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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS. Guidelines on construction of core indicators. 2010 Reporting

    To assist Member States in preparing and submitting their 2010 Country Progress reports, UNAIDS has released the new UNGASS Guidelines on Construction of Core Indicators for 2010 reporting. The new guidelines provide essential information on the composition of core indicators for reporting including the purpose of the indicator, methods of measurement and a summary interpretation of the indicator. The guidelines are also intended to ensure consistency of information across countries for accurate global progress analysis.

  2. 2007 Zambia human development report. Enhancing household capacity to respond to HIV and AIDS

    Currently, most effective responses to HIV/AIDS have been community and national driven. Now it has become apparent that people play a key role as individuals and as members of social systems such as families in effectively responding to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. As such the Report will focus on enhancing the capacity of households to fight HIV/AIDS at the household level. …

  3. Swaziland Human Development Report 2007. HIV and AIDS and culture

    The 2007 National Human Development Report seeks to provide insights on the interface between culture and contemporary society with the goal of identifying interventions that assist national stakeholders at all levels to effectively address the HIV/AIDS pandemic. It must be noted that behavior change is at the core of preventive approaches to combating the pandemic. Behaviour is to a great extent influenced by culture. …

  4. Revue du cadre stratégique national 2003-2007

    La revue participative du Cadre Stratégique National 2003-2007 et du Cadre Institutionnel et de Gouvernance de la riposte nationale au VIH en République de Guinée marque le début du processus de planification stratégique pour la période 2008-2012. Première phase du processus de planification stratégique, elle s'est déroulée dans la période du 25 juillet au 30 septembre 2007. Le bilan des réalisations de la période 2003-2007 est largement positif en matière de lutte contre le VIH en Guinée, malgré un contexte sociopolitique difficile. La présente revue s'est voulue exhaustive. …

  5. Stratégie et plan d'action en matière de lutte contre le HIV/SIDA 2006-2010

    Le Luxembourg n'a pas de coordinateur national pour le HIV/SIDA. Le comité de surveillance du Sida assure ce rôle et suit ce qui se passe en matière de HIV/SIDA au niveau des différents ministères et de la société civile. Le Ministère de la santé à chargé le Comité de surveillance du SIDA d'élaborer un nouveau plan d'action de lutte contre le HIV/SIDA, axé en premier lieu sur la prévention. …

  6. Plan estrategico nacional para la prevencion, atencion y control del VIH-SIDA e ITS, 2005-2010

    Para seguir con la respuesta nacional al VIH-SIDA, el Programa Nacional hizo una amplia convocatoria de instituciones y organizaciones relacionadas con esta problemática, a fin de actualizar para los años 2005-2010 el Plan Estratégico Nacional para la Prevención, Atención y Control del VIH-SIDA e ITS existente. …

  7. Enquête sur les indicateurs du Sida. Côte d'Ivoire 2005

    L'Enquête sur les indicateurs du Sida en Côte d'Ivoire (EIS-CI) réalisée en 2005 est une enquête par sondage, représentative au niveau national, au niveau des dix anciennes régions administratives du pays et de la ville d'Abidjan. Commanditée par le Ministère de la Lutte contre le Sida, elle a été conduite par l'Institut National de la Statistique en collaboration avec le projet RETRO-CI pour la sérologie. …

  8. Strategic plan for the national program in the fight against AIDS 1999 - 2002

    The process for the formulation of this Strategic Plan against STIs/HIV/AIDS for 2000 - 2002 began in July 1998 with a seminar that involved ministerial representatives, NGOs, churches and private and public corporations. Having identified points of contact in the different sectors mentioned above, three other meetings were conducted. This meeting was the last step in this multi-sectorial and multi-disciplinary involvement. …

  9. UNGASS AIDS forum. South Africa: Monitoring UNGASS-AIDS goals on sexual and reproductive health

    This report is part of a bigger international effort through which NGOs from sixteen countries have collected strategic data on sexual and reproductive health and rights based on the goals in the 2001 UNGASS Declaration. The purpose of the study was to identify gaps and progresses in the implementation of activities addressing sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

  10. HIV, growth, poverty and inequality in sub-Saharan Africa

    The downstream impacts of AIDS on individuals and households are well understood and documented. The economic impacts of AIDS are proportionately greater for poor. The economic impact at higher levels of aggregation (such as on the gross national income (GNI) is less well understood, being inferred from modelling work rather than empirical measurement, but is thought to be important in the long run, particularly in high prevalence countries, such as in southern Africa. Evidence of the upstream effects of poverty and social deprivation on HIV infection is rather mixed. …

  11. World disasters report 2008: focus on HIV and AIDS

    The AIDS epidemic is a disaster on many levels. In the most affected countries in sub-Saharan Africa, where prevalence rates reach 20 per cent, development gains are reversed and life expectancy may be halved. For specific groups of marginalized people - injecting drug users, sex workers and men who have sex with men - across the world, HIV rates are on the increase. Yet they often face stigma, criminalization and little, if any, access to HIV prevention and treatment services. …

  12. Declaration of commitment on HIV/AIDS and political declaration on HIV/AIDS: midway to the Millennium Development Goals. Report of the Secretary-General

    The present report reviews progress in implementing the 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the 2006 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS. Its findings are based primarily on the reports of 147 member states on national progress in the response to HIV, which together represent the most comprehensive body of evidence ever assembled regarding the response to HIV in low-, middle- and high-income countries. After having presented the key findings, this report explains the key recommandations.

  13. The long-run impact of orphanhood

    This paper presents unique evidence that orphanhood matters in the long run for health and education outcomes, in a region of Northwestern Tanzania. The paper studies a sample of 718 non-orphaned children surveyed in 1991-94, who were traced and re-interviewed as adults in 2004. A large proportion, 19 percent, lost one or more parents before the age of 15 in this period, allowing the authors to assess the permanent health and education impacts of orphanhood. The analysis controls for a wide range of child and adult characteristics before orphanhood, as well as community fixed effects. …

  14. Thailand's response to HIV/AIDS: progress and challenges. Thematic MDG report

    This report is a powerful account of how Thailand has managed to achieve Millennium Development Goal 6 to halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015 well in advance of schedule, and what now needs to be done to sustain this extraordinary achievement.

  15. The multiple faces of the intersections between HIV and violence against women

    Violence against women (VAW) and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) represent two profound problems for development and health. Development Connections, with the support of the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), is implementing an initiative focused on strengthening capacities to further this goal through: a) the creation of a community of practices on the integration of VAW and HIV policies and programs, and b) the design of a manual including the scientific evidence available, best practices and tools for the integration of policies and programs. …


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