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The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) has been implementing a successful programme - the EFAIDS, as a contribution to the achievement of the Education For All (EFA) in the era of HIV and AIDS pandemic. The programme is co-sponsored by Education International (EI). The manual is intended to equip the trainers with skills and knowledge to facilitate their ability to train their colleague teachers at the school level who will in turn reach out to the learners and the surrounding communities. Specifically the trainers will: 1. Acquire information about KNUT EI/EFAIDS; 2. …
The purpose of the study is to improve our understanding of the current impact of HIV and AIDS on primary education in four Eastern and Southem African countries. The study uses Kelly's (2000) framework which identifies potential ways in which education systems are affected by HIV and AIDS. Using a selection of his categories the study is designed to assess the impact at both national and local levels through the collection of empirical data on the teaching force and the situation of orphans in each country. …
This policy applies to all learners, employees, managers and providers of education and training in all public and private, formal and non-formal and traditional learning institutions at all level of the education system in Zambia.It provides the framework for responding to concerns and needs of those infected with and affected by HIV and AIDS in the education sector.
Despite the potentially extremely serious impacts of HIV/AIDS on education in Malawi, very little attention had been devoted to this fundamentally important problem. No robust research had been undertaken that systematically analyses all key quantitative and qualitative impacts of the epidemics on education. The study focused on three key questions: A) How has the HIV/AIDS epidemic affected primary and secondary schooling? B) What would be the likely impacts of the epidemic on education provision during the next 10-15 years? C) What should be done to mitigate these impacts?
The University of Natal hereby affirms its recognition of the responsibility that exists for the provision of access to information, prevention, care and support for all staff and students, in so far as is reasonably possible. Furthermore, the University affirms its commitment to the development of an environment that is free from discrimination, in which people living with HIV/AIDS, can feel assured of their rights being upheld, and protected.
The University of the Western Cape (UWC) acknowledges the seriousness of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and recognises that the disease will have a significant impact on the University. The University shares the understanding of AIDS as a chronic, life-threatening disease with social, economic and human rights implications. …
This case study on the University of Zambia aimed at answering the following questions: In what ways has the University of Zambia been affected by HIV/AIDS? How has the university responded to these impacts? What steps is the university taking to control and limit the further spread of HIV/AIDS in its community? What HIV/AIDS-related teaching, research, publication, and advisory services has the university undertaken? How does the university propose to anticipate and address the larger impact of HIV/AIDS on the national labour market for university graduates? …
This document describes the University of Cape Town Policy on HIV infection and AIDS. It includes issues of confidentiality, employment contracts, AIDS education, staff and student interactions, benefits, leadership, and resources.
This study is in response to the ADEA Working Group on Higher Education's decision to undertake case studies on the way HIV/AIDS affects some individual universities in Africa, and to document the responses and coping mechanisms that these institutions have developed. The purpose of the exercise is to generate understanding of the way the disease is affecting universities and to identify responses of staff, students and management that might profitably be shared with sister institutions in similar circumstances. Essentially, the studies are designed to answer five questions: 1. …
The purpose of this study was to investigate challenges facing headteachers in the implementation of AIDS education in secondary school curriculum in Busia, Bunyala and Samia Districts and find out how they were coping. Specifically, it focused on challenges in induction of teachers, provision of teaching and learning materials, supervision and evaluation of the teaching of AIDS education. Descriptive survey research design was used in this study. The study population was 56 headteachers, 423 teachers and 9784 students in 56 secondary schools in Busia, Bunyala and Samia Districts. …
Cette étude a pour objectif d'évaluer l'état actuel des connaissances et des comportements des apprenants et des personnels administratif et enseignant du Ministère de l'Enseignement Technique et de la Formation Professionnelle (METFP) face au VIH et au sida. Sur le plan méthodologique l'étude a touché 2985 apprenants de 14 à 35 ans et 830 enseignants et administratifs de 21 à 60 ans des deux sexes venant des structures officielles et de certaines structures privées laïques et confessionnelles de Lomé à Dapaong. …
The Symposium "Working on HIV and AIDS in education: System and workplace responses for and by education sector workers" took place in Brussels, Belgium on 2 December 2010. The Symposium was convened by the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education and preceded the UNAIDS IATT on Education's members meeting on 3 December 2010. Education International (EI) and International Labour Organization (ILO) co-hosted the Symposium. …
This study aims to describe and analyse the results of a qualitative research study on teacher management policies, tools and practices in Malawi, a country where HIV and AIDS is highly prevalent. The research aims to discover whether teacher management policies, tools and practices have evolved in high prevalence settings as a response to the HIV epidemic.
This study aims to describe and analyse the results of a qualitative research study on teacher management policies, tools and practices in Botswana, a country where HIV and AIDS is highly prevalent. The research aims to discover whether teacher management policies, tools and practices have evolved in high prevalence settings as a response to the HIV epidemic.
The objectives of the study were: 1) To assess the impact of HIV/AIDS on demand and supply of education in primary schools in Kenya; 2) To assess the anticipated trends of the impact of HIV/AIDS on primary schools in Kenya for the next 10 to 15 years; and 3) To review the role of education in mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS in the educational sector.