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Ce document décrit pourquoi et comment le centre de formation de Highridge a mis en oeuvre sapolitique institutionnelle sur le VIH/SIDA.
This document contains four papers that give guidance on what universities can do to address the challenge of HIV/AIDS. They provide an overview of what tertiary institutions in Africa are doing to combat HIV/AIDS, offer practical guidance on how universities can go about the process of developing and implementing institutional policies on HIV/AIDS, present a case study of how one teacher training college in Kenya undertook this task, and suggest what lessons have been learned from these various experiences.
The HIV/AIDS pandemic adds a new and tragic dimension to the worst forms of child labour. With the death of one or both parents from HIV/AIDS, millions of children have been orphaned. Millions more will be. Many of these children will find security in the households of relatives. Others, however, will drop out of school, looking for work to survive. An especially harsh burden is placed on the shoulders of the girl child, who often has to provide care and household services for the entire family. …
Clearly, companies have a key role to play in tackling issues facing poor children around the world - HIV/AIDS, child labour and education. Many companies recognise the strategic value of tackling child poverty, and are both supporting development agencies and looking at their business practices.Based on the experience of Save the Children UK working in 70 countries around the world, the Business Benefits pack provides practical guidance to companies on developing policies and taking action on HIV/AIDS, child labour and education.
The objective of this code is to provide a set of guidelines to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the world of work and within the framework of the promotion of decent work. The guidelines cover the following key areas of action: (a) prevention of HIV/AIDS; (b) management and mitigation of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the world of work; (c) care and support of workers infected and affected by HIV/AIDS; (d) elimination of stigma and discrimination on the basis of real or perceived HIV status.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for addressing HIV and AIDS as a workplace issue in education sector institutions and services through social dialogue processes, in complement of other national workplace or overall education sector policies where they exist. …
This policy is based on the ILO code of practice on HIV/AIDS and the world of work (hereafter, "the ILO code of practice"), adopted by an international tripartite meeting convened by the ILO in 2001, and includes key concepts and principles of the ILO code of practice. Development of the Policy has resulted from collaboration between ILO and UNESCO.The Policy was carefully reviewed and modified during a tripartite workshop held in Maputo, Mozambique, 30 November - 2 December 2005, composed of representatives from seven southern African countries. …
This report records the proceedings and outcomes of two workshops on "Accelerating the Education Sector Response to HIV/AIDS in Nigeria". The first of these took place in Abuja for the staff of the Federal Ministry of Education (FME) and its parastatals. The second took place at National Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), Ondo for state government officials from Enugu, Kaduna, Oyo and Taraba. …
The Ministry of Education (MINED) held a national seminar from 9-13th February 2004, in Maputo, at Joaquim Chissano Conference Center, with the objective of accelerating the sector's response to HIV/AIDS. During the workshop, the current initiatives and responses at the national and provincial levels of the Education sector were presented and debates and discussions took place over the following four key issues: Planning and Mitigation; Prevention; Access to Education for orphans and vulnerable children; Workplace policy
The purpose of this workshop was to share information on HIV and AIDS in the formal education sector in Mozambique. The following conference objectives were spelt out: a) The employer to learn more about Mozambique's strategic aims; b) The employer to learn more about the importance of the 3 way partnership (Volunteer-Employer-VSO); c) To get a general view of how HIV and AIDS is perceived by employers; d) To analyze the impact of HIV and AIDS in the placements; e) And to monitor the integration of HIV and AIDS activities.
Ce document rend compte d'une réunion tenue à Windhoek du 11 au 13 octobre 1999 et présente la plate-forme d'action qui y a été adoptée. Celle-ci vise à s'attaquer à la situation de crise qu'a engendrée le VIH/SIDA sur les lieux de travail et dans les communautés.
With the rising prevalence of HIV/AIDS, the business community is increasingly concerned about the impact of the disease on their enterprises. Establishing an HIV/AIDS policy and programme at the workplace is therefore a cost-effective intervention that can help reduce the spread and impact of the disease. This publication provides information on how to set up a such programme.
This powerpoint presentation on legal issues surrounding HIV/AIDS and Education gives an overview of the international and regional framework impacting the education sector. Some areas were law impacts on education policy include HIV testing, privacy and confidentiality, illness issues of sick leave and termination, and access to treatment. Various international and regional legal instruments on HIV/AIDS protecting employees and case laws are cited in this presentation.
This guideline is prepared as a support to companies wishing to carry out assessment of the impact of AIDS in order to identify cost benefit motivations for prevention. The guideline will also help to highlight areas for interventions aimed at managing the impact of AIDS. It is also intended that this step of impact assessment and areas of vulnerability to HIV/AIDS be part of a bipartite process assessment, planning, intervention and review that addresses health needs at workplace.