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This animated tutorial is a pliot version that has been designed for the Mandarin speaking population in China and around the world. All formats available for free download at:
This booklet is the eighth in a series of publications that address key themes of UNESCO’s work in HIV and Health Education. It marks the first of several contributions to school-based health promotion that UNESCO will produce to complement our work in HIV and sexuality education. The booklet lays out the context, extent and impact of homophobic bullying and synthesizes lessons learned as well as good policies and practices for an education sector response to homophobic bullying. This booklet is intended mainly for education sector policy-makers, planners and managers. …
Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS.
This strategy summarises UNESCO's role in its capacity as a specialised agency of the UN. It provides a framework to guide the collective efforts of UNESCO at global, regional and country levels and describes how UNESCO will contribute to the goal of Universal Access and address current challenges in the response to HIV and AIDS. More specifically, it sets out UNESCO's contribution to the achievement of the goals of the UNAIDS Strategy and Outcome Framework 2011-2015 and UNESCO's role within the revised UNAIDS Division of Labour. …
This report card aims to provide a summary of HIV prevention for girls and young women in China. This Report Card is one in a series produced by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), under the umbrella of the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, and with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Young Positives. The Report Card is an advocacy tool. It aims to increase and improve the programmatic, policy and funding actions taken on HIV prevention for girls and young women in China. …
This booklet is the sixth in a series of publications that address key themes of UNESCO's work on HIV & AIDS and the education sector. It synthesizes lessons learnt, activities, case studies, policies and practices in HIV-related pre-service teacher education and training. The guide concerns the key role pre-service teacher training has in preparing future teachers to deliver effective sexuality education and HIV prevention education to children and young people in education institutions.
This survey investigates knowledge, attitudes, behavior and practices (KAB/P) among different segments of society in six important Chinese cities Kunming, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Wuhan, Zhengzhou and Beijing. The survey was conducted by Renmin University with financial and technical support from UNAIDS, the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria (GBC), and Ogilvy. …
This recommandation is a response to the fact that HIV and AIDS have a serious impact on society and economies, on the world of work in both the formal and informal sectors, on workers, their families and dependants, on the employers' and workers' organizations and on public and private enterprises, and undermine the attainment of decent work and sustainable development. It presents general principles and national policies that members of ILO should adopt about prevention, stigma, discrimination, treatment, support and information.
Declaración que entrega diez razones por las que los Derechos Humanos deben ser el eje de las políticas de respuesta al VIH/sida, y como esta orientación no siempre es considerada. Incluye un listado de portales de internet.
In 2002, UNESCO Bangkok developed an advocacy kit targeted at middle- and senior level officials of Ministries of Education, aimed at the promotion of HIV/AIDS preventive education and increasing awareness of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector in South East Asia. The project was implemented with funds granted by UNAIDS. …
This course is a self-access e-learning course primarily designed for people who are involved in educating young people in both formal and informal educational settings. This course aims to build a broad knowledge base on HIV and AIDS. Learners will gain an in-depth understanding of the scientific, social, behavioural and health-related aspects of HIV and AIDS. By the end of the course, learners should fully understand the links between the factors that continue to drive HIV and AIDS and those influencing the experiences of people living with HIV and AIDS. …
This booklet aims to increase understanding of the characteristics of efficient and effective HIV and AIDS responses. It is designed to explain in a user-friendly and accessible format what these characteristics mean in practice, and how they can be applied, integrated and institutionalised into HIV and AIDS planning and programme processes. It targets programme implementers and project managers developing and implementing activities (largely in the area of HIV prevention) within UNESCO. …
A growing body of evidence exists to demonstrate what constitutes an effective school-based sexuality education programme. The factors that contribute to successful implementation of effective school-based sexuality education at regional, country or local levels - so-called "levers of success" - are less clear. These are the focus of this publication. The term levers of success is used to describe the conditions and actions that have been found to be conducive to the introduction or implementation of sexuality education. Such levers are both general and specific. …
It's All One Curriculum is a free, full-color resource for developing sexuality and HIV education curricula with an emphasis on gender and rights. It enables educators to teach young people about such topics as: Gender norms; Communication and decisionmaking; Sexual consent and coercion; Fairness and human rights (including sexual rights); Power and relationships; Preventing HIV, STIs, and unwanted pregnancy; Puberty; Social change. The first volume, Guidelines, includes seven content units, 22 fact sheets, points for reflection to foster critical thinking, and a module on advocacy. …
Based on a rigorous and current review of evidence on sexuality education programmes, this International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education is aimed at education and health sector decision-makers and professionals. It has been produced to assist education, health and other relevant authorities in the development and implementation of school-based sexuality education programmes and materials. Volume I focuses on the rationale for sexuality education and provides sound technical advice on characteristics of effective programmes. …