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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Assessing young unmarried men's access to reproductive health information and services in rural India

    The authors conducted a cross-sectional study using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Participants included 38 unmarried rural men in four focus-group discussions and a representative sample of 316 similarly profiled men, ages 17-22 years. Information was collected via survey on the men's socioeconomic characteristics; awareness, knowledge, and perceptions of family planning; attitudes toward future contraceptive use; intra-family communication; knowledge about STIs/HIV/AIDS; and access and use of condoms. …

  2. Sex and relationship education: views from teachers, parents and governors

    Almost 1,500 school leaders, school governors and parents of school-aged children were asked for their views on the current provision of SRE and how the topic should be delivered in future. Key findings. There was a very high level of agreement between parents, school leaders and governors about SRE provision. More than nine out of 10 parents, and approximately eight out of 10 school leaders and governors agreed that it was 'very important' for children to receive information on practising safer sex and always using contraception. …

  3. Situational analysis on SRH/HIV integration in Zambia

    To contribute to the achievement of RH and HIV integration, SAfAIDS and Youth Vision Zambia in partnership with Population Action International commissioned a 15 days rapid situation analysis to establish the current national baseline of existing national policies, HIV and RH integration programmes and opportunities for advocacy for increased integration. …

  4. Impact of five years of peer-mediated interventions on sexual behavior and sexually transmitted infections among female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya

    Background: Since 2000, peer-mediated interventions among female sex workers (FSW) in Mombasa Kenya have promoted behavioural change through improving knowledge, attitudes and awareness of HIV serostatus, and aimed to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infection (STI) by facilitating early STI treatment. Impact of these interventions was evaluated among those who attended peer education and at the FSW population level. Methods: A pre-intervention survey in 2000, recruited 503 FSW using snowball sampling. …

  5. HIV-related knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and practices of young people in Cross River State and Kogi State, Nigeria

    Communication for Change (C-Change) works around the world to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of social and behavior change communication (SBCC) across program areas, including health, environment, economic growth and poverty alleviation, and democracy and governance. In Nigeria, C-Change supports health and HIV prevention objectives of the USAID Mission. The project is building SBCC capacity for country-driven interventions that aim to prevent new HIV infections, reduce HIV prevalence among high-risk groups, and stabilize HIV prevalence within the general population. …

  6. Stay healthy: a gender-transformative HIV prevention curriculum for youth in Namibia

    The overall goal of Stay Healthy: A Gender-Transformative HIV Prevention Curriculum for Youth in Namibia is to prevent HIV infection among Namibian youth aged 13-18. Stay Healthy focuses on changing three key behaviors directly related to HIV infection by accomplishing the following: (1) delaying the onset of sexual intercourse, (2) increasing the correct and consistent use of the male condom among sexually active youth, and (3) decreasing multiple concurrent partners among sexually active youth. …

  7. Eres joven, latina, hermosa y tienes futuro

    Eres joven, latina, hermosa y tienes futuro Poster.

  8. Keys, Cards, Condoms Poster

    Got your keys? Got your cards? Got your condoms? Poster.

  9. Prevalence and correlates of sexual risk behaviors among Jamaican adolescents

    Despite high levels of sexual activity and risk behaviors among Jamaican youth, few population-based studies have examined their prevalence or correlates. The prevalence of three sexual risk behaviors was assessed using data from the 2008-2009 Jamaican Reproductive Health Survey on a subsample of adolescents aged 15-19 who neither were in a union nor had a child. Factors associated with the risk behaviors were examined separately for females and males, using bivariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression. …

  10. Regional consultation on youth and HIV/AIDS: mobilizing youth for behaviour change

    The aim of the workshop was to provide a follow-up forum for the BIG7 Alliance from the Nairobi cluster countries after the Pan-African Youth Forum in Dakar, Senegal, and to give them the opportunity to not only finalize their national action plans for HIV/AIDS prevention but also to identify regional needs and priorities that could be considered for prevention and mitigation of the impact of HIV/AIDS among young people in the region. The consultation brought together over 40 young participants from Burundi, Eritrea, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. …

  11. Barbados national HIV prevention plan

    The revised HIV Prevention Plan builds on the existing World Bank's submission of the Draft Prevention Plan of Action (November 28, 2008) and seeks to integrate programme components that are strategically relevant, based on discussions with stakeholders and review of the existing core documents. Following the World Bank Mission of June 22-26, 2009, the prevention planning process continued with the goal of producing a blueprint for a comprehensive response to HIV (for the period 2008-2013) with a focus on priority populations that practice risky behaviours. …

  12. Behavior Change Communication Strategy for HIV Prevention in the Maldives: the Global Fund Supported Programme in the Maldives

    This BCC strategy has been developed based on comprehensive audience research, and it follows on and is linked to two companion documents: The 2008 Biological and Behavioral Survey on HIV and AIDS in the Republic of Maldives, and Konme Kamevves Vedhaane - a Comprehensive Audience Analysis for HIV Risk in the Maldives, August, 2009. These two studies were conducted by the Global Fund Supported Team in the Maldives, in collaboration with its partners, the CCHDC (then DPH), DDPRS (then NNCB), SHE and NGO Journey. …

  13. Awareness and knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among school-going adolescents in Europe: a systematic review of published literature

    This systematic review looks at levels of STI awareness, knowledge and perceived risk of school-going adolescents in Europe. Fifteen studies were included, all of which cross-sectional and conducted among 13 to 20 year olds. Awareness and knowledge varied depending on gender. Awareness on HIV/AIDS was high (over 90%) but low for HPV (5.4%-66%). While knowledge that condoms protect against STIs was high, adolescents viewed it as an interim contraception method before using the pill. In this study, knowledge did not translate into safer sex behavior change. …

  14. HIV knowledge, risk perception, and safer sex practices among female sex workers in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

    This qualitative study aimed to understand how knowledge of HIV and risk perceptiosn influence safer sex practices among female sex workers in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Focus group discussions and semistructured interviews were used to gather data on female sex workers (FSW) (n=174) from 19 sites. FSWs also completed a structured, demographic questionnaire. Although some FSWs had misconceptions, the majority knew about HIV risk, transmission and prevention methods. …

  15. Reproductive health programs for young adults: school-based programs

    There is an urgent need for the global community to act on the preceding principles and recommendations. Currently comprising more than 1.5 billion people, young adults, defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as those individuals aged 10 to 24, face considerable threats to their reproductive health. …


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