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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Rising to the Challenge. Health Policy Initiative Helps HIV-positive Teachers Tackle Stigma and Discrimination in Kenya

    While HIV-related stigma is a challenge throughout Kenyan society, it has rendered certain groups particularly vulnerable. Teachers have been acutely stigmatized because of their positions of trust in the society. Teachers living with HIV have been wrongfully dismissed, interdicted (officially barred from performing their teaching duties), or forced to resign their posts because of their status. Recently, this situation has begun to change, in part, due to the efforts of networks of teachers living with and affected by HIV. …

  2. IPPF framework for comprehensive sexuality education

    This document focuses on comprehensive sexuality education that promotes and considers the sexual and reproductive rights of young people, especially those living with HIV. The report favours a framework of sexuality education that also deals with the needs of young people in order to promote an all-inclusive educational agenda. The document is based on consultations with IPPF staff, young people, external organizations and IPPF Member Associations. …

  3. Comprehensive sex education: a campaign toolkit for HIV advocates

    Comprehensive sex education promotes a view of sexuality as a natural par of human development. It provides information about sexual abstinence as well as pregnancy and disease protection, and provides teens with skills to ensure they are able to take care of their sexual health and make healthy, responsible decisions. This publication is a practical, hands-on resource for advocates.

  4. A Common Border, A Shared Goal. Lessons and Inspiration from Mexico for Advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

    This document highlights the successful collaboration between SIECUS and Demysex (Democracia y Sexualidad) to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights throughout Mexico. This publication shares models for replication, offers tools and guidance for readers, and includes information about SIECUS and Demysex's partnership activities in recent years.

  5. Afiches de séptima campaña de prevención del sida

    Serie de afiches de la séptima campaña de prevención del VIH/SIDA realizada por el Ministerio de Salud de Chile en 2007. En su mayoría promueven el uso del preservativo como método de protección.

  6. PILS - Prévention Information Lutte contre le SIDA : Rapport d'activités 2008

    Ceci est le rapport d'activité 2008 de l'association PILS (Prévention Information Lutte contre le SIDA). Après un calendrier des activités de l'année écoulée, le rapport présente la situation sur l'ïle Maurice : statistiques de PVVIH, services de santé mis en place, politique de prévention, levée de fonds...

  7. Checklist for Programme Officers. Improving the quality of SRHR Education programmes for Young People

    This checklist is a summary of the Evidence- and Rights- Based Planning and Support Tool for SRHR/ HIV Prevention Interventions for Young People (E-PAT) developed by WPF and Stop AIDS Now. The structure of the E-PAT is based on the Intervention mapping model, a framework that assists organizations in planning evidence-based programmes. The checklist is a supplement to other tools that are used by donor organizations to assess project proposals. …

  8. ICT as the new red ribbon: hot or not? Results of the BELSPO research into digital strategies for HIV and AIDS campaigning in a South African university context

    This research conducted at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) aimed to gain insights into the way in which new technologies could be employed in the fight against HIV and AIDS in a tertiary education context. The overall research question for this case study was: Are new technologies, with their unique characteristics like interactivity and anonymity, appropriate media for innovative HIV and AIDS campaigns in a university context? In other words, are new technologies, computers and the internet in particular, appropriate media for stimulating dialogue and fighting the AIDS fatigue?

  9. Curriculum de formation et d'éducation au VIH et sida. Ecole normale d'instituteurs (ENI) et Ecole normale supérieure (ENS)

    Ce curriculum, rédigé par le Ministère de l'Education de République Centrafricaine, matérialise la volonté du Gouvernement d'intégrer l'éducation au VIH et sida dans les programmes scolaires. Il vise à susciter une prise de conscience du rôle majeur que doivent jouer les enseignants et leurs élèves dans l'amélioration de leur bien-être collectif et dans leurs relations avec les personnes vivant avec le VIH. Ce curriculum est destiné aux enseignants des Ecoles Normales d'Instituteurs afin qu'ils puissent assurer la formation des enseignants. …

  10. Children for health. Children as partners in health promotion

    This document was published by the Child-to-Child Trust in 2005. This book advocates and aims to strengthen the provision of good quality health education for all children. This document consists of 3 parts : Part 1 : "Children as partners"; part 2 "Children's action"; part 3: "Facts for life: Prime messages and supporting information". The book is illustrated with examples of inspiring work being done across the world by educators and health workers dedicated to improving the lives of children and their families. The book is designed for teacher and health workers. …

  11. VIH/SIDA Infancia y adolescencia en América Latina y el Caribe

    Este documento es un paquete informativo sobre infancia, adolescencia y VIH/SIDA en América Latina y el Caribe producido por la UNICEF en 2005. Constituye una herramienta que pretende poner al alcance de los responsables de la toma de decisiones políticas, medios de comunicación, contrapartes, gobiernos locales, niños, niñas, adolescentes y personas interesadas en el tema, información sobre el impacto de la epidemia en la región, así como las acciones que UNICEF y sus aliados emprenden para fortalecer la repuesta nacional, local y de las comunidades ante el VIH/SIDA. …

  12. Sbornik materialov po itogam realizacii programmy "Poleznaja privivka", razrabotannoj Proektom Hope, v Saxalinskoj oblasti. Janvar' - Maj 2007

    This document consists in a collection of contributions presented by the participants of a conference held in 2007 and dedicated to the implementation's outcomes of the programme "Useful Inoculation" in the Sakhalin Region. This programme was developed within the project "Healthy Russia 2020" and implemented in several secondary schools of five Russian regions. Its aim is to develop life skills that will allow learners to prevent from HIV and avoid drug use, and also to show empathy and support towards people living with HIV and AIDS. …

  13. A report of the evaluation of "Ringing the bell: A Re Tsogeng" project

    This document is an evaluation of the People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHAs) project designed by Botswana Network of people living with HIV/AIDS, UNICEF and the Ministry of Education to bring change messages to school and in the process making the schools become youth-friendly information centre on adolescent reproductive health, sexuality, and human rights. …

  14. A Report of the School/Community Linkages in HIV and AIDS at Serenje Boma Basic and Kafue Day High School

    This is a report of the situation analysis, needs assessment and advocacy activities of the community/school linkages in HIV/AIDS carried out at Serenje Boma Basic and Kafue Day High Schools.Under coordination of the Zambia National Commission for UNESCO, Zambia was selected to take part in the School/Community linkages in HIV/AIDS whose main objective was to strengthen the links between schools and communities in the fight against HIV/AIDS. For this purpose, Serenje Boma Basic and Kafue Day High School were sampled for the programme. …

  15. Make it matter. 10 key advocacy messages to prevent HIV in girls and young women

    The aim of this guide is to equip its users with key messages, evidence and actions that can be used to advocate effectively on HIV prevention for girls and young women. It recognizes that advocacy needs to be adapted to each country using the methods and channels that work best in a specific context. It also, however, recognizes that any national advocacy work will be most successful if it follows some basic guiding principles.


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