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Le Tchad comme d'autres pays africains ont tardé à comprendre que l'épidémie du VIH/SIDA n'était pas qu'un problème de santé, mais qu'elle avait également des conséquences dans les domaines de l'éducation et du développement. Pour une majorité d'enfants orphelins ou dont les parents sont porteurs du VIH, la maladie réduit les chances d'aller à l'école. Parallèlement, le nombre de malades ou de morts dans le corps enseignant peut atteindre un niveau très alarmant, par conséquent la gestion même du système éducatif peut être problématique. …
le présent plan sectoriel de l'éducation prend en compte les objectifs du Plan National de Développement de l'Education (PNDE), de Juin 1999, du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD), de l'an 2000, du Plan National d'Action de l'Education Pour Tous (PNA.EPT), d'Avril 2004, des insuffisances du système éducatif récemment mises en exergue par le Rapport d'Etat du Système Educatif National Centrafricain RESEN/RCA) et surtout les axes prioritaires contenus dans le Document de Stratégie de Réduction de la Pauvreté. …
The purpose of the document is to provide guidelines to the University with regard to the institution's response to HIV and AIDS with specific reference to its ability to continue functioning thereby preventing HIV and AIDS from undermining its potential to operate and deliver mandated services. …
O Ministério da Educação e o Ministério da Saúde apresentam às instituições de educação, saúde e organizações da sociedade civil as diretrizes norteadoras do Projeto "Saúde e Prevenção nas Escolas" (SPE). Esse Projeto conta com o apoio da UNESCO - Organizações das Nações Unidas para a Educação a Ciência e a Cultura - do UNICEF - Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância e do UNFPA - Fundo de População das Nações Unidas, no planejamento, na execução, no monitoramento e na avaliação das ações desenvolvidas em âmbito federal, estadual e municipal. …
O Ministério da Saúde, por meio do Programa Nacional de DST e Aids, apresenta às organizações governamentais e da sociedade civil, que desenvolvem ações em HIV e Aids, as Diretrizes Nacionais para Fortalecer as Ações de Adesão para as pessoas que vivem com HIV ou aids (PVHA). Essas diretrizes têm a intenção de afirmar a importância da adesão ao tratamento, compreendida na sua maior amplitude conceitual, e recomendar ações que proporcionem melhoria na qualidade de vida de quem vive com HIV ou aids. …
This guide provides easy to use information on the National HIV and AIDS and STI Strategic Plan for South Africa 2007-2011 (NSP). The guide focuses specifically on what the NSP means for children and families, and for the individuals and organisations that work with them - a constituency that has come to be known as the "Children's Sector". The Children's Sector was actively involved in the drafting of the NSP and has an important role to play in implementing the plan and in monitoring service delivery. This guide may also be useful to other sectors of civil society. …
The Kenyan Teachers Service Commission (TSC) was established in 1967. It was mandated to register, recruit, remunerate, deploy, promote, discipline teachers and maintain teaching standards in public educational institutions. The Commission employees have been faced with many challenges including multicultural dynamics, age differences, family issues which spill into the work place, work related separation of families and couples, inter personal conflicts, substance abuse, HIV and AIDS, increased stress and burnout, poor morale, poor financial and time management among others. …
This study aims to describe and analyse the results of a qualitative research study on teacher management policies, tools and practices in Lesotho, a country where HIV and AIDS is highly prevalent. The research aims to discover whether teacher management policies, tools and practices have evolved in high prevalence settings as a response to the HIV epidemic.
This study aims to describe and analyse the results of a qualitative research study on teacher management policies, tools and practices in Zimbabwe, a country where HIV and AIDS is highly prevalent. The research aims to discover whether teacher management policies, tools and practices have evolved in high prevalence settings as a response to the HIV epidemic.
This study aims to describe and analyse the results of a qualitative research study on teacher management policies, tools and practices in Tanzania, a country where HIV and AIDS is highly prevalent. The research aims to discover whether teacher management policies, tools and practices have evolved in high prevalence settings as a response to the HIV epidemic.
Under the banner of South-South cooperation and in line with UNESCO's EDUCAIDS Framework, UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Africa (BREDA) and UNESCO Brasilia have been working together to provide technical support to the five Portuguese-speaking countries (PALOP) for the development of a strong education sector response to HIV and AIDS. …
This study aims to describe and analyse the results of a qualitative research study on teacher management policies, tools and practices in Zambia, a country where HIV and AIDS is highly prevalent. It looks at whether these policies, tools and practices have evolved in response to the HIV epidemic.
This study aims to describe and analyse the results of a qualitative research study on teacher management policies, tools and practices in Swaziland, a country where HIV and AIDS are highly prevalent. It looks at whether these policies, tools and practices have evolved in response to the HIV epidemic
This document contains a situational analysis of higher education institutions (HEI) in South Africa to determine the state of HIV and AIDS workplace programmes. It concludes that no HEI currently has a comprehensive workplace HIV and AIDS programme although all have some elements in place. The content and reach of HIV and AIDS services for staff varies greatly across institutions. On the one hand, a few institutions have many elements of workplace HIV and AIDS programmes in place whilst at the other end of the scale, several HEIs have almost no functioning programme for employees. …
Kenya's HIV/AIDS Education Sector Policy: Implications for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children and the Teaching of HIV/AIDS Education is a paper resulting from a study conducted in 2005-2006 on the 2004 HIV/AIDS Education Sector Policy. It investigates the practical implications of the policy document in addressing provisions related to orphaned and vulnerable children and the teaching and learning of HIV/AIDS education. The paper further assesses practitioners' understanding of the policy. …