Brussels: IPPF European Network, 2012. 109 p.
International Planned Parenthood Federation, IPPF, European Network
A policy assessment tool on young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) policies was designed by the Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) and the International Planned Parenthood Federation European Network (IPPF EN) and completed by 18 IPPF EN Member Associations (MAs) across Europe in 2010 and 2012. The tool is guided by the 2007 SAFE Guide for Developing Policies on the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young People and comprises four sections, including: an overview of young people’s SRHR policies, comprehensive sexuality education, young people’s access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and young people’s access to safe abortion services. The policy assessment tool has three objectives: 1. To develop a methodology of assessing young people’s SRHR policies across Europe that will facilitate cross-country comparison and tracking of policy changes in-country. 2. To provide a snapshot of the current status of young people’s SRHR policies across Europe. 3. To identify the key decision-makers responsible for the development, implementation and monitoring of young people’s overall SRHR and the relevant documents that set out the policy priorities for improving young people’s SRH at a national level. The policy assessment provides baseline data in relation to national-level policy on young people’s sexual and reproductive health. It also maps state commitments and responsibilities in relation to young people’s SRHR in a clear, comparable and accessible format. As such, in the context of political and economic change and upheaval, the policy assessment tool is an invaluable resource that IPPF member associations, other civil society organisations and youth organisations can use to hold governments accountable for their commitments at the levels of law, policy, budgets and implementation.
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