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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey: Azerbaijan Summary Report

    Azerbaijan Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.

  2. The role of social entrepreneurship in HIV/AIDS management across the education sector in Kenya

    Purpose – The overall purpose of this study is to identify key entrepreneurial variables in the realm of social entrepreneurship that may contribute to enhancing impact mitigation of HIV/AIDS. In addition, the study seeks to establish which of the correlations between the entrepreneurial variables and management of response of impact mitigation of HIV/AIDS were significant at the 0.001 level. Design/methodology/approach – The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design. …

  3. Education and HIV and AIDS: Bold targets; bold responses. A review of HIV and AIDS policy response and implementation in the SADC region

    This publication summarizes the findings from the Reinvigorating Education Sector Responses to HIV and AIDS process in the SADC region, commissioned by UNESCO, UNICEF and the SADC Secretariat during the course of 2010. …

  4. Impact assessment of HIV/AIDS on the education sector

    This report presents findings from the study and a follow-up workshop involving educators from all levels and representatives from a number of ministries. The Swaziland Ministry of Education has raised concerns about the possible effects of the AIDS epidemic on its ability to educate people to meet the challenges facing the Swazi nation. Specifically, two concerns were raised: 1) Will the Ministry be able to provide formal education to the majority of young Swazis into the future? …

  5. The impact of HIV/AIDS on the organization of education systems

    The IIEP HIV/AIDS Forum was conceived with two themes in mind - of information sharing and of community building. It aimed to create a virtual network of education professionals working against HIV/AIDS, while promoting the exchange of successful interventions, and establishing consistency within programme development. The participants represented more than 50 countries from all over the world, with more than half from Africa. Fourteen percent worked in ministries and International agencies with the NGOs, Universities, and UN agencies equally represented in the discussion. …

  6. The Impact of HIV/AIDS on education: report of an IIEP seminar

    This document is a synthesis report on a workshop on the impact of HIV/AIDS on education that was held at the IIEP in December 1993. The introductory part of the report gives a brief description of the international context and summarizes an overview of the possible impact of HIV/AIDS on education. Chapter II presents the findings of the research on policy responses to the impact on education in a number of selected developing countries, and Chapter III , the findings of the studies at the micro level in Eastern Africa. …

  7. Third degree. AIDS Review

    This Review is a collaboration between HAICU, based at the University of Cape Town, and the CSA, based at the University of Pretoria. These two organisations are committed to finding ways to understand and explain the HIV and AIDS epidemics, and to determining how tertiary institutions and the wider society may come to address and act on the many complex and fascinating social, moral, political, economic and educational issues that the epidemics raise.

  8. Advocate for sexual diversity education: A guide to advocate for enhanced quality of education dealing with sexual diversity

    This guide is a follow-up of the UNESCO consultation on homophobic bullying in educational institutions during 2011-2012. On 16 May 2012, a UNESCO report on homophobic bullying in educational institutions was published. GALE, which is a formal cooperating partner of UNESCO, assisted the consultation process by pointing the way to research, good practices and NGO partners, and by providing input in the publication. The UNESCO report contains an analysis and general suggestions. …

  9. National school health strategy implementation plan 2011-2015

    This national school health strategic implementation plan aims to identify and mainstream key health interventions for improved school health and education. The strategy comprises eight thematic areas; these are: Values and life skills, Gender issues, Child rights, child protection and responsibilities, Special needs, disability and rehabilitation, Water, sanitation and hygiene, Nutrition, Disease prevention and control and School infrastructure and environmental safety. …

  10. In sweet harmony? A review of health and education sectorwide approaches (SWAps) in the South Pacific. Phase 1 of a Joint Learning Initiative

    This desk study distills evidence from a document review of selected health and education SWAps ongoing in Pacific Island countries to address four questions: (i) are the anticipated benefits of the approach being realized; (ii) are the objectives of national sector programs likely to be achieved; (iii) how is the approach affecting sector program results; and (iv) how is the approach affecting the efficacy of the DPs. …

  11. Positive Action for HIV in Schools in Kenya

    Although many sub-Saharan African countries that are affected by HIV and AIDS have developed education sector policies in response to the epidemic, there are still challenges in effectively addressing the issue in schools. These challenges include lack of appropriate leadership and coordination at the school level, limited training and skills update on HIV and AIDS among school-based caregivers (teachers, school nurses and matrons), absence of appropriate guidelines in some settings, and lack of coordination between the education, health and other sectors. …

  12. An addendum for higher education and technical and vocational education and training to the HIV and AIDS strategic plan 2008/2012

    The purpose of writing the addendum is to give visibility of Higher Education and Technical and Vocational Education Training in the ESSP - HA (2008 – 2012). The focus of this addendum is HE and TVET institutions, a population which is at risk for and vulnerable to HIV and STIs infection. The main focus of the addendum will be on four main areas or themes that will address risk and vulnerability reduction for both school and workplace populations, namely: prevention education; care and support services; impact mitigation; enabling environment.

  13. Education sector strategic plan on HIV and AIDS (ESSP-HA II) 2008-2012

    This is the second Education Sector Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS for 2008 – 2012 (ESSPHA II). It is the overarching strategy for all HIV and AIDS interventions in Education Sector whether implemented by Government, civil society, the private sector or development partners. It outlines the Education Sector’s strategic plans to address the challenges presented by HIV and AIDS. …

  14. Valuing visibilty: an exploration of how sexual orientation issues arise and are addressed in post-primary schools

    ‘Valuing Visibility: An Exploration of How Issues of Sexual Orientation Arise and Are Addressed in Post-primary Schools’ is a research project funded by the Department of Education & Science and is being undertaken by the Education Department, NUI Maynooth in partnership with GLEN – Gay and Lesbian Equality Network. The research project seeks to document positive inclusive practice being carried out by schools with a view to informing the work of the key education stakeholders in making schools safe and inclusive learning environments for lesbian, gay and bisexual students. …

  15. Sexuality and homophobia school audit for students. How is your school doing?

    This audit tool provides an opportunity for powerful learning through student enquiry within the school’s own community. Many schools are not very supportive places for students who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or simply unsure about their sexuality. Every student has a right to feel safe at school, and to get support when they need it. This questionnaire has been designed to find out from students how supportive their own school is for students who are attracted to people of the same sex. …


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