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Young people in South Africa are susceptible to HIV infection. They are vulnerable to peer pressure to have sex, but little is known about how peer pressure operates. The aim of the study was to understand how negative peer pressure increases high risk sexual behaviour among young adolescents in Cape Town, South Africa. Qualitative research methods were used. Eight focus groups were conducted with young people between the ages of 13 and 14 years. …
Set against trans- or supra-national policy initiatives which have framed the HIV/ AIDS pandemic as in part a pedagogical issue, this paper critically explores local understandings of sexual practices (generally) as well as of HIV/AIDS (more specifically) among young people in the sub-Saharan African country of Ethiopia. Ethiopia has the third largest number of HIV/AIDS infections in the world, behind only South Africa and India. …
The objectives of the BSS Round One in Swaziland were to: Help establish a monitoring system that will track behavioral trend data for high-risk and vulnerable target groups in Swaziland; Provide information on behavioral trends of key target groups in some catchment areas where HIV sentinel sero-surveillance is done; Provide information that will increase understanding of HIV prevalence trends over time; Provide information to guide the planning, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of HIV/AIDS/STI interventions; Provide evidence of the relative success of HIV prevention efforts …
Ce plan stratégique pour le sous-secteur de l'éducation de base pour la période 2009-2011 se veut conforme aux objectifs globaux identifiés par le Plan Stratégique National et comprend 6 principales parties ou sections : Section 1 : Caractéristiques du Sous-Secteur Education de Base ; Section II : Analyse de la réponse actuelle du Sous-Secteur Education de Base ; Section III : Cadre stratégique de lutte contre le VIH et sida du Sous-Secteur Education de Base ; Section IV : Programme de lutte contre le sida (2009-2011) ; Section V : Plan opérationnel. …
The National Strategic Plan has been developed to: Provide a strategic framework that will guide and inform the planning, coordination, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the national multisectoral and decentralised HIV and AIDS response based on the three-ones principle, evidence and results based management, gender and human rights approaches; Articulate national priorities, results and targets that all stakeholders and partners will contribute towards; Provide the basis for consolidating strategic partnerships and alliances especially with civil society organisations and the priva …
While Tanzania is taking measures to curb the HIV and AIDS pandemic - including limiting its transmission and minimizing its impact, addressing such transmission among mobile populations such as students and staff of Higher Learning Institutions remains a challenge. Available information shows that a number of daunting challenges face Universities in Tanzania in designing and implementing effective responses to HIV and AIDS. First is the fact that little is known about the vulnerability, prevalence, impact and situation of HIV and AIDS in most of these institutions. …
The overall objective of this baseline survey was to help determine access to information on 1) HIV and AIDS prevention; 2) sexuality and 3) reproductive rights for in-school childre. The specific objectives were to: document existing behaviour change communication (BCC) materials and programs for children; document the BCC methods to children including the packaging of information and dissemination; establish the relevance of BCC materials to children; compile empirical evidence on the impact of BCC materials on children in Swaziland.
The overall objective of this study was to explore the potential intersections between two forms of violence against women (VAW) - partner violence and non-partner violence - among users of VAW and HIV services and to document their experiences, knowledge and perceptions on HIV and violence. The information was collected using a standardized questionnaire in each participant country in order to collect and compare data in a multi-country analysis. In Belize seventy-four (74) women were interviewed, 32 users of HIV services and 42 users of VAW services countrywide during 2007. …
The Caribbean is second only to sub-Saharan Africa in HIV & AIDS prevalence. Jamaica, the largest island in the English speaking Caribbean island has however been relentless in its efforts to stem the spread of the disease and in 2007 estimated that approximately 1.3% of the adult Jamaican population was infected with two-thirds being unaware of their status. Behavioural surveillance is part of the Ministry of Health's ongoing efforts. …
The vision of the iThemba Lethu (isiZulu for "I have a destiny") HIV prevention programme is "to restore the destiny to children whose future is at risk of being negatively impacted by HIV/AIDS". Their goal is to reduce youth risk taking behaviour. The motivation for change is understood as the realisation of self-value and destiny, which, it is posited, provides the backdrop against which HIV/AIDS education can best have a positive effect on behaviour. …
Cette évaluation est un exercice qui permet de mettre en lumière la situation du genre dans les projets et programmes de lutte contre le SIDA face à la réalité de la vulnérabilité des femmes et de la violation de leurs droits humains mais aussi une occasion d'entendre les partenaires sur leurs perspectives, leurs aspirations en termes de partenariats pour parfaire leurs approches. Les facteurs de vulnérabilité des femmes au VIH/SIDA sont d'ordre légal, socioculturel, économique politique et institutionnel.
Cambodia's Most at Risk Young People Survey (MARYPS) 2010 is a follow up survey of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey conducted in 2004. The survey provides the policymakers and planners with data on alcohol, drug and sex related behaviors and utilization of sexual and reproductive health services among MARYP. This survey is jointly supported by FHI, PSI, UNAIDS, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO.
This document is divided into six parts (Part I-VI). Part I covers (a) the study background including objectives, methodologies and activities; and (b) an overview of the HIV situation among young people and adolescents in the Africa region. Part II and III present key findings from Ethiopia and Uganda, including a review of policies and the institutional environment in both countries in regards to gender, youth, ARH and HIV/AIDS. Part IV includes key findings of six country assessments of youth issues in the Multi-Sector Programs on HIV/AIDS of the World Bank. …
Attitudes and roles regarding gender are an important determinant of sexual health outcomes (including age at first sex, number of sexual partners, frequency of adolescent intercourse, use of condoms and contraceptives, and HIV infection). Fostering young people's critical reflection about gender role socialization has been proven to change attitudes and to lead to healthier sexual behavior. This checklist can help you assess how effectively your curriculum is addressing these issues and help you identify changes that can strengthen your curriculum. …
The purpose of is to compile and summarize the base of evidence to support successful interventions in HIV programming for women and girls. National AIDS programs, government ministries, implementing partners, donors, civil society groups and others need an easy-to-understand format for identifying what works for women. …