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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. The effectiveness of HIV-AIDS education prevention programmes in Zimbabwe: the role of school heads in SACMEQ III

    The overall objective of this study is to analyse the response of the education sector to HIV-AIDS epidemic through inputs from the heads of primary schools by describing their viewpoints and professional characteristics in the context of HIV and also examining how the school environment, that the school heads are in charge of, were supportive in the context of HIV-AIDS. Based on the research problematic, the memoire will attempt to provide answers to the following research questions: a) What is the demographic situation in the context of HIV-AIDS in Zimbabwe? …

  2. Economic impact of HIV and antiretroviral therapy on education supply in high prevalence regions

    Background: We set out to estimate, for the three geographical regions with the highest HIV prevalence, (sub-Saharan Africa [SSA], the Caribbean and the Greater Mekong sub-region of East Asia), the human resource and economic impact of HIV on the supply of education from 2008 to 2015, the target date for the achievement of Education For All (EFA), contrasting the continuation of access to care, support and Antiretroviral therapy (ART) to the scenario of universal access. …

  3. Sub-regional workshop on support for the movement of teachers infected and/or affected by HIV and AIDS in West and Central Africa: Report on workshop proceedings

    In West and Central Africa (WCA), teachers are among the most vulnerable since they are seen as role models in the community. HIV & AIDS increase the morbidity and the mortality of already inadequate number of teachers within the education sector. HIV & AIDS-related stigma and discrimination are persistent among teachers in the region. …

  4. Report on sub-regional workshop for positive teachers and educational workers

    In recognition of the devastating impact of HIV and AIDS on its constituents: teachers, nonteaching staff and learners and the role education could play as an effective tool in the prevention of and mitigation of HIV and AIDS on the infected and affected, the Ministry of Education established the HIV & AIDS Secretariat in 2002. A number of interventions have been undertaken within the Sector as its contribution towards the national aspiration of preventing HIV infection and providing care and support for those infected. …

  5. Positive Action for HIV in Schools in Kenya

    Although many sub-Saharan African countries that are affected by HIV and AIDS have developed education sector policies in response to the epidemic, there are still challenges in effectively addressing the issue in schools. These challenges include lack of appropriate leadership and coordination at the school level, limited training and skills update on HIV and AIDS among school-based caregivers (teachers, school nurses and matrons), absence of appropriate guidelines in some settings, and lack of coordination between the education, health and other sectors. …

  6. Minding the gap in Alexandria: Talking to girls in schools about reproductive health

    Reproductive health (RH) is one of the cornerstones of an individual’s health and well-being, and an important component of a country’s human social development. Limited access to RH information among female adolescents can increase their vulnerability to health problems. Therefore, it is important to provide them with accurate and age-appropriate information. In the Middle East and North Africa, cultural norms dictate that girls should not be exposed to information about RH until they are married. …

  7. Same-sex attracted employees

    The Department is committed to diversity and inclusion in providing the highest level of service to the Victorian community and in reflecting the diversity of the community across its workforce. Providing workplaces which are safe, supportive and inclusive of same sex attracted (gay, lesbian and bisexual) employees helps to build a culture of respect and dignity for all. Same sex attracted employees are entitled to fully participate in their workplace without fear of offensive, harassing, bullying or discriminatory behaviour.

  8. An introduction to welcoming schools: an inclusive approach to addressing family diversity; gender stereotyping and name-calling in K-5 learning environments

    The Welcoming Schools Guide is a comprehensive resource that facilitates the creation of fully inclusive, respectful and supportive elementary school environments for all students and their families. …


    The number of people, including children, living with HIV keeps growing in the Russian Federation and other countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, which is the only region where HIV prevalence remains on the rise. The Practical Recommendations provide the management and the staff of educational institutions with a policy framework and practical tips for supporting and protecting from discrimination students and educators living with or affected by HIV. …

  10. A review of the impact of HIV/AIDS on education, the workforce and workplace: the African experience

    The impact of HIV/AIDS cuts across all sectors of economic activities and social life. For example it not only reduces the stock of human capital but also the capacity to maintain the required turnover of many sought after skills and trainining like engineers, doctors, teachers, artisans and others. In the educational sphere, it leads to among other things a decrease in potential clientele for education, resources and even donor support. On the workforce, its impact increases expenditure on the one hand and decreases productivity on the other. …

  11. Health Promoting Schools Course Student Teacher Course Book

    This course book has three modules: health promoting schools, health issues in schools, HPS planning. Schools have an important role in improving the health of children and the community. Teaching about health is one way to improve health but schools can do more. Many schools are becoming Health Promoting Schools (HPS) and the Department of Education is urging all schools to become healthy and child friendly. This course is designed to help the student teacher learn how to plan, manage and implement HPS strategies in their own school. …

  12. Guidelines in the implementation of workplace policy and education program on HIV and AIDS

    Guidelines in the implementation of workplace policy and education program on HIV and AIDS.

  13. Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and attitudes towards people living with HIV among the general staff of a public university in Malaysia

    Stigma and discrimination towards people living with HIV have been widely documented, and have extended their impact into the workplace. Stigmatising attitudes towards people living with HIV (PLHIV) in the workplace significantly hinder HIV prevention efforts and indirectly affect national development. This cross-sectional study was designed to determine the level of knowledge about HIV and AIDS and assess attitudes towards PLHIV among the general staff of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), as well as to identify factors that are associated with it.

  14. Politica da Universidad catolica de Moçambique sobre HIV/SIDA

    Esta política tem quatro componentes principais: 1. Direitos e responsabilidades de funcionários e estudantes afectados e infectados pelo HIV/SIDA. 2. Prestação de serviços de prevenção, cuidados e apoio dentro do campus universitário. 3. Integração do HIV/SIDA no ensino, na pesquisa e na prestação de serviços de todas as faculdades, centros e unidades da universidade. 4. Implementação da política: estruturas, procedimentos, monitoria e revisão da política.

  15. Head teacher's guide to handling anti-gay harassment: UK specific version

    This guide provides advice and tips for head teachers in handling anti-gay harassment in schools.


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