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The Zimbabwe School Health Policy (ZSHP) provides a broad frame of reference to guide the implementation of a number of health related issues relating to the welfare of learners in the school system, such as health and nutrition,education services, water, sanitation and hygiene, needs of learners with disabilities, mental health, sexual and reproductive health concerns, and the care and support provisions as well as guidance and counseling needs of all learners.
The Student Partnership Worldwide (SPW) South Africa Trust in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) leads the Safe Guard Young People (SYP) Programme in three districts in the Eastern Cape. The goal of the SYP programme is to contribute towards the improvement of the Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) status of young people aged 10 – 24, with a special focus on HIV prevention. The Nzululwazi Senior Secondary School forms a special focus of this programme. …
The Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) has developed this National Framework on Sexuality Education through wide consultations with a cross section of stakeholders. This framework seeks to create an over-arching national direction for providing young people with sexuality education in the formal education setting. …
In paragraph 49 of the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (DPAS) the following recommendation is made to Member States: “School policies and programmes should support the adoption of healthy diets and physical activity.” To assist Member States in DPAS implementation at the country level, WHO produced the document "School Policy Framework: Implementation of the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health". …
The purpose of this report is to show how statutory personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education as an entire subject, including but not limited to relationships and sex education (RSE), can be implemented in a way that brings significant benefits while minimising impact on teacher workload and school funding. The PSHE Association Strategic Partners Group urges the Education Secretary and his Department to seize the opportunity to ensure all school children benefit from good quality PSHE education and proceed to consult on statutory regulations for PSHE education in its entirety. …
Le but de ce document est d'expliquer comment et pourquoi la promotion de la santé en milieu scolaire est importante ; de montrer à quel point une politique d’établissement cohérente et une bonne direction et un bon encadrement sont essentiels ; et de rappeler que la promotion de la santé en milieu scolaire se fonde sur des données scientifiques validées et des pratiques de qualité identifiées dans le monde entier. …
Adolescence and puberty is a time of intense physical and emotional change for young people between the ages of 10 and 17. Puberty marks a transition between childhood and adulthood that impacts adolescents’ physical, emotional, and social well-being. Evidence shows that during puberty, adolescents embrace and solidify the gender norms of their society. So the way girls and boys see themselves within their family, community and society can be drastically altered for the rest of their lives. …
Les objectifs de la ligne directrice pour l`EAH en milieu scolaire sont les suivants: Guider les acteurs intervenant dans ce secteur dans l’élaboration de programmes/projets EAH en tenant compte des directives du gouvernement en la matière; Orienter les acteurs sur le processus d’initialisation et de la mise en œuvre de projets EAHMS; Servir de base pour l’accréditation et la validation des projets/programmes dans cette thématique; Définir le contenu minimal du Programme d’Education à l’hygiène et le paquet minimum d’infrastructure EAH nécessaire.
The government’s plan for action to significantly reduce childhood obesity by supporting healthier choices.
La santé et l’école sont en tête des préoccupations des Franç L’école est un lieu de vie propice à la prévention. Elle permet le repérage et la prise en charge des troubles de toute nature qui peuvent affecter la santé des 12 millions d’élèves qu’elle scolarise pour une durée de plus de 18 ans en moyenne. Elle est, pour des populations fragilisées ou dans certaines zones en difficultés, la seule garantie d’accès à un suivi médical. Pour le CESE, la santé des élèves est un des déterminants de la réussite scolaire. …
This thematic study on School Health and Nutrition reviews what has happened in the field of school health and nutrition since the World Conference on Education for All (Jomtien, Thailand, 1990), identifies strategies and interventions that have proven effective, and suggests actions for the decade to come. This study also explores conceptual frameworks in school health and nutrition that developed during the 1990s and reviews regional trends, activities and barriers for school health. …
The Disease Control Priorities (DCP) series established in 1993 shares this philosophy and acts as a key resource for Ministers of Health and Finance, guiding them toward informed decisions about investing in health. The third edition of DCP rightly recognizes that good health is but one facet of human development and that health and education outcomes are forever intertwined. The Commission report makes clear that more education equates with better health outcomes. …
Summary Points: There is an absence of guidance, facilities, and materials for schoolgirls to manage their menstruation in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Formative evidence has raised awareness that poor menstrual hygiene management (MHM) contributes to inequity, increasing exposure to transactional sex to obtain sanitary items, with some evidence of an effect on school indicators and with repercussions for sexual, reproductive, and general health throughout the life course. …
The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) trends report presents findings on indicators of children’s health and wellbeing between 1998 and 2014. The report is divided into three sections: health behaviours, health outcomes and contexts of children’s lives.
The guide builds on the World Health Organization (WHO) School Policy Framework on Diet and Physical Activity. It is a practical instrument that facilitates the adoption, adaptation and operationalization of the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (DPAS) School Policy Framework. It focuses on governmental action to improve dietary practice and increase physical activity in the school setting at national and subnational levels through action on environment, behaviour and education. …