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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Sustainable school feeding programmes: a guidance note to develop a national sustainability strategy

    The Guidance Note provides principles and practical recommendations to guide national governments and their partners in the elaboration of a national Sustainability Strategy for school feeding. The Guidance Note follows the following Structure: Section 1 explains school feeding and the rationale for governments to establish nationally-owned sustainable school feeding programmes. Section 2 explains the purpose, goals and core components of a Sustainability Strategy. …

  2. Blueprint for the provision of comprehensive care for trans people and trans communities in Asia and the Pacific

    This publication outlines the priority health care needs and human rights issues for transgender people in the Asia Pacific region. Drawing upon inputs from trans individuals and organizations, medical professionals, and policymakers from throughout the region, Blueprint aims to strengthen and enhance the policy-related, clinical, and public health responses for trans people in the region. This document is the third in a series of regional transgender health guidance documents, and builds on similar publications produced in Latin America and the Caribbean. …

  3. Integrated school health: a manual for teachers

    The aim of this manual is to focus health education in schools towards nutrition disorders, infections and diseases that affect school-age children and community members living in and around Kakuma Refugee camp today. The manual forms part of an integrated approach to school health, and provides education and information around a set of interventions which seek to incorporate sanitation, health and nutrition into a school based platform to bring about improvements to child health in the camp. …

  4. HIV and sexual and reproductive health programming: innovative approaches to integrated service delivery

    This compendium has profiled and analysed 11 case studies on integrated service delivery in the context of EMTCT from 9 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. All of the examples demonstrate a general trend towards the implementation of integrated service delivery models supported by policy frameworks adopted in country and by service organizations at the facility level. These promising practices are by no means exhaustive or geographically representative. They do, however, contain valuable and practical vignettes of integrated service delivery in countries with generalized HIV epidemics. …

  5. A whole school approach to a healthy lifestyle: healthy eating and physical activity policy

    The Whole School Approach to Healthy Lifestyle: Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Policy aims to: - Give high priority to healthy eating and physical activity through holistic education. - Strengthen the necessary framework and support an enabling school environment to help the whole school community to adopt healthier patterns of living by encouraging physical activity, promoting healthy foods and limiting the availability of products high in salt, sugar and fats. …

  6. Jamaica 2011-2012 health promotion in schools: health promoting school survey 2011: final report

    This report was prepared as the main document for dissemination of the island-wide findings from the 2011 Health Promoting Schools survey. It is intended to be used by intra and inter ministries / agencies with interest in the topic.

  7. Onward to 2030: sexual and reproductive health and rights in the context of the sustainable development goals

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) lay out a new roadmap to improve the lives of people throughout the world over the next 15 years. Sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights issues are currently featured on the SDG agenda, but opportunities exist to expand their presence at both the global and national levels, by establishing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)–specific indicators to measure progress toward the SDGs.

  8. Sexual health promotion for young people delivered via digital media: a scoping review

    Background: Young people are at risk of poor sexual health and are, therefore, in need of comprehensive, effective sexual health education. Young people are confident and constant users of digital technology, such as the internet and mobile phones, and there are many innovative possibilities for sexual health education involving these technologies. …

  9. Strengthening health and family life education in the region: the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of HFLE in four CARICOM countries

    Globally, several studies have pointed to the positive impact that life skills-based health education programmes have on the attitudes and behaviours of young people, but no such evaluation had been conducted in the Caribbean. With the development of a Regional Curriculum Framework to support the delivery of Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) in CARICOM countries, it was considered an opportune time to not only monitor the implementation of the Framework but to also assess its impact on students. …

  10. Leave no one behind: gender, sexuality and the sustainable development goals: evidence report

    In an unprecedented move to eradicate disease, poverty and hunger, world leaders joined together in 2000 to sign into life the hotly contested but broadly agreed upon Millennium Development Goal (MDG) framework. In 2015, as the MDGs come to an end, a new generation of world leaders – government officials, donors and civil society organisations – have joined forces to articulate their vision for a future where all people can contribute to, and benefit from, an inclusive development framework. …

  11. Guidance for implementing the policy‐related activities of promoting adolescent health through school‐based HIV/STD prevention (funded state education agency version)

    The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for implementing the policy-related required activities for state education agencies awarded funding under Strategy 2: School-Based HIV/STD Prevention. The intended outcome of these activities is to increase the number of funded states and districts that track policy implementation and educate decision makers on policy solutions. There is a separate document for funded local education agencies, with guidance on implementing their specific 1308 policy-related required activities.

  12. Guidance for implementing the policy‐related activities of promoting adolescent health through school‐based HIV/STD prevention (funded local education agency version)

    The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for implementing the policy‐related required activities for local education agencies awarded funding under Strategy 2: School‐Based HIV/STD Prevention. The intended outcome of these activities is to increase the number of funded states and districts that track policy implementation and educate decision makers on policy solutions. There is a separate document for funded state education agencies, with guidance on implementing their specific 1308 policy‐related required activities.

  13. Kenya fast-track plan to end HIV and AIDS along adolescents and young people

    Goal: To fast-track the HIV response to end new HIV infections, AIDS related deaths and stigma and discrimination in adolescents and young people. Objectives of this fast-track plan: 1. To reduce new HIV infections among adolescents and young people by 40%; 2. To reduce AIDS related deaths among adolescent and young people by 15%; 3. To reduce stigma and discrimination by 25%. Target beneficiaries: The target beneficiary populations are adolescent boys and girls aged 10 – 19 years and young people, particularly women, aged 20 – 24 years. …

  14. National adolescent sexual and reproductive health policy

    The aim of the ASRH Policy is to enhance the SRH status of adolescents in Kenya and contribute towards realization of their full potential in national development. The Policy intends to bring Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights issues into the mainstream of health and development. The Policy examines the prevailing social, economic, cultural and demographic context of sexual and reproductive health of adolescents including its implications for and consequences to their health and development. …

  15. Sexual health and blood borne virus framework: 2015-2020 update

    The first Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus Framework was published by the Scottish Government in 2011. The Framework brought together policy on sexual health and wellbeing, HIV and viral hepatitis for the first time. It set out five high-level outcomes which the Government wished to see delivered, and it sought to strengthen and improve the way in which the NHS, the Third Sector and Local Authorities supported and worked with individuals at risk of poor sexual health or blood borne viruses. …


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