns such as sexual dysfunctions, androgen deficiency, testicular and prostate cancers. Thus, this National Policy and Strategic Framework on Male Involvement in Reproductive Health is hereby formulated.
This document provides the findings of a country assessment carried out in Uganda in the first phase of the UNESCO/UNAIDS joint project "A Cultural Approach to HIV/AIDS: Prevention and Care". The purpose of this exercise was threefold: (i) to assess the evolution of the epidemic (HIV infection and PWA) and its cultural and societal impact in the context and perspective of sustainable development. (ii) to determine how and to which extent culture, features and resources of the population are being taken into consideration in the design, implementation and evaluation of HIV/AIDS interventions. …
This publication is part of a larger IPPF initiative called Girls Decide. The initiative aims to ensure that girls’ and young women’s sexuality and pregnancy-related issues are effectively addressed by leaders and service providers. Girls Decide: Choices on Sex and Pregnancy presents a selection of innovative projects that are examples of good practice, and offer great potential for poverty reduction, female empowerment and development. These projects can guide policy- and decision-makers, educators, service providers and community leaders in rethinking strategies for girls and young women
This 73-page report documents how government inaction and misinformation from high-level officials have undermined the effectiveness of South Africa’s program to provide rape survivors with post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) — antiretroviral drugs that can reduce the risk of contracting HIV from an HIV-positive attacker.