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The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to national AIDS programmes and partners on the use of indicators to measure and report on the country response.
The main objective of the 2014-15 RDHS was to obtain current information on demographic and health indicators, including family planning; maternal mortality; infant and child mortality; nutrition status of mothers and children; prenatal care, delivery, and postnatal care; childhood diseases; and pediatric immunization. In addition, the survey was designed to measure indicators such as domestic violence, the prevalence of anemia and malaria among women and children, and the prevalence of HIV infection in Rwanda. …
he 2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) was designed to provide information to monitor and evaluate the population and health situations in Kenya and to be a follow-up to the previous KDHS surveys. In addition, it provides information on indicators previously not collected in KDHS surveys, such as fistula and men’s experience of domestic violence. Finally, the 2014 KDHS is the first such survey to provide estimates for selected demographic and health indicators at the county level. …
The Department of Education (DepEd) through the Health and Nutrition Center (HNC) is strengthening the School Health and Nutrition Programs (SHNP) into its key programs and aligning all its activities into one seamless whole. …
This guide was prepared to enable advocates to use data when advocating for universal access to SRHR at the national, regional and global levels. It is a direct outcome of the Strategic SRHR Indicators workshop held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 21-22 August for the project “Strengthening the Networking, Knowledge Management and Advocacy Capacities of an AsiaPacific Network for SRHR” supported by the EU. …
O documento do PNSR apresenta-se estruturado em 5 partes que procuram reflectir a situação da saúde reprodutiva em Cabo Verde no quadro das recomendações do CIPD, dos objectivos do Milénio para o Desenvolvimento e no contexto nacional, a situação no que concerne aos indicadores de saúde reprodutiva, problemas e causas e o nível de oferta de serviços existentes por componente, salientando os principais problemas e constrangimentos. …
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) lay out a new roadmap to improve the lives of people throughout the world over the next 15 years. Sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights issues are currently featured on the SDG agenda, but opportunities exist to expand their presence at both the global and national levels, by establishing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)–specific indicators to measure progress toward the SDGs.
The purpose of the Indicator handbook present an explicit explanation to all HIV/AIDS M&E; practitioners regarding how the M&E; system for HIV/AIDS in Uganda works. In addition, this NSP Indicator Handbook provides a comprehensive listing of indicators for the national HIV/AIDS response as well as their definitions to ensure consistency in measuring and reporting against the indicators. The specific objectives of this Handbook are to: i) Provide a compilation of the National HIV/AIDS NSP indicators in a single volume. …
International development assistance programs are placing an increasing emphasis on youth. As a result, there is growing demand for information about youth for planning, monitoring, and assessing youth initiatives. This paper reviews the contribution that The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program is currently making to address the data needs of youth programs. The paper then considers constraints and challenges as well as potential opportunities within The DHS Program for responding to the expanding demand for data on youth.
Decades of research from around the world has demonstrated that gender inequality negatively affects a range of health outcomes for adults, and gender inequality has been recognized as a key driver of the worldwide HIV epidemic. Managers at the national and subnational levels need information on the intersection of gender and HIV to address gender in the planning and implementing of HIV programs. Policy makers need information on interventions that are effective in accounting for gender inequities for decision making on national and global levels. …
The National M&E; System on HIV and AIDS has four major objectives: To create an enabling environment for monitoring and evaluation; To generate accurate, timely, and relevant HIV data; To intensify HIV research and evaluation; To increase HIV response data demand and information use.
The intended purpose of this compendium is to provide program managers, organizations, and policy makers with a menu of indicators to better “know their HIV epidemic/know their response” from a gender perspective in order to: strengthen national and subnational stakeholders’ understanding of their HIV epidemic and response from a gender equality perspective; monitor progress towards eliminating gender-based inequities in HIV responses, and monitor and evaluate programs that address specific types of gender equality interventions in the context of HIV.
This working paper, based on the work of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Community Involvement in Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, presents a framework that links community involvement interventions to desired adolescent health outcomes. The publication includes a set of social change indicators as well as several case studies that evaluate relevant programming.
This document is a summary of the major tools that have been commonly used to measure prevention of HIV/AIDS among youth. This table has been designed to help program planners, policy makers, and others interested in understanding the status of youth HIV risk and youth HIV prevention programs at the national, regional, or local level identify sources of relevant information.
Focusing Resources on Effective School Health (FRESH), an intersectoral partnership, has developed Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance for School Health Programmes. The guidance is divided into three documents: Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance for School Health Programs - Eight Core Indicators to Support FRESH The main purpose of the FRESH (M&E;) School Health Core Indicators is to assess and monitor national-level progress in implementing a comprehensive school health program, specifically the four FRESH pillars recommended in the internationally-agreed FRESH framework. …