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This policy brief provides an overview of social discrimination against gay men and other MSM as it relates to HIV. It also includes recommendations for concerted action and policy development. A review of literature that demonstrates the linkages between homophobia and vulnerability to HIV is presented with related examples. The recommendations are intended for a global audience of advocates, researchers, service providers, public health practitioners, donors and policy makers.
This final report is an overview of workshops of the 1st National Young People's Planning Forum (NYPPF). The goal of this forum to institutionalize young people's participation and to provide recommendations for the 2009-2010 Operational Plan relevant to the on-going assessment of the 4th AIDS Medium Term Plan of the Government of the Philippines National AIDS Response. The main objective is to make sure young people's perspectives are adequately integrated into and operationalized as part of the National AIDS Response and in public policy decisions. …
In 2002, UNESCO Bangkok developed an advocacy kit targeted at middle- and senior level officials of Ministries of Education, aimed at the promotion of HIV/AIDS preventive education and increasing awareness of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector in South East Asia. The project was implemented with funds granted by UNAIDS. …
El presente Manual es el resultado de los talleres sobre Incidencia Política (Advocacy), dictados en Belice y Jamaica en el contexto del Proyecto Community-Based Advocacy and Networking to Scale Up HIV Prevention in an Era of Expanded Treatment, coordinado por LACCASO. Este taller persigue desarrollar habilidades en las organizaciones comunitarias para que incidan oportuna y eficazmente en la agenda pública. …
HIV stigma and discrimination adversely affect every aspect of life for people living with HIV and their families. In many settings, an HIV diagnosis still can be as devastating as the illness itself, leading to job loss, school expulsion, violence, social ostracism, loss of property, and denial of health services and emotional support. People living in fear are less likely to adopt preventive behavior, come in for testing, disclose their sero-status to others, access care and adhere to treatment. Reducing stigma and discrimination can dramatically improve the lives of people affected by HIV. …
Un engagement politique sans faille !!! Gratuité des ARV est un bulletin trimestriel d'information, Info-SIDA, développé par le Secrétariat Exécutif Permanent du conseil National de Lutte contre le SIDA & les IST. Ce document se présente sous la forme d'un petit journal, dans lequel l'actualité relative au VIH et sida en République du Congo est présentée. Il permet ainsi de se tenir à jours concernant la réponse nationale congolaise au VIH/SIDA dans le cadre du processus de planification stratégique mis en oeuvre dès 2002.
Le bulletin trimestriel d'information, Info-SIDA, développé par le Secrétariat Exécutif Permanent du conseil National de Lutte contre le SIDA & les IST, est une document qui se présente sous la forme d'un petit journal, dans lequel l'actualité relative au VIH et sida en République du Congo est présentée. Il permet ainsi de se tenir à jours concernant la réponse nationale congolaise au VIH/SIDA dans le cadre du processus de planification stratégique mis en oeuvre dès 2002.
Atelier de plaidoyer des ULS. Les Ministres plaident en faveur de la lutte contre le sida dans leur département est un bulletin trimestriel d'information, Info-SIDA, développé par le Secrétariat Exécutif Permanent du conseil National de Lutte contre le SIDA & les IST. Ce document se présente sous la forme d'un petit jounral, dans lequel l'actualité relative au VIH et sida en République du Congo est présentée. Il permet ainsi de se tenir à jours concernant la réponse nationale congolaise au VIH/SIDA dans le cadre du processus de planification stratégique mis en oeuvre dès 2002.
The toolkit aims to assist education sector staff, networks of people living with HIV, and others to apply the principles for the greater involvement of people living with or affected by HIV and AIDS (GIPA) in a comprehensive approach for the education sector's response to HIV and AIDS. The toolkit includes 10 activities, each requiring from 1 to 3 hours, which can be modified as needed. The activities introduce the basics of HIV and AIDS, the concept of GIPA, and ways its principles can be incorporated into a comprehensive approach for the education sector's HIV and AIDS initiatives. …
The goal of this handbook is to highlight some of the best practices around the world in HIV/AIDS services, programmes and policies for people with disabilities. This handbook is primarily aimed at organizations involved in or intending to be involved in programming and advocacy to influence or to develop policy and programmes in HIV/AIDS service delivery for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs). This includes both mainstream HIV/AIDS organizations, and those working primarily with/for people with disabilities. …
This study aims to examine changes in knowledge, attitude and behavioural practices of the female sex workers (FSWs) for STI and HIV and AIDS prevention and to understand the socio-cultural context for these changes in the selected brothels. It shows that the peer educators were found to be acceptable and credible facilitators to the FSWs in brothels. It shows that FSWs' high knowledge of STIs/HIV/AIDS was not always supported by the skills to negotiate with the clients. Therefore, more life skills training and role-playing exercises will be part of the training program for the FSWs. …
The issue of HIV and AIDS is a serious global issue that affects girls and boys, women and men, from all communities. Girls and women are particularly vulnerable to contracting HIV which can develop into AIDS. This guide for mentoring contains important information about HIV and AIDS related to young women and girls. The guide also provides ideas for talking about HIV and AIDS with the girls you are mentoring, and ideas for sharing the right information through activities and discussion questions.
The multi-sectoral National Strategic Plan (NSP) for HIV and AIDS was developed and launched in 2006. It covers a five-year period from 2006-2011. The NSP was developed through an extensively participatory process following the joint review of the national multi-sectoral response to HIV and AIDS in 2005. From October 2008 to April 2009, the National AIDS Commission in collaboration with its stakeholders and partners who are involved in the national response to the HIV and AIDS commissioned the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the NSP. …
Documento informativo cuyo objetivo es combatir el estigma y la discriminación con personas que viven con VIH, grupos vulnerables y otras poblaciones tradicionalmente segregadas. Incluye indicaciones para evitar un uso discriminatorio del lenguaje e información básica sobre el VIH/SIDA y su prevención.
Southern Africa's rural and impoverished communities are some of the hardest hit by the HIV and AIDS pandemic. Large numbers of vulnerable children in these AIDS-affected communities struggle to access resources and services they desperately need and are entitled to. Despite this, most children still attend school, making schools an obvious avenue through which to address the multiplicity of needs of vulnerable children. The case study presented here describes an innovative and effective programme built on the principles of a multi-sectoral approach to HIV and AIDS. …