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This report presents a summary of achievements made under the strategy and plan for National AIDS Control Programme Phase (NACP - IV) during the current financial year (2012-13) along with key impacts, strategies and achievments.
The SADC Epidemic Update Report provides an appraisal of progress towards the Maseru Declaration. Zimbabwe participated at the SADC meeting in November 2012, where representatives pledged to produce HIV and AIDS Epidemic Update Reports in order review progress made in the HIV and AIDS response. The data gathering and report writing process was coordinated by National AIDS Council. Data gathering and validation meetings were held with partners. A desk review of available literature on the country’s response efforts to HIV and AIDS was also conducted. …
Uuringut „HIV-i temaatikaga seotud teadmised, hoiakud ja käitumine Eesti noorte hulgas“ teostati 2010. aastal neljandat korda. Andmekogumist teostati kahes vanusrühmas: 10–18-aastased üldhariduskoolide õpilased ning 19–29-aastased noored. Uuringu viis läbi Tervise Arengu Instituut. Uuringu eesmärgiks on saada ülevaade Eesti noorte HIV-nakkusega seotud teadmistest, arusaamadest ja suhtumistest, seksuaalkäitumisest, kondoomi kasutamise harjumustest ja testimisest HIV-i suhtes. Regulaarne andmekogumine võimaldab jälgida riskikäitumist ja sellega seotud näitajate trende ajas. …
This evaluation was performed to: Determine the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS programs for targeted beneficiaries; Document the degree to which program objectives have been met; Provide information about service delivery that will be useful to program staff and other audiences; Enable program staff to make changes to improve program effectiveness. …
This paper reviews 83 studies that measure the impact of curriculum-based sex and HIV education programs on sexual behavior and mediating factors among youth under 25 years anywhere in the world. Two thirds of the programs significantly improved one or more sexual behaviors. The evidence is strong that programs do not hasten or increase sexual behavior but, instead, some programs delay or decrease sexual behaviors or increase condom or contraceptive use. …
This research examined demographic, personal, family and school variables related to adolescents’ sexual behaviour and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS infected people. This research was also designed to understand the cognitive and emotional bases of the sexual decisions made by adolescents. Preventive research must explore how young people understand, manage and explore their sexuality, risk and relationships.
The high prevalence of HIV among young people in African countries underscores a pressing need for effective prevention interventions. Adapting school–based prevention programs developed in the United States for use in African schools may present an alternative to the time–consuming process of developing home–grown programs. The researchers report the results of a pretest–posttest field trial of an alcohol/ HIV prevention curriculum adapted from an American model and delivered to ninth-grade students in five South African township schools. …
Since 1996, Ireland Aid has supported UNICEF Ghana in the implementation of five activities that promote behaviour change to limit the spread of HIV/AIDS and STIs. The interventions are run by different local organisations, and have provided over 75,000 in and out-of-school youth and commercial sex workers with preventive education. People retained the information given, are knowledgeable about how HIV is transmitted, and can name key preventive methods. They pass on the information to their friends. Commercial sex workers were empowered to support one another in negotiating for safer sex. …
Socially constructed ideas of gender norms and values attached to sexuality need to be considered when aiming to build the young people’s capacity to adopt HIV preventive behaviours. We conducted ten focus groups and sixteen individual interviews to explore sexual norms among youth in Bamako. Premarital sex, multiple partnering, condom use and transactional sex were discussed. The findings suggest that young people’s sexual norms are shaped by kin or authoritative elders as well as by external influences coming from Western culture. …
To determine whether adolescents’ normative beliefs about abstinence and condoms, their personal risk perception, and safer sex practices changed after the implementation of a peer sexual health education intervention implemented in Zambian secondary schools.
Purpose: Sex education is intended to provide youth with the information and skills needed to make healthy and informed decisions about sex. This study examined whether exposure to formal sex education is associated with three sexual behaviors: ever had sexual intercourse, age at first episode of sexual intercourse, and use of birth control at first intercourse. Methods: Data used were from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth, a nationally representativesurvey. The sample included 2019 never-married males and females aged 15–19 years. …
The authors assess the impact on teenage childbearing as well as student knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of a typical HIV/AIDS teacher training program in the Cameroon. Applying a regression discontinuity design identification strategy based on the key administrative criterion that determined program deployment, they find that 15–17 year old girls in teacher training schools are between 7 and 10 percentage points less likely to have started childbearing, an objective proxy for the incidence of unprotected sex. …
Ideals of masculinity and femininity may limit South African women's decision making power in relationships and increase their risk of HIV infection. The authors conducted 30 in-depth interviews with 18-24-year-old women in inner-city Johannesburg with the aim of understanding young women's expectations of intimate relationships with men, their perceptions of gender and power and how this influences HIV risk. …
The high prevalence of HIV infection among prisoners and pre-trial detainees, combined with overcrowding and sub-standard living conditions sometimes amounting to inhuman or degrading treatment in violation of international law, make prisons and other detention centres a high risk environment for the transmission of HIV. Ultimately, this contributes to HIV epidemics in the communities to which prisoners return upon their release. …
This study assesses knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in respect of risk of HIV infection of students through behavioral surveillance survey. The study used the systematic sampling approach to select 375 students. Interviews and focus group discussions were conducted to solicit information from respondents. The study found out that the students engaged in pre-marital sex, although this was more common among the male than female students. Students did not use condoms consistently and were not likely to use condoms when the relationship was considered as stable because of trust. …