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The goal of this sexual and reproductive health strategy is to contribute to the national efforts towards the improvement of the sexual and reproductive health status of all men, women and young people living in Mauritius and to improve the survival of newborn babies and the health status of all children in Mauritius. Outcome one is the increased availability and utilization of comprehensive quality SRH/STI/HIV/AIDS services for people development. …
This Monitoring Tool provides a means for human rights experts responsible for overseeing compliance with international legal standards on human rights to monitor the implementation of specific State obligations in the field of reproductive rights. The tool outlines State obligations under international and regional human rights law on a range of reproductive rights issues–freedom from discrimination, contraceptive information and services, safe pregnancy and childbirth, abortion and post-abortion care, comprehensive sexuality education, freedom from violence against women, and HIV/AIDS. …
This report presents the findings of the Public Inquiry into violations of sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) in Kenya. The Inquiry was undertaken in fulfilment of one of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights’ (KNCHR) primary mandates- to conduct investigations into any complaint on the violation of human rights in the country. The Inquiry was undertaken by the KNCHR following a complaint filed by two non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working on reproductive health issues in Kenya. …
In many areas of the world where HIV prevalence is high, rates of unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion have also been shown to be high. Of all pregnancies worldwide in 2008, 41% were reported as unintended or unplanned, and approximately 50% of these ended in abortion. …
Worldwide, approximately 16 million women and girls ages 15 to 19 give birth each year, accounting for approximately 11 percent of all births worldwide. For these young women, complications from pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death, and unsafe abortion is a major contributor to this mortality. This brief provides an overview of unsafe abortion among young women. …
Elaborado pelo Instituto Nacional para o Desenvolvimento da Educação, o presente Manual oferece marcos norteadores na abordagem das temáticas da sexualidade e saúde direcionada a jovens e adolescentes. Conceitos centrais, tais como saúde sexual, direitos reprodutivos, puberdade, métodos contraceptivos, gravidez na adolescência, aborto, planejamento familiar são abordados. Um destaque particular também é feito em relação às questões de Gênero e à prevenção de DTS/HIV/SIDA.
Informe de derechos humanos de las mujeres en el Perú, para el periodo 2002-2003, en el que se analiza la vigencia formal y realá de los derechos humanos de las mujeres a una vida sin violencia tanto en el espacio público como en el privado. El análisis está centrado en cuatro aspectos: Violencia familiar, violencia sexual, aborto y la situación de ciertos derechos reproductivos. Cuatro puntos que consideramos el Estado peruano viene incumpliendo sus compromisos internacionales ya sea por acción u omisión, o por no adoptar medidas para impedir la violación de estos derechos. …
Respect Choice. Safe Abortion a Prerequisite for Safe Motherhood is the fourth in a series of publications presented by the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education (RFSU) in 2004, in conjunction with the 10th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), held in Cairo in 1994. This book consists of a collection of articles about the issue of safe abortion. …
This report is based on research and interviews conducted by the Center between June 2009 and February 2010. The Center gathered the experiences of 59 women through a combination of in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. This report proposes specific recommendations to all partners involved in abortion-related issues included the Government of Kenya.
This study is an article extracted from "Studies in family Planning" published in December 2008. The objective of this study is to analyse abortion practices and beliefs among adolescents and young adults in Tanzania, where abortion is illegal. From 1999 to 2002, six researchers carried out participant observation in nine villages and conducted group discussions and interviews in three others. Most informants opposed abortion as illegal, immoral, dangerous, or unacceptable without without the man's consent, and many reported that ancestral spirits killed women who aborted clan descendants. …
The paper presents a result of the study undertaken among both married and unmarried rural Maharashtra (India) adolescents who had undergone in the same geographic area. The study aimed to explore their access to services, decision-making on determinants of provider choice and extent of morbidity experienced.
In the 1973 landmark case Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court applied the core constitutional principle of privacy and liberty to a woman’s ability to terminate a pregnancy. In Roe, the Court held that the constitutional right to privacy includes a woman’s right to decide whether to have an abortion. …
The handbook offers direction to activists working to ensure that it is permitted by law are safe and accessible, in accordance with international mandates. It reviews key in successful advocacy campaigns, including: envisioning needed changes in services; building and managing effective partnerships for advocacy; increasing awareness of the need for change among a variety audiences; and helping prepare the health system and related sectors to offer safe sex.
A skills-building resource pack on gender and reproductive health for adolescents and youth workers, with an emphasis on violence, HIV, STIs, unwanted pregnancy. The pack contains a manual, curriculum cards and overhead transparencies/handouts, provides an introduction to the topic of gender and sexual and reproductive health using a progressive focus that works from simpler subjects and exercises towards more complex topics and participatory activities.
Despite wide international legal support for a woman's right to access safe and legal abortion, the procedure still remains unsafe and out of reach for many women around the globe. The Center's publication Making Abortion Safe, Legal and Accessible: A Toolkit for Action is a valuable resource for abortion rights advocates and policymakers who are working to reform abortion laws in restrictive settings. The toolkit packages together the most compelling arguments for liberalizing laws regulating abortion. …