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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Educación sobre sexualidad y prevención del VIH: un diagnóstico para América Latina y el Caribe

    Objetivo. Mostrar, a través de un diagnóstico en América Latina y el Caribe, el panorama legislativo y curricular sobre sexualidad y prevención contra el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) en el ámbito escolar, contrastándolo con los comportamientos sexuales reportados en encuestas demográficas y de salud. Métodos. En mayo de 2008 se realizó, con el apoyo del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA), una encuesta a informantes clave en 34 países de la Región. …

  2. Sexual and reproductive health and rights for the next decades: What's been achieved? What lies ahead?

    This Global Public Health Special Issue ‘SRHR for the next decades: What's been achieved? What lies ahead?’ assesses progress 20 years after the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), which established the sexual and reproductive health and rights framework for population and health policy (United Nations [UN], 1995). …

  3. List of the priority activities for the national programme on the response to the HIV epidemic, 2013-2016

    List of the priority activities for the national programme on the response to the HIV epidemic, 2013-2016

  4. Monitoring and evaluation plan for the National programme on the response to the HIV epidemic, 2013-2016

    The goal of this M&E; plan is to guide and coordinate the effective collection, analysis, aggregation and use of data for the assessment of progress trends in the national response to HIV/AIDS and for enhanced decision making process.

  5. Health promoting schools policy

    The School Health Programme was established in 1986 by the Ministry of Education (MoE) in order to give an additional impetus to the health issues related to school children. The programme includes medical screening of children, health education and awareness on various health issues through core curricular and co-curricular activities, and provision of health information for teachers and parents. …

  6. Adolescence: building solid foundations for lifelong flourishing

    Adolescence is a decisive age for girls and boys around the world. What they experience during their teenage years shapes the direction of their lives and that of their families. Investments in adolescents’ education and health are life-time investments that are likely to have positive effects on behaviours and lifestyles during their entire life course. For many young people the mere onset of puberty that occurs during adolescence marks a time of heightened vulnerability. …

  7. Regional accountability framework: ministerial commitment on comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents and young people in Eastern and Southern African (ESA)

    The accountability frame work has been developed as a tool to monitor country and regional progress towards the agreed commitments as set out in the ESA Ministerial commitment document. The technical coordinating Group, under the leadership of UNAIDS and with support from SADC and EAC Secretariats will play a key role in the development and implementation of the accountability mechanism. The intended audience for the framework are primarily governments in the 20 countries, civil society partners (including young people and community based organisations) and development partners.

  8. Health promotion in schools: a multi-method evaluation of an Australian School Youth Health Nurse Program

    Background: Health promotion provides a key opportunity to empower young people to make informed choices regarding key health-related behaviours such as tobacco and alcohol use, sexual practices, dietary choices and physical activity. This paper describes the evaluation of a pilot School Youth Health Nurse (SYHN) Program, which aims to integrate a Registered Nurse into school communities to deliver health promotion through group education and individual sessions. Methods: The evaluation was guided by the RE-AIM (reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, maintenance) framework. …

  9. 3Rs campaign kit: rights, respect, responsibility: the campaign

    Rights. Respect. Responsibility.® is Advocates for Youth’s national, long-term campaign giving voice to a new vision of adolescent sexual health. These core values underpin Advocates’ vision of a society where adolescents are valued, public health policy is driven by scientific research, and sexuality is viewed as a normal and healthy part of being human, of being a teen, of being alive.

  10. How to develop your life skills: a self-help guide for Tanzanian youth

    This guide is composed of 8 units. Unit 1 defines life skills, Unit 2 deals with self-esteem, Unit 3 helps understand decision making, Unit 4 provides guidance on solving problems, Unit 5 focuses on communication, Unit 6 deals with emotions and stress management, Unit 7 gives instructions on goal setting, Unit 8 provides solutions to exercises.

  11. National guidelines for the management of HIV and AIDS

    This edition covers Adult and Paediatric HIV and AIDS management; Nutrition; Management of Opportunistic Infections; Home Based Care and the Continuum of Care; and Counselling for HIV Testing as well as ART adherence. Other areas covered include: health facility certification, standard precautions in care settings and laboratory services, post exposure prophylaxis, as well as ARV logistics and dosages.

  12. National guidelines for the management of HIV and AIDS

    This edition covers key areas of Adult and Paediatric HIV and AIDS management; Nutrition; Management of Opportunistic Infections; Home Based Care and the Continuum of Care; Counselling for HIV Testing, as well as, ART adherence. Other areas covered include, standard precautions in care settings and laboratory services, post exposure prophylaxis, as well as, ARV logistics and dosages. There is also an emphasis on Positive Health, Prevention and Dignity, a strategy that is meant to support PLHIV, so as to have a holistic care approach. …

  13. OET 302: HIV and sexuality education curriculum-based and comprehensive approach

    This module has six sections broken down into lectures. The lectures are further broken into different parts with activities to make the content of the lecture more clear and practical to educators. The Module sections start with the title, brief introduction, and general objectives and followed by different lectures which also have objectives, content summary; learning activities; lecture summary; reflection and assessment. The sections are presented as follows: Section One is about “Creating Enabling Environment”. …

  14. National HIV and AIDS health sector research and evaluation agenda (2011-2015)

    The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) through the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) has developed a National HIV and AIDS Health Sector Research and Evaluation Agenda (NHAREA) that outlines HIV and AIDS health research and evaluation priorities for the next 5 years (2011-2015). For the first time, this Agenda includes evaluation priorities aimed at objectively reviewing the different HIV interventions that are currently in place to establish those that are both efficacious and cost effective. …

  15. National guidelines for quality improvement of HIV and AIDS services

    These National Quality Improvement (QI) Guidelines for HIV and AIDS Services are arranged into seven sections. The first section provides background information, regarding HIV and AIDS services in Tanzania. The second section presents the rationale of having these guidelines. Section three explains the objective, target audience and content of the guidelines. The quality improvement concepts and definitions feature in section four, while section five presents the QI approaches used for HIV and AIDS and other health services in Tanzania. …


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