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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. HIV and AIDS in the Caucasus Region: A Socio-Cultural Approach

    This work is the outcome of a year-long project directed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), funded by the Flemish government, and assisted by the National HIV/AIDS Centers in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. …

  2. Adolescentes e jovens para a educação entre pares: álcool e outras drogas

    O propósito da série Adolescentes e Jovens para a Educação entre Pares, do Projeto Saúde e Prevenção nas Escolas (SPE), propósito não é ser apenas mais um conjunto de fascículos, e sim trazer provocações e aprofundar o conhecimento que os(as) adolescentes e jovens têm a respeito de temas presentes em toda a sociedade, e que, muitas vezes, são tratados de maneira equivocada ou com preconceitos. Ao mesmo tempo, deseja orientar o trabalho por meio de oficinas, debates e leituras. Pretende, também, provocar reflexões e instigar o diálogo sobre as temáticas do SPE dentro das escolas brasileiras. …

  3. Responding to the HIV prevention needs of adolescents and young people in Asia: Towards (cost-) effective policies and programmes

    The current paper was commissioned by UNICEF and its partners (UNFPA, UNESCO, UNAIDS) to provide advice to the AIDS Commission in Asia on policy options on how to respond to HIV/AIDS among young people, in response to a 'Policy Options Workshop' which was held in Bangkok on 4-6 January 2007. This paper aims to provide guidance to policy makers on how to respond to the HIV prevention needs of young people in Asia. In particular, it aims to set priorities for action, aimed at preventing major HIV epidemics from occurring or limiting the scope or impact of current HIV epidemics in the region.

  4. Facteurs de risque de l'infection à VIH/sida chez la femme

    Ce document étudie les raisons de la situation épidémiologique qui montre une augmentation des cas de sida dans la population hétérosexuelle, avec un pourcentage 3 à 8 fois plus important chez les femmes que chez les hommes. Les auteurs parlent de la plus grande vulnérabilité des femmes vis-à-vis du VIH est due à des facteurs physiologiques et biologiques mais également à des pressions sociales, culturelles et économiques qui ne leur permettent pas d'assurer leur prévention. …

  5. Protocol on Assessing Drug Use and HIV in Prison Settings

    In order to increase access to drug use and HIV/AIDS prevention and care services in the prison settings any response needs to be informed by a sound and proper assessment of the situation. As a minimum, this assessment needs to cover the drug use and HIV/AIDS prevalence, knowledge, attitude and behavior and treatment/prevention infrastructure situation in prisons as well as training needs of staff. This would ensure that activities and responses are evidence informed, monitored and evaluated (based on a regular assessment of the nature and magnitude of the problem). …

  6. Baseline Assessment of the current Status of Resources, Policies and Services for Injecting Drug Use and HIV/AIDS in South and South East Asia

    The United Nations Regional Task Force on Injecting Drug Use and HIV/AIDS for Asia and the Pacific (UN RTF) commissioned the Centre for Harm Reduction (CHR), Macfarlane Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health, Australia to undertake a baseline assessment of current policies, programs and services for drug users in South and South East Asia.

  7. HIV/AIDS policy in Vietnam: A civil society perspective

    HIV/AIDS has spread rapidly in Vietnam since the first case was registered in 1990, and today more than a quarter-million people in the country are living with HIV/AIDS. The national HIV prevalence rate among adults is 0.5 percent, but prevalence rates are significantly higher among high-risk groups, such as injecting drug users (33 to 65 percent) and sex workers (approximately 16 percent). However, the illegal nature of drug use and sex work has complicated efforts to prevent HIV among these high-risk groups. …

  8. Drug use and HIV/AIDS in Thailand

    A series of six info sheets on legal and ethical issues related to drug use and HIV/AIDS in Thailand. It includes HIV and HCV in Thailand: implications for national drug policy, harm reduction: lessons from the region, sterile syringe programs, opioid substitution treatment, outreach and information programs, harm reduction in prison and detention facilities.

  9. Deadly Denial: Barriers to HIV/AIDS treatment for people who use drugs in Thailand

    This 57-page report found that routine police harassment and arrest - as well as the lasting effects of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's 2003 drug war - keeps drug users from receiving lifesaving HIV information and services that Thailand has pledged to provide. The report also documents how drug users face discrimination from health care workers, who continue to deny antiretroviral treatment to people who need it based on their status as drug users.

  10. Young people most at risk of HIV: a meeting report and discussion paper from the Interagency Youth Working Group, U.S. Agency for International Development, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Inter-Agency Task Team on HIV and Young People, and FHI

    This paper is designed to call more attention to young people within the groups considered "most at risk" for HIV - those who sell sex, those who inject drugs, and young men who have sex with men. Despite the growing attention that has been given to programming for these groups, little explicit focus has emerged on the particular needs of young people in these populations. …

  11. Report on people who inject drugs in the South-East Asia Region

    This assessment examines the current situation of HIV and injecting drugs and of the national responses. The focus is on countries with a high and medium burden of illicit drug injecting. In most of these countries people who inject drugs are either HIV infected or have the potential for being infected. The countries reviewed are Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal and Thailand. National responses to reduce the HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs vary. …

  12. A strategy to halt and reverse the HIV epidemic among people who inject drugs in Asia and the Pacific 2010-2015

    This document is a call to action and a road map to ensure that the HIV and hepatitis epidemics among people who use drugs and their sexual partners in the Asia Pacific region will be halted. It is a collective product prepared on behalf of the United Nations Regional Task Force on Injecting Drug use and HIV for Asia and the Pacific. The strategy is designed to provide a regional framework, and it identifies issues and priorities and provides guidance to countries in the region for developing national strategic responses over the next six years. …

  13. Adolescentes e jovens para a educacao entre pares: Saude e Prevencao nas escolas

    A serie de fascículos Adolescentes e Jovens para a Educação entre Pares, do Projecto Saude e Prevenção nas Escolas, como o próprio nome indica, é destinada a adolescentes e jovens. Tem como objectivo auxiliá-los (as) no desenvolvimento de acções de formação para promoção da saúde sexual e saúde reprodutiva, a partir do fortalecimento do debate e da participação juvenil. …

  14. Reducción de daños con jóvenes de barrios pobres

    Este trabajo refleja la experiencia llevada a cabo durante el año 2002 por la Asociación Civil Intercambios, con población adolescente de la zona del partido de Avellaneda donde se desarrolla un programa de reducción de daños desde 1999. Tuvo como objetivo desarrollar actividades de prevención y capacitación acerca del VIH y otras infecciones de transmisión sexual, así como de prevención de los problemas asociados con el uso de drogas. A partir del trabajo inicial de recolección de información se realizaron 66 talleres preventivos, y 5 actividades comunitarias de prevención. …

  15. HQ SPE No. 6

    Essa HQ (ou História em Quadrinhos) foi criada para falar, de uma forma dinâmica e leve, sobre coisas importantes como amizade, sexualidade, relacionamento, inclusão, autoestima, escola, família, preconceito, respeito e participação juvenil (e talvez mais algumas outras coisinhas). Alguns desses temas com certeza já passaram pela sua cabeça - mas você já parou pra pensar sobre eles? Afinal, essas questões estão presentes no dia-a-dia e afetam a vida de todos nós. …


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